The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1482: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (52)

   Chapter 1482 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (52)

   The young man who always looked at everything with affection and smiles, at this moment, his heart felt as if he had been stabbed by a needle, and the pain was stabbing.

   He couldn't help but blurt out.

   "Qing Huan, are you really not sad that Uncle Su and Su Xi'er treat you like that?"

   The man said that, but he was regretful and self-blame at the same time.

After all, he once teamed up with Su Xier to frame Su Qinghuan just for fun, although Li Zihao knew in his heart that even if he didn't have that kind of thing, he couldn't have the slightest bit towards Su Qinghuan. emotion.

The most    is to use Su Qinghuan as a useful shield.


   But now, thinking of the absurd things in his past, Li Zihao looked at the little fox with some worry, and he didn't even know how to face Su Qinghuan.

  If he is ashamed of himself because of past events and doesn't get close to Su Qinghuan, he will only feel more uncomfortable in his heart.

   But looking at the little fox at the moment, he couldn't help thinking of the things he did. Maybe he wasn't the one who hurt Su Qinghuan the most, but when the snow mountain collapsed, no snowflake was innocent.

   He no longer has the ability to look back in time and space for what has happened in the past, so he can only force himself to calm down and do more things in the future to make up for Su Qinghuan.


   The little fox saw that Li Zihao's handsome face was full of worry, but she just smiled, even raised her eyebrows and teased.

   "Didn't you ask this sentence once when we just ate hot pot? Now ask it again, do you think I'm a repeater?"


  Li Zihao laughed dumbly, and his original tight string was relaxed because of the understatement of the little fox.

   During this period of time, he has actually understood that the little fox is a person with high spirits.

  The more arrogant and arrogant a person is, after suffering the blow of his eldest brother's divorce, the easiest thing to do is to take his own life in a hurry.

   But since the little fox survived, it proves that she may be stronger than everyone imagined.

   She is not a vine climbing on a big tree, she lives by others.

   She should be a cold plum with frost and snow, or a slender green bamboo, in the wind and rain, control her own destiny.


   "Okay, I said something wrong."

   After Li Zihao breathed a sigh of relief, he appreciated the little fox a little more in his heart.

   In fact, compared to someone like Su Xier, he still prefers a girl who is pretentious and unpretentious. When he got along with Su Qinghuan, he found that he didn't seem to like acting as much as before.

  Perhaps in front of the person you are tempted to, no matter how you act, it will seem contrary to harmony. Only clumsy affection is the most sincere.

  Li Zihao's bewitching peach eyes locked on the little fox for a moment.

   "Qing Huan, didn't you say you wanted to invite me to join an event at University A? What exactly?"

   "Cough, this is a good guess."

   Little Fox originally wanted to say that Li Moyao would also attend as an excellent alumni, but when the words came to his lips, Little Fox was afraid of Li Zihao's heart.

   Well, not right.

  It's normal for him to be over-hearted.

   Originally, the little fox also saved the idea of ​​taking advantage of A University's cultural performance to attack Li Moyao, Mu Hanting, and Li Zihao at the same time.

   She has never been a weak person to be bullied, and she will not stick to the words of those guards.

   In the eyes of the little fox, the original owner's three wishes are a little bit in love, but in fact, they are too kind to these three scumbags.

   It is said that killing one’s heart is worse than killing one’s heart, but the fundamental reason is that the original owner’s wish is still to make up for the cold treatment and despair he has received in his life.

   She lacks love too much.

   That's why I want to take revenge on this kind of thing.


   Seeing the little fox looking at him with a half-smile but not with a smile, there was a kind of love in those almond eyes, which made it impossible to guess the girl's emotions.

   Li Zihao felt palpitations for a moment. He used to be the kind of person who was high above and teasing others. Now that he has changed positions, Li Zihao couldn't help feeling that it was too normal to fall in the eyes of the little fox.

   The young man gave a wry smile and quickly gave the answer.

"Could it be the A big art show that my brother is also going to attend? Qing Huan, in fact, I have always wanted to know, since you broke off from my eldest brother, your whole person seems to have changed, and it became obvious later. Befriend me."

   "Did you think of using me as my brother's stand-in just because you saw this face?"

   This is what Li Zihao has always been brooding about.

  Although he liked Su Qinghuan, he was always worried about this.

  From childhood to adulthood, Li Zihao was arrogant and unscrupulous on the surface, like an unruly character who didn't take anything in his eyes, but in fact, as long as everything was against Li Moyao, he would have some kind of inferiority in his bones.

   Because others like to compare him with Li Moyao.

  Li Zihao knows the gap between him and Li Moyao. If the second young master of the Li family is said to be a second-generation ancestor and a playboy, then Li Moyao is a real young nobleman and a business emperor.

   The gap between the two is like an invisible gap, which will always make Li Zihao bow his head to Moyao.


   This is also the reason why Li Zihao went to chat with Su Xier in the first place, and then teased the original owner with her.

   He just wanted to see that those women who were fascinated by his eldest brother were either stupid or bad, or they were extremely superficial, and if he teased a few words, they would easily turn red in the face and show affection.

   Now when he thinks that Su Qinghuan might approach him because he has a face that looks exactly like Li Moyao, the man's heart is like being cut by a knife.

  In the past, if a woman like this bumped into him, Li Zihao would only find it interesting, and let him watch the other party's performance with cold eyes, until the counter-offensive master took hold of the other party's mind and turned the other party into a clown.

   But now, really moved, Li Zihao realized that he was so calm before because he didn't enter the game at all.

  After he liked Su Qinghuan, even if he knew it was a trap, he couldn't help but jump in, bewildered and lost his mind for her.


   Little Fox didn't expect Li Zihao to ask this question with a wry smile. The man's always handsome and arrogant face now showed a rare trace of embarrassment and weakness.

  Li Zihao has always been chatting and laughing, and watching everything with ease, when has he ever been so timid in front of people.

   System 233 couldn't help feeling sympathy for Li Zihao.

   "Host, Li Zihao is so miserable, why do I feel that Sea King is a little pitiful when he moves his heart?"

   "Bah, why don't you feel sorry for the original owner?"

   The little fox was still very calm in her heart, she hooked her lips and smiled, looking at Li Zihao with a very clear expression.

   "Zihao, why do you think so?"

   "Although you and your brother are twins, they have completely different personalities. How could I possibly take you as his stand-in?"

   (end of this chapter)

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