The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1494: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (64)

   Chapter 1494 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (64)

   Hearing the velvety and elegant male voice above her head, the little fox was stunned, and she raised her head subconsciously.

   saw Li Moyao appear behind her at some point.

  The man was looking down at her from a high place, his indifferently handsome eyebrows, and his noble aura, even if he didn't say anything and just stood there, the whole person has a kind of arrogant aura, which makes people subconsciously want to pay homage.


  Although he knew that Li Moyao was also one of the targets he needed to attack, thinking of what this scum had done to the original owner made the little fox subconsciously feel a sense of disgust in his heart.

   is really bad luck.

  The little fox thought to himself, and soon stood up, with a look that was a little more indifferent than Li Moyao, and quietly nodded to Li Moyao.

   "It was Zihao who invited me here."


   Seeing that the little fox didn't even call him Big Brother Li, but instead called Li Zihao Zihao, for some reason, Li Moyao felt a sense of loss in his heart.

  In the past, if Su Qinghuan came to Li Zhai, men would not have to guess, and knew that Su Qinghuan must have come to him.

   But this time, Li Moyao returned to the old house of the Li family because of a temporary emergency. Su Qinghuan must not have expected it, but she appeared here, and was invited by her cheap brother. Li Moyao's black eyes slowly darkened.


  Su Qinghuan nodded, but stopped talking. Seeing that the atmosphere was going to be cold, the little fox was not interested in chatting with this fellow.

   The strategy she originally formulated was to show a certain sense of presence in front of Li Moyao, but she ignored Li Moyao's love.

   Just as the little fox was about to leave, the snow-white Linqing lion cat also clearly realized her plan.

  This cat is very spiritual and likes Su Qinghuan very much. In order to keep the little fox, he even bit the hem of the little fox's long skirt, and began to stick out the tip of his tongue, rubbing against the little fox's instep.


  Li Moyao saw this scene, and a pair of ink eyes flashed with strange brilliance. He had never seen Xiaobai so warm to an outsider.

   Even though he is Xiaobai's master, Xiaobai often ignores him, except when he usually begs for food, he is not very attentive.

   One of the pets he raised turned out to be more affectionate towards Su Qinghuan. In addition, Su Qinghuan's attitude towards him has changed drastically during this period of time, and Li Moyao was inexplicably unhappy.

   The man scolded coldly.

   "Xiao Bai, come here!"

   The snow-white Linqing lion cat finally raised his head and glanced at Li Moyao when he heard the owner's voice.

  It is very human, naturally aware that Li Moyao is in a bad mood, but thinking that the little fox is leaving, Xiaobai quickly lowered his head and wrapped around the little fox's feet.



   This strange scene made Li Moyao's mood darker and darker. He looked steadily at Su Qinghuan, his eyes were cold, as if he had ice edges that could pierce people's hearts.

   "Miss Su, I didn't expect my little white to like you so much."


   The little fox was startled when she heard the words, and she looked at Li Moyao in amazement.

   "This is your cat? How could someone like you keep pet cats?"

  What do you call a person like him who can also keep cats?

   The little fox's words were weird, especially with the girl's stunned eyes, as if Li Moyao should be a cold-hearted and indifferent robot.

   Although in fact it is almost the same.


  Li Moyao glanced at Su Qinghuan coldly, and suddenly returned the words that the little fox had said before.

   "Miss Su, how well do you know me?"


   Li Moyao has a ruthless personality, selfishness and coldness, cold outside and even colder inside.

   Don't you know him well enough?

   The little fox almost wanted to blurt out these words, but after thinking about it, she was still someone she needed to tackle. She still didn't say such harsh words, but said with a smile.

   "Cough, it's precisely because it's not clear enough, so you need to observe and understand more, Brother Li, I'll go first if I have something else to do. You and this... You and Xiaobai have a good time!"

   After saying that, the little fox waved to Li Moyao very freely, and ran towards the practice room briskly.


  Li Moyao saw Su Qinghuan's trot, as if he had no nostalgia for him at all, the man's eyes narrowed slightly, he quickly bent down, and picked up the Linqing lion cat that almost wanted to betray his master and leave with Su Qinghuan.

   "Xiao Bai, do you like it so much?"

   The man's big palm was placed under the cat's throat, either intentionally or unintentionally. His face was handsome and compelling. At this moment, the sun happened to be obscured by dark clouds.

Xiaobai cried out twice, seeing Li Moyao's sullen eyes as if he wanted to choose someone at any time, he quickly stopped his thoughts of chasing the little fox, and no longer struggled to curl up in the arms of the man , trying to make Li Moyao not angry.

   "Meow, meow~"

   Feeling his pet's favor with him, the dark cloud in Li Moyao's heart has not been completely dispelled.

  From childhood to adulthood, Li Moyao was asked to live like a perfect dummy. Because Li Moyao was too talented, his father and mother Li were overjoyed, and arranged countless famous teachers to preach, teach and solve doubts for Li Moyao.

   No more playtime than Li Zihao, Li Moyao was forced to immerse himself in the ocean of knowledge since he was a child.

   After being stifled by the playful nature of children, Li Moyao became more and more silent, and ordinary peers couldn't stand on the same spiritual level as Li Moyao. Slowly, even he himself didn't like to make friends.

   This Linqing lion cat is Li Moyao's only point of compensation for his childhood lack.

   Li's father and mother almost wanted to let this little white go away or even kill him, for fear of disturbing his eldest son's attention.

But at that time, Li Moyao had already graduated from high school, and Li's father and Li's mother gradually couldn't control their son. Even, in front of this absolute genius, they also showed a trace of fear, and more and more voices belonged to them. All of Li Moyao.

   Xiaobai was able to live until now.

   In the eyes of the Li family, Li Moyao's doting on this cat is far superior to others.


   Now, seeing that Xiaobai is actually more intimate with Su Qinghuan, an outsider, Li Moyao's eyes slowly turned cold, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

   "You said, should I obey my parents and kill you, an ungrateful beast?"


   Although Xiaobai couldn't understand people's words, Li Moyao's murderous eyes made him frightened, and he frantically wagged his tail, trying to make Li Moyao happy.


   "Forget it, since you like her, I'll take you to see her."

   Li Moyao was silent for a moment, then suddenly picked up the little fox and walked in the direction where Su Qinghuan left.

   (end of this chapter)

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