The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1463: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (33)

   Chapter 1463 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (33)


   Facing Li Zihao's invitation, the little fox smiled sweetly and quickly got into Li Zihao's car.

  Li Zihao saw the little fox's generous smile, he raised his brows slightly, and admired the little fox's free and easy personality even more in his heart.

  Li Zihao quickly stepped on the accelerator, and the purple Lamborghini left directly from the public's sight.

The speed of    is so fast that it almost makes one wonder if it is a dream.


   And Mu Hanting saw the figure of the two leaving with each other, his sharp sword brows were wrinkled, and the anger in his heart came up all at once.

   This woman Su Qinghuan is so absurd, how dare she leave with Li Zihao in front of him!

  Where do you put your husband? !

   And when Su Xier saw Mu Hanting's brows furrowed, her heart skipped a beat.

  ——Why do you think that Brother Mu seems to care about Su Qinghuan inexplicably?

   Was it because Su Qinghuan had held a banquet with him anyway, was Mu Hanting afraid that others would laugh at him with a green head?

   Or was it because Mu Hanting was so attracted to Su Qinghuan?


  A woman's sixth sense is the most accurate.

  If it's the former, it's fine, but if it's the latter, Su Xier's heart was beating nonstop, and she suddenly became extremely nervous.

  No, she would never tolerate Su Qinghuan stealing Mu Hanting's attention. After all, although Su Xier didn't like Mu Hanting, she couldn't stand Mu Hanting because he was too powerful.

   Even, Su Xier still wanted to leave a way out for herself.

Li Zihao is surrounded by beauties like clouds, bees and butterflies. If this **** becomes a pillow person, it will be unreliable. Seeing Li Zihao and Su Qinghuan getting close, Su Xier feels unlucky and jealous, but she can't help laughing at Su Qinghuan. Ask yourself for trouble.

And Li Moyao is so difficult to approach, Su Xier has used countless means against Li Moyao these years, and this man is also incompetent. If there is no handsome guy around Li Moyao to approach, Su Xier will doubt whether Li Moyao likes men. .

   On the other hand, Mu Hanting, although his background was a bit poor and his temper was a bit surly, but now a man is actually in charge of the Mu family.

Outsiders said that Mu Hanting was decisive in killing and was a ruthless man, but since he paradoxically "admitted" that she had saved Mu Hanting's life, Mu Hanting really did everything to her, and he did nothing to her. What a temper.

  If she really can't become the eldest young grandma of the Li family, Su Xi'er even thought that if Mu Hanting can really put away his violent side in front of her, she might not be unable to marry her.

As for the fact that Su Qinghuan and Mu Hanting held a banquet, Su Xier didn't care about it at all. Who knows, Su Qinghuan and Mu Hanting are a couple in name only, and Mu Hanting didn't even get a marriage certificate from her. !

   And on the wedding night, he just left the bride alone in the hotel. In their wealthy circle, who is not laughing at Su Qinghuan's miserable marriage?


Su Xi'er thought like this, looking at Mu Hanting's handsome face like a monster. In the past, she was more afraid of the cruelty of men, but because of the deviation of her mind, she now has such a flower protector for herself, and she said no in her heart. Out of pride and care.

   She will never allow her everything to be taken away by Su Qinghuan!

  Su Xi'er immediately wrapped around Mu Hanting's arm more gently and carefully, she bit her lip lightly, those beautiful and moist eyes seemed to be infinitely distressed at the moment.

   "Brother Mu, my sister is too naive, how could she run away with brother Zihao without your consent?"

   "If I were my sister, I would never do this..."

Su Xi'er said, and tried to move forward without a trace, wanting to hold Mu Hanting warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms, but who would have guessed, Mu Hanting's eyes were cloudy, and he suddenly threw Su Xi'er's hand away opened.

  Su Xier never thought that her beauty and gentle offensive would not work on Mu Hanting, she staggered and almost fell to the ground.

   Fortunately, there was a piano stand next to it, and Su Xier barely stood still while holding onto the piano body. She had long heard that Mu Hanting was a moody monster, but Mu Hanting had never really gotten mad at her before.

   But this time, because of Su Qinghuan, he was angry with himself!


  Su Xi'er felt more uncomfortable the more she thought about it, but on the other hand, doesn't this prove that Su Qinghuan really offended Mu Hanting completely?

   I should play the role of understanding the general and understanding the language more better.

   Tears welled up in Su Xi'er's eyes. She raised her head in extreme grievance. Her whole person was obviously sad, but she still wanted to be strong and comfort Mu Hanting.

   "Brother Mu, what's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood? Or should Xi'er accompany you to dinner to relieve your boredom?"

   Mu Hanting swept over Su Xier's eyes with tears in his eyes, apparently showing infinite forbearance. For some reason, the man's heart became more irritable.

In the past, he must have thought that Su Xi'er was very strong, and that he could still take care of the overall situation, but now in the man's mind, he couldn't help but flash Su Qinghuan holding a Colt Falcon, even if he was hung on the roof, he was still stubborn. Appearing to lose.

   In contrast, Su Xi'er is really... too weak, like a delicate dodder flower, beautiful is beautiful, but without a man, she seems to be unable to live.


   Actually, Mu Hanting didn't think there was any problem with this before, and even thought that Su Xi'er could easily arouse his desire for protection, but now, he felt a little boredom in his heart.

  Mu Hanting forcibly endured the irritability in his heart, thinking of Su Xier's kindness, and coldly issued the last order of expulsion.

   "Xi'er, I'm still entertaining at night, so I don't need you to accompany me."

   Without waiting for Su Xier to speak, Mu Hanting abruptly got on the extended Hummer. Seeing the suddenly closed door, Su Xier suddenly felt the man's heartlessness and cruelty.

   There are so many students and spectators around, why can't Mu Hanting give her the last face, and he has to find such a reason to reject her!


  Su Xi'er was almost distorted with anger, but when she thought that Mu Hanting's tens of millions of pianos were still here, the girl gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down.

   She glanced angrily at the few remaining bodyguards.

   "Will you not move me to the piano room?"

   "Okay, Miss Su."

Father Su donated a teaching building to University A for Su Xier. Although the classmates knew very little about it, the teachers of the art department knew it well, so they usually reserved a separate practice for Su Xier. piano classroom.

  Su Xier was playing the piano, but the anger in her heart was even stronger.

   She has already inquired about this art performance, and the school will invite Li Moyao to attend as an outstanding alumni.

   Even if she can't win against Li Moyao, she must use her talent to ruthlessly trample Su Qinghuan under her feet in front of the whole school!

   (end of this chapter)

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