The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1472: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (42)

   Chapter 1472 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (42)

   The handsome mixed-race youth was propping up the sofa with one hand, while the young girl looked up at him with a sly smile. If a third person saw this picture, they might have thought it was some kind of idol drama.

   However, the little fox was very calmly analyzing the benefits of divorce with Mu Hanting.


   Mu Hanting lowered his eyes idly, and stared at Su Qinghuan's moving red lips with dark eyes, because the distance was too close, the man could even smell the faint fragrance of Su Qinghuan's body.

   If you are away, it is refreshing.

In the past, he only thought that Su Qinghuan was pretty good-looking, but he was really a blank piece of paper, but recently he didn't know what happened. The closer he got to Su Qinghuan, the apex of his heart seemed to be scratched by something. of.

  If it weren't for the fact that there was still a trace of reason, and the stab wound under his left shoulder was still painful, I was afraid that Mu Hanting wanted to grab the chin of the little fox and have a good taste of what it was like.

   He thinks that he hates Su Qinghuan, and never touches women. After all, he is always on Su Xier's side, so he is more and more vigilant about any thoughts about the little fox.

   The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and the innate arrogance was hidden in his delicate eyebrows.

   "Why do you make me believe you? My cousin, although he has always been at odds with me, I also admit that he is indeed a rare genius."

   If it is said that Mu Hanting does business, it is bloody, violent, and desperate.

  Then Li Moyao is the exact opposite. In the business world, where there is no smoke of gunpowder, there is no blood. All the complicated interests of all parties can be analyzed by Li Moyao, so that the Li family can handle it for the best benefit.

  Like Li Zihao, Mu Hanting is naturally jealous of Li Moyao.

   This kind of jealousy is not just because Su Xier admires Li Moyao and wants to be the eldest grandma of the Li family.

It was because Mu Hanting was jealous that the Li family twins easily had everything he had given his life. In the eyes of others, the Li family twins were born noble, but Mu Hanting was just a despicable prostitute and was looked down upon by everyone. , look down.

Of course, the business territory of the Li family and the Mu family is large enough, and there is no need for the two parties to have many conflicts. Although Mu Hanting is fierce, but after all, the two parties are bound by blood, and they are more constrained by interests, so he will not faint. The mind is to face Li Moyao in life and death.

   In other words, Mu Hanting and Li Moyao are almost always the same, even in their attitude towards Su Xier, Mu Hanting chose to give up, while Li Moyao turned a blind eye to Su Xier.


   The little fox was relieved when she saw that Mu Hanting did not refuse, so she smiled and took out her mobile phone and shook it at Mu Hanting.

"The contact I'm showing you now is named Louis. He is a French businessman who has cooperated with the Li family in various ways. Now he wants to cooperate with the Li family on a biological vaccine and open up the country A market. I'll cut my beard for a while."

   "Just you?"

   Mu Hanting looked at Su Qinghuan suspiciously, obviously not believing that the little fox had the ability to grab food from a tiger's mouth.

  Su Qinghuan was not annoyed, she shrugged her shoulders.

   "Of course it's not just me. To be precise, I was the first to pretend to be a tiger, and with the energy of the Mu family, I drew a cake for this Louis."

   "The Mu family has more resources in biopharmaceuticals than the Li family, and I also promised that if we cooperate with Lewis, we can give a little more profit."

   Seeing Mu Hanting frowning, as if he was a little interested, Su Qinghuan quickly explained to Mu Hanting.

   "On the surface, it seems like a loss for us to give us a little more profit, but in reality it's not, because Li Moyao's original profit distribution for Louis has already been squeezed to the extreme, so Louis didn't let it go."

   "This profit division contract means that Li Moyao has already set up a framework for us, and we just copied the homework."

   "Moreover, the biological vaccines they want to cooperate have mature development mechanisms abroad. Almost all people are vaccinated, but the domestic market has not been opened at all. Only some families above the middle class will consider going abroad for replanting."

"But with the development of country A, the promotion of this area is imperative. I even dare to assert that the officials of country A are likely to be spread out nationwide. Let's take over this cooperation first, from several developed cities along the coast. Start, and the current profit prospect is tens of billions."

   "Just a few more points in the stock price is enough to quickly recover the cost. If there is an official takeover in the future, it will further increase the reputation of Mujia in biopharmaceuticals."


   The little fox had already collected some information on this, and soon took out his notebook and began to show Mu Hanting the specific business prospects.

  Unexpectedly, Mu Hanting's pupils shrank slightly, as if he was stinged by those very tall nouns.

  Although the man had made up for a lot of academic and business knowledge after he arrived at Mu's house at the age of eighteen, after all, he lost at the starting line and could not be compared with people like Li Moyao and Su Qinghuan.

   He has always hated reading and studying, and he is not afraid of being disobedient to the top students he hires. He believes in having a gun in his hand and never panicking.

  The man gave her a cold look.

   "You don't have to show me these, and I don't care about the project. Su Qinghuan, do you want to divorce me based on this cooperation? Why do you think that I will agree to you."


  Su Qinghuan smiled when he heard the words.

"It's very simple, I have listed enough reasons. First, we will get married and divorced, my reputation will be worse, and your Bai Yueguang will be happy; second, I can act as a dog-head military advisor for you. Bringing benefits, isn't that enough?"

   Seeing that the distance between the two people seemed too close, the little fox took another step back.

   "Mu Hanting, you know very well, aside from Su Xi'er, we don't really have any grudges. Now I can help you chase after her, or in other words, help you defeat Li Moyao, isn't that bad?"

   Mu Hanting's deep sword brows narrowed slightly, he noticed Su Qinghuan's retreating movement, the faint fragrance in the girl's hair retreated and Mu Hanting's brows wrinkled even deeper.

   When he saw Su Qinghuan's three words without leaving Li Moyao, the man suddenly blurted out.

   "You just want to take revenge on Li Moyao?"

   It's fake to help him chase Su Xi'er, is it true that you want to use the light of the Mu family to defeat Li Moyao?

  Su Qinghuan was stunned for a moment,

   "Yes and no."

  The girl stood up and looked at the window with some disappointment.

   "It may be a bit hypocritical to say it. I want to divorce because I yearn for freedom."

   The girl's side face is graceful and agile, and her eyelashes are fluttering like a butterfly that flutters her wings. Between the moonlight and the night, she is isolated and independent, as if she is out of tune with all things.

   In this distant world, if she doesn't reach out and catch her, she will become a fairy at any time.

   (end of this chapter)

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