The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1480: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (50)

   Chapter 1480 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (50)

  Li Zihao stood beside the little fox, not feeling that the little fox was doing too much at the moment.

   On the contrary, because he felt sorry for her, when Li Zihao looked up at Su Xi'er and Su's father, his expression became even colder.

   "Uncle Su, Su Xi'er, Qing Huan's words are all for this sake. Don't be ashamed of your face, hurry up and get out."


   Father Su saw that Li Zihao, a junior, dared to be so aggressive, he was so angry that he was so angry that he almost didn't catch his breath.

   Just because he was afraid of Li Jiaxuanhe's background, Su's father could only be soft on persimmons, so Su's father changed his target and looked at Su Qinghuan with extreme hatred.

   "Nirvana, you actually hired a security guard to drive away your biological father and sister. I'll let this matter publicize tomorrow, so that the entire upper-class circle will look down on you!"

   "Oh, whatever you want, anyway, you have built up a good father image in the media for so many years. Except for those in the wealthy circle, the public thinks that the daughter of the Su Group is only Su Xier, not Su Qinghuan."

"If you want to fish or die, you will be free. Anyway, if you are barefoot, you are not afraid to wear shoes. I will let the public know that you have abandoned your wife and daughter! For the daughter born by the original spouse, it is like a slap in the face, but for the little three and the children of the little three, they are in the sky. go with!"

"For ordinary people, I'm just an insignificant person, and I forget the gossip for a while, but you are the backbone of the Su Group, and whether the stock price will fall or not will have to say two things. Who is more embarrassing in the news, we'll see. ."

   The little fox's volume was not high, but the threat in his words made Father Su, an old man who had been in the mall, terrified.

  The company of the Su family is now just a false prosperity. Although it looks huge on the surface, it owes more debts, and its cash flow is even more stretched. If the cash flow fails one day, I am afraid it will be in jeopardy.

  If the little fox really wants to go out and rip his biological father to the media, it is inevitable that the Su Group's stock price will plummet.

  Because Father Su likes to portray an upright and kind entrepreneur in the media for so many years, and loves his daughter even more, many people think that his private life is just as glamorous on the surface.

   Nowadays, Father Su is enjoying the bonus of Wei Guangzheng’s people, and the boss also likes to let him participate in some major meetings as a representative. If Father Su is really attacked by public opinion, the negative effect will be immeasurable.


  Father Su looked at the little fox angrily, and finally became silent for a moment, he pretended to be authentic.

   "Qing Huan, we are father and daughter who are connected by blood. How can there be any overnight feud between close relatives? If you really bring down the Su Group, isn't that adding to yourself?"

   "Father is old now, and he has no son, only you and Xi'er two daughters. In the future, won't the Su Group be handed over to your two sisters? Why do you have to do things like this?"

   And Su Xier also wiped away her tears hypocritically, looking at the little fox with tears in her eyes.

   "Yes, sister, we are sisters, there is really nothing to fight, it hurts the harmony of my family."

   "I'm also younger than you, and I'm not good at managing business affairs. If my father retires in the future, you will definitely have a bigger voice in the Su Group. I'm also willing to be a green leaf behind you and help you."


   The little fox looked at Su's father and Su Xi'er with a half-smile, but felt that the words of Su's father and Su Xi'er were plainly disgusting.

   "You guys are too ridiculous, aren't you? I'm an adult anyway, so why are you still here to draw me a pie?"

   "Not to mention the Su Group, you are so reluctant to hand over my mother's inheritance to me, and you will hand over the Su Group to me in the future? Isn't this a nonsense?!"

"Don't worry, I don't have much interest in taking over your Su Group, which is about to be emptied. You guys should get out of here, anyway, you are considered to be famous people in City A. It's not too embarrassing to spend time with me here. ?"


   Father Su was exposed by the little fox, and his face was extremely uneasy, but the little fox still looked at him calmly, and the attitude between the two was obvious.

   And Su Xier was also extremely unwilling, but when she heard footsteps not far away, Su Xier knew that the security guard of the property that the little fox was looking for had arrived.

   Of course she and Father Su can continue to make trouble here, but what if Su Qinghuan, a crazy woman, is really twisted to find the media to accuse Father Su?

  Su Xi'er is not a very filial person. Like her father Su, she is an extremely refined egoist in her bones. More importantly, she does not want the Su Group's stock price to suffer setbacks than to protect Su's father and her own dignity.

   For so many years, Su Xier and Liu Meiyu have flattered Su's father at home, isn't it just to take over the Su Group one day?

  If the Su Group really became an empty shell, where would she go to make money? !


   Therefore, Su Xier could only suppress her inner anger and persuade her father.

   "Dad, forget it, my sister is in a bad mood today, let's go, I believe next time my sister will figure it out by herself."

   Going by yourself is better than being chased away by bodyguards.

  Su Xi'er said, and glanced at the little fox resentfully, and suddenly noticed the oil painting in the living room that Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao had just put up.

   is Frank's "Sunrise on the Lotus".

  The girl's pupils widened in shock for a moment.

  Su Xier is an art major, majoring in music, but in order to cultivate her artistic sentiment, Su's father naturally spent a lot of money to cultivate her daughter's appreciation of painting.

  Su Xi'er subconsciously wanted to check if it was genuine, but the security guard had already come over. The woman suppressed her inner doubts and followed Father Su unwillingly into the elevator.

   I heard that Frank had just held an art exhibition in City A. Even if Su Qinghuan inherited his mother's inheritance, he would definitely be reluctant to buy such a precious painting.

   Shouldn't it be given by the **** Li Zihao? !

   Su Xier thought of this possibility, and almost clenched her silver teeth.

   She knew that Li Zihao didn't like her right now, so she naturally couldn't ask him what the truth was.

   So Su Xi'er had no choice but to take out her mobile phone jealously and open Mu Hanting's WeChat.

  —Brother Mu, I really didn’t expect that my father and I would kindly visit my sister and see her walking with Li Zihao.

  —Excuse me if I take the liberty to ask, did you divorce your elder sister because her elder sister and brother Zihao got too close? Did they... cross the line?

  —Although my elder sister is my closest relative, you are also an important existence in my heart, brother Mu. I apologize to my elder sister for you, so please don’t be sad.

  It is said that the stone of the mountain can attack jade, which man can tolerate being cuckolded.

  Su Xier thought bitterly, it would be best if Mu Hanting could kill Su Qinghuan in his rage!

   (end of this chapter)

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