The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1461: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (31)

   Chapter 1461 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (31)

  Because of his absurd association, the handsome-looking half-breed instantly pursed his thin lips into a straight line.

  How could he be so humiliating to Xier?

  Compare the angel who did not despise him in his childhood to a mad woman?

   It must have been because he hadn't seen Su Xi'er for a while, that this wrong association came about.

  Mu Hanting originally planned to find someone to deliver the white jade piano to Su Xier at the Mu family's old house, but because of the absurd mood at the moment, he planned to go there in person.

   Even with it, Mu Hanting suddenly felt that his interest in Su Qinghuan was a little too much in the past two days, and even made the man feel a certain sense of guilt.

   Mu Hanting hurriedly glanced at Su Qinghuan, his eyes darkened immediately, and then he left Lanyuan.


   The little fox sensed the complicated look in Mu Hanting's eyes before he left. She was a little confused about what Mu Hanting was looking at herself, but after a while, the little fox received a prompt from System 233.

   "Ding, Mu Hanting's favorability has dropped by 5, and the current favorability is 25."

   "??? This man is sick, so what happened to me? Is it because I eat alone and don't bring him?"

   The little fox held the Shenxianju breakfast in his hand, and immediately rolled his eyes to the sky.

   A man with such a small belly, normal people can't look down on him.


   And System 233 weakly reminded Su Qinghuan what was going on.

"Host, it's not like this, because Mu Hanting feels that he has been close to you these two days and feels sorry for Su Xi'er. After all, in his eyes, Su Xi'er is his savior, maybe he didn't have those food when he was a child. , he was already dead on the street."


   The little fox felt even more nauseous when he heard this.

   "Don't say that the original owner is the one who really saved Mu Hanting. Even if the original owner and Mu Hanting didn't have a half-money intersection, Mu Hanting's brain circuit is too absurd."

   "It would be fine if he went after Su Xier in an upright manner. Now, because of the white lotus flower, he is sorry for two people at once. He wants to repay this Schrödinger's kindness. Why would he hurt the original owner, an innocent girl?"

   The little fox was so angry that he couldn't eat any more, but when he lowered his head, he realized that the breakfast at Shenxianju had been eaten up by himself.

   Well, she's such a good kid who responded to the CD action.


   System 233 understood why the little fox looked down on Mu Hanting, but also, as an artificial intelligence, System 233 also did not understand why the little fox chose the current strategy.

   "Host, in fact, you can see that Mu Hanting's current behavior doesn't really like Su Xier much, it's just to repay his childhood kindness."

   "Since Mu Hanting has this kind of obsession, why don't you expose Su Xi'er's mask and clarify that you are the one? In this case, wouldn't it be more effective if you attack him?"

"Pfft... Tong'er, that's how naive you are, let alone Mu Hanting who believes in Su Xi'er more, it's difficult for me to clarify. The most important thing is, have you forgotten the original owner's obsession? Trample the minds of these scumbags."

   "Then do you think Mu Hanting regrets it more by clarifying this matter now, or will he regret it even more when he finds that he has hurt the people around him who shouldn't hurt the most when his favorability increases in the future?"

"And obviously, Mu Hanting's so-called repayment is really just obsession, not true love, otherwise he would have been crazy about Su Xi'er long ago, and this person is also very selfish in nature. , I just want to find some compensation for my dark childhood."

   The more the little fox thought about it, the more he felt that Mu Hanting, Li Zihao and Li Moyao were both ill, and even lacked love since childhood. Such people should go to a psychiatrist for treatment.

  Even though the appearance is full of flowers, the heart is devastated, with no grass growing, and there is not even a trace of basic compassion for being a human being, let alone the ability to empathize.

Don't look at the fact that the Li family's twin brothers had much better material conditions than Mu Hanting when they were young, but most of the reason they were able to grow into this kind of virtue was only material spoiling and spiritual harshness. People really love like a gentle breeze.

How can someone like    know how to love others in the right way?


   Hearing the little fox's analysis, System 233 was deeply moved.

   "Host, what you said really makes sense, but aren't you afraid that if you don't clarify, what did this snake-sperm disease do that would be detrimental to your personal safety?"

   "Pfft, don't worry, your host isn't a vegetarian, and I think this way of increasing favorability in the same way as M is, maybe after a while, he will recognize exactly what his heart is following."


   The little fox guessed right, because Mu Hanting was reluctant to admit his affection for her. The man was not busy with work these days, but after having the absurd comparison in his heart, Mu Hanting avoided Su Qinghuan.

   He is so busy with work every day that he never comes to the villa where the little fox lives.

  The little fox is of course happy to be quiet.

   This kind of snake essence disease, if there is no need for a strategy, the little fox really feels tired even staying with each other for an extra second.

   Mu Hanting's handsome face is beautiful, but unfortunately the soul under the skin is chilling.


   And because of Mu Hanting's neglect, the little fox and Li Zihao chatted more frequently. The two chatted about everything on WeChat every day.

   also played a shooting game together. The little fox has a good way of playing games, and it is very different from the beautiful and soft appearance. In the game, he is completely the type of royal sister, but Li Zihao has become the one protected by the little fox.

   Even before Friday, the little fox had made Li Zihao's favorability rating for her climb to 45 points because of chatting and teaming up for the past few days. This favorability rating has surpassed ordinary friendship.

   You must know that Li Zihao seems to have a lot of responses, but the friends around him are almost all friends, and there may be none that can make Li Zihao take it to heart.

  Because this went too smoothly, the little fox also relaxed temporarily, and prepared to go to see the French artist Frank's private art exhibition with Li Zihao this Friday.


   After class on Friday, the little fox walked towards the north gate of the school, ready to wait for Li Zihao to meet.

  Unexpectedly, he suddenly saw a lot of people crowding around in front of him. The little fox looked up and saw a lengthened version of a 10-meter-long Hummer parked at the gate of the school.

   As soon as the car door opened, a group of bodyguards in black suits filed out, and they also brought out a very gorgeous white jade piano.

   The knowledgeable alumni exclaimed.

   "Isn't that the legendary Kuhn Bösendorfer grand piano?! My God, which fairy can use this piano?"

   "Looking at this hummer, I think the piano is real, I am so envious of the person who plays the piano, woo woo..."

   (end of this chapter)

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