The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1462: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (32)

   Chapter 1462 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (32)

   The little fox saw that piano, as a layman who loves money, what flashed in his mind was not how wonderful the art was, but how many 0s were marked behind the price of the piano.

   The little fox thought about it, and suddenly felt a little familiar, and she had a flash of inspiration.

   "Tong'er, isn't this the white jade piano from the Mu family's old house? I remember it was worth tens of millions, Mu Hanting is willing to lend it to Su Xi'er? Aren't you afraid of the meat buns hitting the dogs, there's no return?"

   "Cough, maybe people are very happy."

   "Yes, Mu Hanting is so rich now, what should I worry about for this dog man."

   The little fox pouted and was about to leave, but who would have expected that a delicate figure would arrive late amid the envy of everyone.

   "Brother Mu!"

   Hearing Su Xier's pretentious call, the little fox suddenly turned his head, and was a little surprised that he didn't see his cheap husband Mu Hanting just now.


   The little fox followed the eyes of everyone in amazement and saw a pair of handsome men and women standing in front of the white jade piano.

   I saw that Su Xier was obviously well-dressed, and Mu Hanting didn't know when to walk out of the extended Hummer.

   The handsome appearance of the mixed-race child is very eye-catching everywhere, especially at this moment, Su Xier's little bird is snuggling up next to Mu Hanting, making him more and more tall and handsome.


The alumni of   A University didn't know Mu Hanting's identity, but from the man's handsome appearance, noble bearing, and the pomp of the bodyguard, it was inevitable to whisper.

   "Didn't you say that the art department flower is single? She even rejected the pursuit of the school's second young master Li. Who is this handsome guy next to her?"

   "Cough, look at this car, look at this piano, this handsome mixed-race guy must have been rich for several generations. I feel that he is not inferior to Li Ershao in every aspect."

   "No matter what background he is, handsome guys and beauties are such a good match together, it's a pair of beautiful people."

   "I feel that the handsome guy is standing in front of the white jade piano, and the light of the piano is inferior."

"Uuuuu, originally I followed suit and attacked Su Xi'er on the forum for being from an unhealthy background, but now I think about it, they are all winners in life, okay? With Yan, rich, and handsome guys to accompany me, Xihua is out of order, right? I am so envious of this kind of life!"

  Su Xi'er naturally heard the words of those people, but she didn't mean to explain it at all. The girl stood beside Mu Hanting with a sweet and generous smile, enjoying the envious eyes of other alumni.

  Because today she was given enough face by Mu Hanting inside and out, even though Su Xier was usually afraid of Mu Hanting, at this moment she finally leaned on Mu Hanting flatteringly for the sake of profit.

   She pretended to be shy and held Mu Hanting's hand, tiptoed close to Mu Hanting's ear, and said with an embarrassed look.

   "Brother Mu, they seem to have misunderstood that we are a couple. Oh, I really envy my sister for having someone like Brother Mu. Brother Mu, you gave me such a precious piano, my sister won't be angry, right?"

Su Xier leaned on Mu Hanting, almost exhaling like a blue orchid. A normal man would definitely not be able to resist, but when Mu Hanting faced Su Xier's intimacy and coquettishness, the man stiffened and even subconsciously wanted to push Su Xier away. .

   Just when Mu Hanting frowned and felt uncomfortable, he suddenly heard a word from the crowd.

   "Thanks to the two of you, it's just a piano, of course I won't be angry."

Because of the powerful spirit of the little fox, her ear power is far better than that of ordinary people. Originally, the little fox was going to walk away after watching the excitement for a while. When she heard Su Xier's shameless CUE herself, she simply walked away from the crowd with a smile. China and Vietnam came out.


   Mu Hanting's pupils shuddered when he saw that beautiful but straight figure.

   He didn't know what was wrong. He had obviously resisted meeting with Su Qinghuan for the past few days, and subconsciously suppressed himself from thinking about this fiery woman.

   But when he saw Su Qinghuan's face, Mu Hanting realized that he would rather be standing beside him than Su Xier holding hands.

   is crazy.

   How could Su Qinghuan compare to Xier?

   Because of this thought, Mu Hanting's body pressure became lower and lower, his thin lips pursed tightly, and he scolded the little fox coldly.

   "Su Qinghuan, what are you doing here?"

   The onlookers did not hear Su Xier's whisper to Mu Hanting before, nor did they know the relationship between Mu Hanting and Su Qinghuan.

   Seeing that Mu Hanting was so aggressive when he saw Su Qinghuan, they would never have guessed that Mu Hanting had held a banquet with Su Qinghuan.

   "Wow, really, there are many disputes between the rich and powerful, Su Xier's messenger, don't you want to dislike your sweetheart's half-sister?"

"Hey, yesterday in the school forum, I saw the news that the school flower and the art department flower are a family. I was shocked. She is also the daughter of the Su family. Su Qinghuan is a little pitiful,"

   "That's right, not to mention how much Su Xi'er is favored in the Su family, and even the opposite sex, I think she is much better than the school flower..."


   Facing everyone's sympathetic eyes, the little fox didn't care. She met Mu Hanting's cold, knife-like gaze, and then her eyes slowly moved to Su Xi'er, who was hiding behind the man.

   A mocking smile appeared on the corner of the little fox's lips.

   "Why, you opened the gate of the school? I was admitted to University A by my own strength. Can't I walk around University A?"

   "Sister, why are you so angry when you come up? It's fine if you don't like Xi'er, why did you scold you with Brother Mu?"

   When Su Xier heard the little fox's words, tears rolled slowly in her eyes.

   She even faintly felt that the little fox deliberately mentioned the matter of taking the A university entrance examination. After all, no one else knew about it, but Su Qinghuan knew that she only got the A university through donations from her father.

   "Did I scold you?"

  The little fox shrugged. She didn't say in public that they were scumbags and scumbags. It was already very polite, okay?

   Just when Mu Hanting was angered by the girl's reckless attitude, suddenly, accompanied by the roaring sound of a sports car, a very chic voice came from mid-air.

   "Looks like I'm late? Almost missed a good show?"

   Mu Hanting heard the frivolous tone, and immediately understood who was coming.

   What made the man even more angry was that a glamorous purple Lamborghini came into view and stopped beside Su Qinghuan.

   And Li Zihao rolled down the car window, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, first glanced at the white jade piano, and then gave Su Qinghuan a charming smile.

   "Qing Huan, don't join in these boring fun, it's just a white jade piano. I have a much rarer musical instrument at home, how about I show you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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