The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1484: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (54)

   Chapter 1484 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (54)

   In the face of Li Zihao's proposal, the little fox naturally has nothing to do.

   And she actually has another thought in mind. If she goes to the Li family's old house for rehearsal every weekend, she will have a chance to "run into" Li Zihao's brother Li Moyao.

   It's true that the little fox hates Li Moyao, but she also hides it. Li Moyao is the target she needs to attack.

   Li Zihao's favorability rating has already reached 80 points, and he is very sure that he is attracted to her and likes her.

   But Li Moyao and Mu Hanting are still too different.

   Especially Li Moyao.

   A mere 15 o’clock, what is enough?

  Although Mu Hanting is only 10 points higher than Li Moyao, but in the eyes of the little fox, it is not difficult to conquer Mu Hanting's humble childhood, the rise of teenagers, and the success of young people.

   If the original owner lacked love, then Mu Hanting could say that he almost never got any love.

  It is impossible for such a person to not have the longing to be cared for in his heart, but the injury is too severe, so he will form a thick cocoon of the wound and arm himself into a hedgehog.

  When you get along with others, you hurt others as well as yourself.

   And Mu Hanting has long been used to the wind and frost in the world, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this attitude.


   But what if Mu Hanting yearned for sunshine in his heart?

   From the fact that he mistook Su Xier for the original owner and gave back so much to Su Xier, it can be seen that Mu Hanting's heart is not a complete pool of stagnant water.

   This kind of person is definitely better than Li Moyao.

   On the contrary, Li Moyao, being smart and agile is just the first step.

  If it really leaves traces in Li Moyao's heart, what the little fox thinks is that it will leave countless senses of existence, but it always seems to be far and near, so that Li Moyao can't even ask for it.

   She didn't directly reply to Li Moyao's WeChat last time, that's why.


   "Okay, let's start this week."

   The little fox looked at Li Zihao with a smirk and crooked eyes, and his apricot eyes were as bright as stars, which made people's heart move.

  Li Zihao has been in love for a long time, and he couldn't help but fall into the eyes of the little fox.

   He blurted out subconsciously.

   "Then should I start preparing now? Don't you want to prepare for an ancient dance? Should I find a costume master to help us customize the clothes?"

   "No, let me do it, I want to design my own clothes."

Before the little fox got the plane reincarnation system of System 233, she was wearing that kind of fairy-like classical clothing, and she has been reincarnated in so many ancient planes and immortal planes, so she naturally has a higher aesthetic than ordinary people in the design of clothing. I don't know how many levels.

  Li Zihao was speechless.

   "You can also design clothes?"

  Although the Li family and the Su family are friends of life, and Li Zihao had a circle of friends of the little fox early on, he really didn't know that the little fox knew so many things.

   Can cook, dance, speak French, and design clothes.

   Plus his academic performance is so outstanding.

   is a decathlon.


   "There are so many things you don't know."

  The little fox frowned and smiled.

   "But I'm only going to draw the style of the clothes myself, decide the material of the clothes, the specific dress and shape, and still leave it to a professional person, after all, I don't have that much time."

   The meaning revealed by this sentence is profound.

  Li Zihao even thinks that the little fox means that she not only can design, but if there is fabric, she should be able to make ready-made clothes by herself.

   This is too outrageous.

  In the past, Li Zihao only thought that the eldest lady of the Su family was a dull and boring woman, except that she knew how to read books. She could be praised at most. She had a dignified and traditional character, and in the eyes of the elders, she was a good lady who was suitable for marrying back home.

   But Li Zihao didn't expect that the longer he was in contact with the little fox, the more he would realize that the little fox was a book that he could never finish reading.

   Every few pages, he will find more surprises.

   Moreover, her character is not as dull and boring as he thought before, but she is very agile, cunning like a fox, and does not follow the rules, she is a very interesting girl.


   When men are attracted to the opposite sex, it is always easy to wear a ten-level filter, not to mention that the little fox itself is excellent and beautiful, Li Zihao couldn't help but like the little fox even more.

  Li Zihao's tender and affectionate peach blossom eyes stared at the little fox for a moment with eyes that could almost drown people.

   "Then do I need to tell you my body shape data? Or do you have a tape measure in your apartment? Would you like to measure it on the spot? It's also convenient for our designer from Suzhou University to design a stage suit for me."


Li Zihao looked at the little fox with scorching eyes. It was easy for him to appear very intimate when it came to measuring clothes. He had almost never seen the little fox showing his little daughter's shyness for him, so he wanted to make fun of him. Su Qinghuan.

   It's just unbelievable, but the little fox didn't answer him at all.

   she said with a smile.

   "Why is it so troublesome, why don't you just give me a number? The Li family must have specially hired a designer to make clothes for you on a regular basis."


  Li Zihao was frustrated for a while, but the man was not discouraged when he saw his sweetheart smiling like a flower.

   "Okay, then I'll go back and ask someone to measure it again to see if I've grown taller recently."

   "Pfft, you're a sophomore, are you still taller?"

   The little fox burst out laughing.

   "My roommate is 1.9 meters tall, and he was still growing when he was in college! Why can't I!"

  Li Zihao glared at the little fox in disapproval. In fact, his height of over 1.8 meters was considered quite good among southerners, not to mention his broad shoulders and narrow waist, and his long legs even fascinated countless little girls.

It's just that Li Zihao's mother was weak in the womb, and was sickly since she was a child. Although she was raised by the Li family, but when she grew up, her height was still a bit inferior to her brother's. Li Zihao had to secretly wear shoes with heightened shoes, not wanting to be compared in front of Li Moyao. go down.

   This kind of prudence may also be a manifestation of Li Zihao's inferiority complex.

   Even when he went to college, Li Zihao insisted on drinking milk every day and playing basketball when he had time, in order to be able to surpass Li Moyao in height after college.


  Other people may not be able to see clearly, but the little fox understands why Li Zihao has a height of 1.8 meters coveted by ordinary people, and is so stubborn to want to increase his height.

   She felt pity for Li Zihao for a while.

   It's just that the little fox slapped it lightly.

"What's so good about 1.9 meters? You can see that the average height of little girls in the south is only 1.6 meters. If you really grow to 1.9 meters in the future, your future girlfriend will look up at you every day. My neck is exhausted."


   When Li Zihao heard the words, the dark peach blossom eyes deepened a little bit, and he was overjoyed, and subconsciously said the most sincere words.

   "No matter how tall I am, my future girlfriend and I will definitely be the best match. are like this, one meter six or seven, that's fine."

   (end of this chapter)

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