The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1483: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (53)

   Chapter 1483 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (53)

Li Zihao saw his sweetheart's extremely clear apricot eyes. He should have believed in the little fox, but because of the inferiority of Li Moyao in his heart for so many years, Li Zihao couldn't help but pursed his thin lips and asked another question. .

   " didn't choose to chat with me just to be angry with my eldest brother?"

   When he ran into the little fox at the gate of University A, Li Zihao could actually see that Su Qinghuan was deliberately treating Li Moyao coldly.

   After all, before that, when was Su Qinghuan not crazy about his big brother?

   Even at the wedding with Mu Hanting, he frequently looked at Li Moyao, his eyes seemed to have hot tears, aggrieved and sad.

  These tears are of course not because of Mu Hanting.

   And only because of his big brother.


   In the past, Li Zihao could see these things clearly, but now, Li Zihao is suddenly a little unwilling, and he shouldn't have seen it so thoroughly.

   Even, he had some expectations that Su Qinghuan had better lie to himself.

  Li Zihao pursed his lips, like a large dog that was afraid of being abandoned by his master, he restrained the fierceness in his bones, and looked at Su Qinghuan with some grievances.

   The little fox couldn't help laughing dumbly when she saw Li Zihao's look like a petting caress.

   "Why do you think each one is more bizarre than the other? I said that I don't use you as a stand-in or I don't use you as a stand-in. As for making you angry with your elder brother, am I so naive?"

"Everyone is an adult. In fact, since I was divorced by Big Brother Li, I understand how cold he is, he doesn't care about me at all, even if I make you angry at him, Big Brother Li will not be moved at all. , why would I do such a stupid thing?"

   "Aren't you really kidding me?"

   When Li Zihao heard the little fox's words, the gloom in his heart dissipated seven or eight points. Looking at the girl's fresh and elegant face, his heart swayed even more.

   Even had the urge to hold the little fox in his arms.

   But the little fox dispelled his thoughts with great ease.

  The girl looked at him with clear eyes, there was no obsession and love that crossed the line, and some were just as clear as water in the friendship of gentlemen.

   "Yes, there is no need for me to lie. I have long since put down Big Brother Li. You are a friend I took the initiative to make, and you are willing to protect me. In my heart, your status is much more important than your brother."

   The little fox's eyes are sincere, and there is no falsehood.

   And what she said was the truth.

   At least, it is the truth after screening.

   Li Zihao's favorability is so easy to brush, and this playboy's actions towards the original owner are lighter than Li Moyao and Mu Hanting, so her dislike of Li Zihao is naturally lower than the other two.


   On the other hand, Li Zihao obviously did not realize the true meaning of the little fox, but when the man heard the word "friend" that Su Qinghuan deliberately mentioned, there was still a hint of sadness in his eyes.

   Just because Li Zihao was ashamed of what he had done to Su Qinghuan, he didn't dare to make a rash confession. He was determined to pursue the little fox step by step.

   Strive to change from an ordinary friend to a boyfriend.

   After thinking about this, Li Zihao's heart turned cloudy again. He was delighted that he had not hurt the little fox as much as his elder brother, so he looked at the little fox earnestly.

   "Okay, then what do you want us to perform at the A Grand Arts Festival?"

   "I've made up my mind. I want to dance an ancient dance. Don't you know how to play the guqin? How about you accompany me?"


  Li Zihao was stunned when he heard the words. He did learn Guqin when he was a child. That's because the Li family's parents felt that their youngest son was too impetuous since he was a child, so they wanted Li Zihao to learn something classical.

   The best guqin master in country A was hired at the beginning. I wanted Li Zihao to cultivate his sentiments and not be so frizzy and flamboyant.

   But after so many years, Li Zihao has never touched the guqin again, and his skills are naturally unfamiliar.

   Seeing the embarrassed look on Li Zihao's face, the little fox raised his eyebrows.

   "Aren't you happy?"


   In front of his sweetheart, how can a man say that he can't, that is, he really can't, and he is afraid that he will have to create conditions.

   What's more, it's just that the piano skills are unfamiliar.

  Li Zihao shook his head quickly.

   "I've never seen you dance. Now that you have such a blessing, it's too late for me to be happy. It's just the accompaniment. I'm sure I won't hold you back."

"But Qinghuan, where do you want to choose our usual training location? In fact, there are quite a few practice rooms in the Art Department of A University. Although you are not a student of the Art Department, if you want to come, I will directly ask the school to arrange it for us individually. one."

   Hearing Li Zihao's words, Su Qinghuan shook his head.

"Don't rehearse at the A University. I also want to keep some mystery for our newly debuted group. When we sign up for the competition, don't go there in person. Just submit the electronic registration form directly on the official website. What do you think the group name should be called? good?"


  Li Zihao looked at the beautiful face of the little fox, and thought that the little fox wanted to dance a classical dance, he said without hesitation.

   "How about calling the Allure Group?"

   Realizing that his ability to name names seemed too average, Li Zihao couldn't help but be afraid that his sweetheart would make fun of him, and he was subconsciously annoyed.

   "Will it be too earthy? If you don't like it, you can change it."

   "No, Qingcheng is quite suitable, don't you think that the two of us are not enough to turn all living beings upside down?"

   The little fox said this arrogantly, but he never thought he was flattering himself.

   It is said that beauty is more important than beauty without knowing it, but in fact, as long as it is a beautiful woman who is truly beautiful, unless she has been educated by the kind of frantically degrading suppression by her parents since she was a child, she must be beautiful and self-aware.

  Luoluo generously admits that he is good-looking, isn't this also a kind of unique beauty?

   You have to falsely say that you are very ordinary and ordinary, then you fall into the rut.


  Li Zihao saw the little fox recognizing himself with a smile, and his heart was more like eating caramel, sweet.

   "If you don't practice dancing in A, where are you going to rehearse? In this apartment, it's too small to perform well."

   When Li Zihao said this, he carefully observed the little fox's expression, fearing that his words would hurt the girl's self-esteem.

  Unexpectedly, the little fox is very free and easy.

   "Then we should go to your house? I remember that there are many vacant rooms in the old house of the Li family, and when you were a child, Uncle Li and Aunt Li must have spent a lot of money to practice the piano for you, right?"

   Actually, Li Zihao also had this intention, he sighed with relief when he heard the words.

   "Okay, let's start rehearsing this weekend?"

   He didn't know that little foxes could dance before, but girls born in the upper class, chess, calligraphy and painting, are more or less involved.

  Thinking that he could see Su Qinghuan's dancing before other alumni, the young man's heart couldn't help beating.

   (end of this chapter)

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