The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1481: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (51)

   Chapter 1481 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (51)

  Su Xier thought so distorted in her heart, she couldn't help but open Baidu search, trying to check the situation of Frank's private art exhibition.

   Sure enough, as soon as she typed in the keyword, Baidu came to the news that Frank's "Sunrise on the Lotus" exhibit had just been sold, but the specific buyer news page did not say.

  Assume that the exhibition was held last Friday, and Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao left the campus again, I am afraid that most of his guesses are true.

   It was really Li Zihao, the swinger, who gave such a precious painting as the little fox.

why? !

   That's 8 million, not 80,000, let alone 8,000.


  Even if it is a rich second generation, if it is only out of boredom to pick up girls, they will definitely not give such precious things easily.

  Otherwise, the rich second generation will be surrounded by beauties like clouds, even if the family has gold and silver mountains, this beauty will send one, and the one who is careful will send one, and the family property will be destroyed very quickly.

Take Su Xier herself as an example, her family has already crushed the vast majority of women in the country, but Su's father has so far refused to let her drive a luxury car worth the same value as the "Sunrise on the Lotus". Usually, Su Xier drives Cayenne, Aston Martin and the like.

  Su Xi'er was stubborn, so she urged her father to promise herself that she would give her a precious gift after she graduated from college.

  Su Xier had already thought about it. Father Su would not agree to send cars and paintings, so what she wanted was for Father Su to write down a property worth over ten million in her name.

  The fixed assets of more than 100 million yuan, she does not dare to delusional now, the Su family's cash flow is stretched, no matter how much Su's father favors Su Xier, how can he do such a thing in a daze.

  She has to wait for Su's father to be a little older, and one day she is hospitalized with a headache and a fever, and then she and her mother Liu Meiyu go to coax Su's father and transfer more assets to their mother and daughter.

  Simply Father Su is getting older now, and their mother and daughter are watching closely. Even if Father Su is messing around outside, they will never let Father Su give birth to a son.

   When Father Su is really old and about to put the coffin in the ground, the huge assets of the Su family will naturally belong to her Su Xier.


   This is what Su Xier has always planned.

   But she did not expect that what she had worked so hard to plan, Su Qinghuan could get so easily.

   That's eight million after all.

   She still has no such expensive assets under her name.

   Could it be that Li Zihao, the playboy, really took Su Qinghuan to heart and regarded him as a darling?

   The more she thought about it, the more ferocious her expression became, so she couldn't help adding fuel to Mu Hanting's WeChat message.

  ——Brother Mu, I really feel sorry for you. If my sister really betrayed you with Li Zihao in marriage, I will definitely stand by your side. real.

   After sending this sentence, the anger on Su Xier's face subsided slightly.

  Mu Hanting is a good knife.

   As long as the knife is not facing her, Su Xier will not be so afraid of this man.


   To Su Xier's surprise, she thought that her news would definitely set off a bloodbath. Unexpectedly, after seeing it, Mu Hanting only replied her with three words.


   These three words that were so lightly lifted made Su Xier's anger feel as if all her punches hit the cotton.

   In the end, it was Mu Hanting who was in a hurry, but he was bound by machismo, so he made such an understatement.

   Or does Mu Hanting not mind at all? !

  Su Xi'er became more anxious the more she thought about it, but she wrote a lot of words, but in the end she couldn't help but delete them one by one, because the little fox also received a WeChat message from Mu Hanting.

   Mu Han's anger was very simple.

  ——Su Qinghuan, your eyes are really bad, Xier said that she saw Li Zihao at your place today? Do you really think this dude would be interested in a divorced woman?

   Little Fox received the news.

   sneered immediately.

  ——Mr. Mu, it doesn’t matter if Li Zihao is interested in me, as long as Su Xier is interested in you, a divorced man, it’s a pleasure to work with.


   After thinking about it for a while, the little fox gave Su Xier a screenshot of his cooperation plan with Mu Hanting.

   She is actually Mu Hanting's special assistant now, but not many people know about it.

   When the little fox gave Su Xier a screenshot of his title in the Mu Group, Su Xier's eyes widened in an instant.

   "No, it's impossible."

  Mu Hanting, how could he choose to cooperate with a woman like Su Qinghuan?

   Until Su Xier pulled down, she saw a screenshot of Su Qinghuan helping Mu Hanting and French tycoon Louis to negotiate the cooperation of a large biological vaccine project.

  Su Xier staggered back a step, feeling a little funny for a while.

   When did Su Qinghuan become so capable?

   And Su's father, who accompanied Su Xi'er to ask the teacher to ask the guilt, saw his daughter like this, and couldn't help but ask worriedly.

   "Xi'er, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

  Su Xi'er lowered her eyelashes and covered her heart, knowing that Mu Hanting wasn't so useful, she could only choose another way.

"Dad, sister's current style is too unbelievable. Look at her, she divorced brother Mu, and now she is involved with brother Zihao. In the future, sister is afraid that sooner or later, the Su family will be involved in the wealthy circle of city A. reputation in."

   "Dad, you must be strong first. In order to prevent your sister from slandering you, you must sigh and sigh in the surrounding friends and talk about how disobedient and unfilial your sister is."

   She doesn't believe it, Su Qinghuan's reputation is getting more and more corrupt in the circle, how many young dignitaries would dare to marry Su Qinghuan!

   Father Su nodded with a heartfelt heart, and he was indignant when he thought of Su Qinghuan's performance just now.

   "Okay, I will definitely publicize the scandalous deeds she did on behalf of this rebellious girl. It's time for our Su family to cut the banquet with your sister!"


  Su Xi'er and Su's father disliked the little fox, and the little fox also hated the father and daughter.

   She said coldly to the security guard who came over.

   "I don't pay such an expensive property fee every month. I don't want any cats and dogs to be included in the future, especially those two people today."

   "Okay, Miss Su."

   The security guard repeatedly agreed.


   And Li Zihao had mixed feelings in his heart when he heard what the little fox said.

Although he has long been able to guess what kind of life the little fox lived in the Su family, and how badly Su's father and Su Xi'er treated the little fox, he had never seen the little fox accusing him this much before. Two people.

   In Li Zihao's eyes, since he chose to marry Mu Hanting, Su Qinghuan seems to be indifferent to everything, and all the grievances and sufferings have become a smile on the corner of the girl's lips that is not worth mentioning.

   Unexpectedly, the little fox would show such a cold and stern side because of Father Su and Su Xier.

   Now, I don't even plan to see Su Xi'er and Su's father.

   After the security guard left, Li Zihao stared at the little fox.

   "Qing Huan, aren't you sad?"

   (end of this chapter)

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