The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1495: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (65)

   Chapter 1495 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (65)

   Xiaobai was a little tired and didn't like the fact that his master changed his face faster than turning a book.

   But what to do, it's just a cat.

  Xiaobai angrily snuggled into Li Moyao's arms. If he could speak, he would definitely accuse Li Moyao of being extremely hypocritical.

  What did he say because he liked Su Qinghuan to find Su Qinghuan? It was clearly Li Moyao himself who was curious about Su Qinghuan and went to find someone.

   But poor Xiaobai couldn't resist anything, so he had to hide in Li Moyao's arms, calling out weakly from time to time, and perfunctory Li Moyao a few times.


  The Li family's mansion covers a large area. There is a joke called "My nanny and my security guard broke up because of a long-distance relationship". Although this sentence is a bit exaggerated, it is quite possible that this incident will happen in the Li family.

   After all, the Li family's house is too big. Fortunately, there is a long way to come by car, otherwise it would really be impossible to go inside.

   The little fox had just walked to the front of the practice room when he heard the sound of clanging footsteps from behind.

   The little fox thought Li Zihao was back, and turned his head in joy.

   "Zihao, you..."

   just turned around, but saw Li Moyao with a complicated face, holding the snow-white cat in his arms.

   "Brother Li, why are you?"

   The little fox raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of unrepentant surprise in his eyes.

   And when Li Moyao saw the little fox's appearance as if he had completely let go of him, there was an inexplicable irritability in his heart.

   He snorted coldly.

   "I see that Xiaobai seems to like you very much, so I brought it here to find you."


   Hearing these slightly sour words, the little fox was not narcissistic enough to think that Li Moyao fell in love with him now, after all, the system 233 clearly showed that Li Moyao's favorability for her was only 15 points.

   It's just that Li Moyao was originally a very ruthless and cold person. Even for his biological parents, his favorability was only a few dozen points, and he didn't care about ordinary people.

   Therefore, in his eyes, the little fox may be an existence that can give a little attention.


   Su Qinghuan's dense long eyelashes trembled slightly, the corners of her lips rose, and her smile was as bright as a spring peony.

   "Brother Li, why didn't I find out that you are such a childish person before? You're actually jealous because your cat is closer to me?"

  The little fox even made fun of the relationship between the two of them candidly.

   "Even when we had a marriage contract in the past, I'm afraid you wouldn't be jealous because of my relationship with the opposite sex, right? It's rumored that you like men, but I now think that you may be a zoophile."

The last sentence,   , is even bitter.

   It's just that the little fox's smile is bright and clear, and he can't see the slightest sarcasm at all. The trace of anger in Li Moyao's heart was inexplicably smoothed out by the little fox's smile.


  Li Moyao's bottomless ink eyes locked on Su Qinghuan immediately. He saw that the little fox seemed to have completely let go of the past and teased their relationship. The man had mixed feelings in his heart.

   He gently stroked the Linqing lion cat in his arms, and when Su Qinghuan saw through the rare weakness in his heart, he suddenly nodded.

   "...I really care about Xiaobai. It's the only pet I've ever kept, and it's been with me for five years."


   When Su Qinghuan heard this sentence, he immediately felt that the original owner was worthless.

  The original owner and Li Moyao were childhood sweethearts, and the days when Pidianpidian followed Li Moyao were more than five years.

   But the little fox doesn't think that Li Moyao is a real cat lover. Li Moyao is a recognized genius. Such a strong person seems to be born to stand at the top.

   They all say that they will be at the top of Lingjue, and they will see all the mountains and small mountains.

   But since you stand at a height that others cannot pass, you are destined to have loneliness and loneliness that others can't imagine.

  Li Moyao kept this cat mostly to relieve his inner loneliness, find an outlet, and pour out his possessiveness.

  Otherwise, Li Moyao wouldn't have come to her to declare ownership just because the cat had been nice to him for a few minutes today.


  Thinking like this, the little fox couldn't help but look at Xiaobai in Li Moyao's arms with pity.

   And the system 233 also has a heart and soul.

   "Host, you are so right, because Xiaobai likes you, Li Moyao almost killed Xiaobai just now, it's so miserable, there is such a master with snake essence disease."

   "Fog grass?! This is too brutal, right?!"

  The little fox used to think that Mu Hanting was a vicious snake spirit disease. From this point of view, Li Moyao is not much less than Mu Hanting, but Li Moyao rarely used blood-seeing means when he was galloping in the mall.

   But it doesn't mean that he is also a gentle business dignitary in his bones.

  Comparing his brother and cousin, Li Zihao is really the most normal person.


   "Why are you staring at me like that?"

  Li Moyao frowned when he saw Su Qinghuan looking at him with complicated eyes.

   And the little fox was afraid that because of his own reasons, Li Moyao would not like to see Xiaobai, so he coughed lightly and smiled.

"Brother Li, your cat is really cute and has a lovable personality. I wanted to keep it a little bit, but a gentleman doesn't take people's favor. Seeing that it's so obedient and well-behaved in your arms, you must be right. It's so good, it's so dependent on you!"

   "If I come to Li Zhai in the future, can I touch it?"

   The little fox was attacking him, telling Li Moyao not to deal with Xiaobai arbitrarily.


  Li Moyao's eyes swept indifferently towards the lion cat in his arms. Xiaobai wanted to get close to Su Qinghuan at first, but when he saw the owner's eyes, he immediately retracted his head again, obediently lying in Li Moyao's arms and didn't dare to move.

   Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Li Moyao felt a little more inexplicably happy in his heart, and he no longer cared so much about his pet liking Su Qinghuan.

   "Okay, but be gentle, be careful it will scratch people."

  Su Qinghuan saw Li Moyao's lips twitching slightly, obviously she was no longer angry before, she was also relieved for Xiaobai, and carefully took Xiaobai out of the man's arms.

The little fox had long hair and a shawl. Suddenly, when he hugged the cat so close, a few naughty strands of hair were blown up by the wind and brushed over Li Moyao's side face, causing a slight itch, and an indescribable kind of hair. The clear fragrance seems to be digging into the heart.

  Li Moyao's fingers trembled slightly for a moment, he frowned and looked down to see that the little fox didn't notice this little episode at all, but wholeheartedly teased the cat.

   The girl's face was bright and clean. At this moment, she was holding Xiaobai like a glutinous rice dumpling in her arms, and the corners of her lips even showed a happy smile.

   She smiled so brightly, and there were peonies blooming in the flowers not far away, and the youth was gorgeous.

   But the way she was teasing the cat was even more beautiful than Peony, as if it had a scorching light, which made people unable to take their eyes off.

   (end of this chapter)

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