The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1496: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (66)

   Chapter 1496 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (66)

  The girl's face was not made of powder, but her brows and eyes were still as delicate as if they had been carefully outlined by God. Her lips were not pointed and her eyebrows were not drawn, and her eyebrows were dark.

   At this moment, the girl was wearing a plain skirt and holding a lion cat with mandarin duck eyes, which made Li Moyao inexplicably think of a meticulous painting he had seen before.

  ——It was a picture of an ancient lady worth over 10 million. The girl in the palace dress smiled and teased the snow-white raccoon slave in the peony bush.

   Obviously the little fox is wearing a completely Western-style modern dress, and his hair is simply draped over his shoulders, but the whole person reveals an inexplicable classical temperament, graceful and elegant.


  Li Moyao looked at such a little fox, and his heart throbbed suddenly. He suddenly understood why the ancient fine brush painters especially liked to depict the funny scene of a girl holding a kitten among the flowers.

   Similarly, Li Moyao also understood why Xiaobai likes to stick to Su Qinghuan when he sees her.

   After all, she does have some recruiting capital.

   But with exactly the same face, when Su Qinghuan was his fiancee in the past, why didn't he realize this?

   The man's handsome brows were slightly wrinkled, and he couldn't think of a reason for a while. The only thing that can be concluded is that after the little fox married and divorced Mu Hanting, the whole person is indeed not very similar to the previous temperament.


   "Ding, Li Moyao's favorability is +20, and the current favorability is 35."

   When the reminder of System 233 sounded in the little fox's mind, the little fox was stunned for a few seconds.

   What did she just do? !

  Why did Li Moyao suddenly add 20 favorability points so generously? !

   Could it be because she fell in love with Xiaobai? !

  Thinking like this, the little fox decided in his heart that when he came to the Li family's old house next time, he would use Xiaobai as a reason to gain Li Moyao's favor.

  Su Qing happily hugged Xiaobai and stood up, and said to Li Moyao with a sweet smile.

   "Brother Li, thank you, I think Xiaobai is very good. I teased him for so long, but he didn't even stretch his claws. You are the master who disciplined him well."

   seemed to sense that the little fox was complimenting himself, and the snow ball in Su Qinghuan's hand suddenly called out again proudly, and tried to stand up from the little fox's hand.


Because the lion cat is a little bigger, the little fox didn't expect that Xiaobai would suddenly move restlessly. In order to hold Xiaobai firmly and not let it fall, her center of gravity was temporarily unbalanced. Unexpectedly, Xiaobai quickly ran away Open, Su Qinghuan leaned forward subconsciously.

"Be careful--"

  Li Moyao's eyelids twitched. As usual, he would definitely not pay attention to whether Su Qinghuan would fall, but at this moment, the man subconsciously held out his hand.

   The man stretched his long arms slightly and pulled the little fox into his arms.


  The dazzling sunlight came from his head, and the little fox blinked subconsciously.

   The girl's beautiful apricot-like eyes were dyed an amber-like color by the sunlight at this moment, and the long and narrow eyelashes seemed to reflect a clear reflection in the pupils.

  Li Moyao fixedly looked at the little fox, and couldn't help but be amazed by the little fox's beauty for a moment. He had seen many beauties, but very few were as flawless as Su Qinghuan.

  Especially a pair of eyes, looking at each other, seems to be able to take away a person's soul.


   "Brother Li, thank you."

   The little fox immediately sighed in relief when he saw that Li Moyao didn't let himself fall to the ground, knowing that the 35 points of favorability played a role.

   Just as the two were about to separate, the little fox suddenly heard a very angry male voice behind him.

   "What are you two doing!"

   is Li Zihao's voice.

   The little fox was startled, and quickly broke away from Li Moyao's hand.

   And Li Moyao couldn't wait to put himself away after seeing Li Zihao coming over. Compared with the treatment he received a few months ago, this scene is really different from heaven and earth.

   In the eyes of Su Qinghuan, there was absolutely no room for anyone other than his fiance.

  Even when Su Qinghuan mistakenly took Li Zihao as himself, once he knew that she had made a mistake, he immediately chased after him with no regrets, wishing he could dig his heart out to him, so anxious that he explained to him with a crying voice.

   But now, the person Su Qinghuan wanted to distance himself from has changed from Li Zihao to himself.

   How ridiculous.


  Li Moyao narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was an inexplicable feeling of discomfort in his heart, as if he had lost something in the dark.

   On the other side, Li Zihao was Junrong a little twisted. After quickly dragging the little fox over to protect him, he angrily scolded Li Moyao.

   "Brother, what did you just do with Qing Huan!"

   seemed to realize that he was too impatient and his attitude was too harsh. Li Zihao quickly turned his head, looked at the little fox carefully, and suppressed his anger and explained.

   "Qing Huan, it's not that I don't want you to be alone with my brother, it's just that you have just separated from Big Brother Mu, and you have a marriage contract with my brother before. If others see it, I'm afraid they will arrange you indiscriminately."

   These are secondary.

  Li Zihao had a reason in his heart that he couldn't tell Su Qinghuan at all.

   That's because he likes her, and in Li Zihao's eyes, Li Moyao is not only pressing him everywhere, but also Su Qinghuan's white moonlight. He is afraid that Su Qinghuan's feelings for Li Moyao will revive.

   Just saw the little fox and his brother standing together embracing, the sunlight was so bright that the two of them had a halo, he vaguely felt that the little fox and Li Moyao were a perfect match.


   In the past, Li Zihao was afraid that Su Qinghuan would use him as Li Moyao's stand-in.

   But at the moment, the concern is messed up, and Li Zihao suddenly thought darkly.

  If the little fox only likes his big brother's face, why can't he?

   He and Li Moyao are veritable twins!


   For these reasons, Li Zihao couldn't make it clear, so he could only glared at Li Moyao angrily, signaling his brother to stay calm and not to argue with him.

  Li Zihao didn't think that Li Moyao would like Su Qinghuan. What he was afraid of was that if Li Moyao casually said a few words or even a look, Su Qinghuan would not be able to find Bei.

   After all, Li Zihao has clearly seen how much Su Qinghuan was infatuated with his brother before.

   The little fox burst out laughing when he saw Li Zihao's bulging blue veins on his forehead.

   "Tong'er, why do I feel like I'm experiencing the Asura Field?"

   "Cough, what kind of Shura field is this? If Li Moyao's favorability rating for you exceeds 60 or even 80, then there will be a good show."

   The little fox made up for that scene, and felt a chill in his heart.

   But it is really possible in the future.

   Little Fox thought so, and explained to Li Zihao with a smile.

   "Zihao, you misunderstood, I was playing with Xiaobai just now, and your brother helped me when I almost fell."

   (end of this chapter)

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