The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1471: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (41)

   Chapter 1471 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (41)

   The lights suddenly came on, and when the little fox turned around, he saw Mu Hanting who appeared behind him at some point.

   The man didn't know how long he had been here, but he was still wearing the same suit he used to be at A University. If he didn't have that fierceness between his brows, he looked a bit like a social elite.

   However, as soon as you see a man's handsome eyebrows, you will subconsciously have a sense of fear like a herbivore facing a large carnivore.

  Mu Hanting has lived a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife for so many years, even if he is in a suit and leather shoes, he still feels uncertain, as if he is a vicious beast that will choose someone at any time.


   But others will be afraid of Mu Hanting, but little fox is not.

  Su Qinghuan glanced at Mu Hanting sarcastically, and then began to bend over and take off her high heels.

   "Mu Hanting, it seems ridiculous that you use this sentence to question me? It seems that you haven't been here for a week, right?"

   "Do you really consider this place your home?"


   Except for Su Qinghuan, no one would dare to confront Mu Hanting like this.

   The man's ink eyes narrowed slightly, because his heart was unhappy, the deep and cold eyebrows became more and more unfathomable.

The    man also looked at the little fox mockingly.

   "Su Qinghuan, when did you consider this place your home?"

   "I never said that I was going home. It's like you won't come. When have you seen me take the initiative to question you? It's better to be a human being with some AC."

  The little fox rolled his eyes at Mu Hanting. She was wearing a simple silk dress today, which was very elegant and generous, but because of this bending over, the girl's beautiful figure was vividly outlined.

  The waist is the waist, the legs are the legs, and even the ankles are illuminated by the light at the entrance, they are all exquisite porcelain white like fine white jade.

  Mu Hanting should have been angry, but when he saw such a beautiful scene, his throat felt dry for no reason.

   Obviously, Su Xier's figure is not inferior to this woman with sharp teeth and sharp mouth. When she was at the gate of University A before, Su Xier took the initiative to stick to him so close that she almost fell into his arms.

   But he was inexplicably stiff...

   At this moment, he just saw the little fox change his shoes, but he felt that a fatal attraction emanated from Su Qinghuan.


   Is it because he always regards Su Xier as an angel in his heart, who can only watch from a distance and cannot be blasphemed, or is it because he is confused by the woman in front of him?

  Mu Hanting was reluctant to admit that he had such a slight affection for Su Qinghuan. If he was willing to admit it, he would not have stopped coming to the villa for a week.

  The man suppressed the dryness in his heart, and coldly dragged the little fox aside.

   "It takes so long to change shoes, are you here to hook up with people on purpose?"


   The little fox was really going to be annoyed now, she put on her slippers mockingly, deliberately wanting to be angry with Hanting.

   "I'm sorry, I made you narcissistic. Even if I really want to hook up with someone, it's absolutely impossible to be you. After all, who doesn't know, Young Master Mu only has my little white lotus sister in his heart."


Seeing Su Qinghuan making fun of him about defending Su Xier, Mu Hanting frowned. He should have refuted the little fox for not saying bad things to Su Xier, but he didn't know what was wrong. At this moment, there was a strange feeling in his heart. Happy to come.

   "Su Qinghuan, aren't you jealous? My relationship with Xi'er is not something that a shrew like you can compare to."

  The man tried his best to look at the changes in the little fox's brows and expressions, but unfortunately, he saw the little fox sitting down on the velvet sofa candidly.

   The girl supported Yi with one hand, with a clear smile on the corner of her lips, her attitude was extremely calm, and there was no hint of jealousy at all.

   "I have nothing to be jealous of. You like the white lotus flower of Su Xier, which only shows that you have bad taste."


   Seeing that Mu Hanting was going to be angry again, the little fox put his finger to his lips with a smile and hissed.

   "Don't be so angry, Master Mu, don't you think it's really boring for us to fight each other here every day? Maybe you just wanted to humiliate me for the white moonlight in your heart and make me uncomfortable."

   "Now my reputation has been ruined by you guys, and I've seen it, how about I help you and Su Xier?"

   Seeing Mu Hanting's eyebrows tightened, the little fox slowly introduced the topic.

   "Have you never thought about marrying Su Xi'er? You married me to make her happy, so have you ever thought that if you marry me and divorce, I will be disgraced, and she will be happier?"

   The little fox has long wanted to regain her freedom, and she has also considered it when she spares no effort to blacken herself.

After all, since getting along with Mu Hanting during this period, the little fox has found that Mu Hanting's favorability to her has risen quite well, at least faster than Li Moyao. It would be too difficult for her to regain her freedom when it comes to divorce.

   Might as well take advantage of the present and cut through the mess with a quick knife.

   I'm afraid even Mu Hanting himself doesn't know what is gratitude and what is true love.

   Even the little fox has to complain, Mu Hanting doesn't even know the correct way to repay his gratitude, so he is not a normal person.


  Mu Hanting obviously did not expect that the little fox would file for divorce so quickly.

  The man's eyes were cold, and he suddenly walked to Su Qinghuan's side. He supported the sofa with one hand, and his tall figure enveloped her, like a thick dark cloud floating over, making the world become colder.

   "What trick are you playing? Xi'er doesn't like me at all."

  Mu Hanting is not a fool either. For someone like him who has been struggling at the bottom for more than ten years to get his current status, of course, he can see that Su Xier is using himself, saying that he doesn't feel heartache at all, which is naturally a lie.

But the impression that the angelic girl in his childhood left on his mind was too deep. He was reluctant to destroy the only light in his dark world, and did not force Su Xier by his side, so he could only follow Su Xier It means that the choice destroys the original owner.

   The huge space seemed to become cramped because of Mu Hanting's approach.

   The strong masculine atmosphere came, and if it was another little girl, it might be hard to avoid heart pounding when such a handsome mixed-race man was close at hand, but the little fox was different, she was very calm and bewitched Mu Hanting.

   "Young Master Mu, you can see that my sister wants to marry the most powerful man. She now aspires to be the eldest young mistress of the Li family, isn't it because Li Moyao is recognized as the number one dignitary in City A?"

   "If you let the outside world see that you are more successful than Li Moyao? Others spurn your background and are afraid of your majesty, but in fact, who is not as good as Li Moyao?"

   "You divorced me, crushed Li Moyao in the mall, and grabbed Su Xier's attention, isn't it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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