The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1497: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (67)

   Chapter 1497 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (67)

  Li Zihao saw the little fox smiling at him, and the anger in his heart had already subsided by three points.

   Hearing the little fox saying that she almost fell, the man was so nervous that he held the little fox's hand and looked at the little fox from head to toe again.

   "Are you alright?! Xiaobai is very fierce. I didn't want to touch it before."


   Seeing Li Zihao describe Xiaobai like this, Su Qinghuan suddenly understood why Li Moyao just told her to be careful of being scratched by the lion cat.

  Su Qinghuan quickly turned around to show Li Zihao.

"Aren't you too nervous? Xiaobai likes me, he didn't grab me or bite me, he just ran away from my arms suddenly, and I almost lost my footing, now, look, I'm fine wherever I am. It's on."


  Li Zihao breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then looked at Li Moyao with a hint of hostility.

   "Brother, Qinghuan and I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you. You can play more with Xiaobai."

  Li Moyao couldn't help but laugh when he saw Li Zihao's eyes that looked like he was on the verge of an enemy.

  Although he had seen that his younger brother had unusual feelings for Su Qinghuan as early as during Frank's exhibition.

   But he never thought that in such a short period of time, Li Zihao had become so high on Su Qinghuan.

   In the past, although there were many Yingying and Yanyan beside Li Zihao, smart people could see that Li Zihao only took them as a pastime, and Li Zihao never took them seriously.

  But now the negative ions are so good that Su Qinghuan's soul is not holding back, it's hard to make Li Moyao not care less.


  Because of Li Zihao's eyes, Li Moyao suddenly felt that the little fox was not as naive as she just showed.

Also, the little fox went through marriage and divorce in a short period of time, and was able to get out of the hands of such a powerful character as Mu Hanting, so that Mu Hanting openly downplayed her that the reason for separation was just a personal incompatibility, how could this kind of woman be a woman? Simple silly white sweet.

   At least, she was extremely smart when she grabbed the vaccine business for Mu Hanting from the French businessman Louis.


   The man thought about it, and his affection for the little fox just now disappeared a bit.

A woman like    is interesting, but it's too interesting.

   is like a bunch of bright and bright flowers. At first glance, people are tempted, but when you sniff it carefully, you find that it is a flower dipped in poisonous juice. A little closer is enough to make people see blood and seal their throats.

   "Ding, Li Moyao's favorability has dropped by 5 points, and the current favorability is 30."

  Li Moyao pondered, his previous interest in the little fox faded quickly, he nodded lightly at Li Zihao and Su Qinghuan.

   "Okay, I'll take Xiaobai to hang out, Zihao, take good care of Miss Su."

"I will."

  Li Zihao saw that Li Moyao was so knowledgeable and left him and the little fox a two-person world, and his vigilance was finally suppressed.


   And System 233 was very worried about the little fox because Li Moyao's favorability dropped sharply.

   "Host, why is this dog man Li Moyao the same as Mu Hanting, his favorability goes up and down without a certainty, it's just irritating!"

   "There's nothing to be angry about, it's always going up and down."

   The little fox glanced at Li Moyao's leaving back with disapproval, and didn't take it seriously.

   Anyway, she has confidence that she has risen again.

   And the Linqing lion cat in Li Moyao's arms saw the little fox's gaze drifting over, and immediately regained his energy, and called the little fox several times with nostalgia.

   "Meow~ Meow!"

  If it wasn't for Li Moyao's unwillingness to look back, he reached out and touched Xiaobai as if warningly, I'm afraid that the snow-white cat would be eager to run back and continue to play with the little fox.

   Soon, the figure of Li Moyao and the cat in his arms disappeared outside the round moon hole of the house.


   "Hey, my brother is gone, why are you still staring at his back!"

  Li Zihao saw Su Qinghuan's eyes fixedly looking at the door of the moon cave, jealousy was like a little bug, constantly biting Li Zihao's heart.

   He was jealous of Li Moyao, almost crazy.

Obviously during this time, Li Zihao felt that he and the little fox were warming up quickly. From an ordinary nodding acquaintance, they developed into good friends who talked about everything, but when Li Moyao came, the little fox's attention to him was completely transferred. !


   The little fox was dumbfounded when he saw Li Zihao's extremely aggrieved handsome face.

   She looked at Li Zihao amusingly and teased directly.

   "Zihao, why are you so jealous? I'm just looking at the Linqing lion cat in your brother's arms."

"It's the first time I've seen such long hair and such good care, and it's a pure white lion cat with mandarin duck eyes. Now, white lion cats with different eyes are rare. If there are, most of them have mixed bloodlines, but I thought about it, Xiaobai should be quite pure."


   Hearing that the little fox shifted the topic to Xiaobai, no matter whether what Su Qinghuan said was true or false, Li Zihao's sour heart was instantly relieved.

   He snorted directly.

   "Do you like pure-blooded lion cats with different pupils?"

"You said it earlier, if you like it, I can send someone to find one for you. Although most of Linqing's long-haired cats with different pupils are not of pure blood, they can still find a few good looks. Comparable to Xiaobai."

   Having said that, Li Zihao wanted to turn on the phone and arrange for his subordinates to help the little fox find the cat.

   Seeing this fellow being so sincere, the little fox's eyelids jumped, and he quickly reached out and grabbed him.

   "Cough, I just said it casually. In fact, I am the person who loves the dragon the most. It's okay for me to raise dogs and cats online. If I want to raise them in reality, it's too laborious to do it myself."

  Li Zihao blushed inexplicably when he saw the little fox holding his wrist. He was afraid that the little fox would laugh at him because of his panic, so he said quickly.

   "What's the matter? You can find a nanny to take care of the pets. If you think this is expensive, I can give you money."

   Seeing Li·Sancai Boy·Zihao say this, the little fox burst into laughter for a while, not knowing whether to say this fellow is rich and generous, or too naive.

   But the little fox was a little moved by this thought, she declined with a smile.

   "Why is it so troublesome? If you specially hire a babysitter for your pet, I won't worry about it even if you pay. So you don't have to worry about it."

   "Come and rehearse with me. If we don't rehearse, we will be abandoned this weekend."

  The little fox excitedly dragged Li Zihao into the practice room. Li Zihao stared at the girl's hand that was tugging at his wrist. He only felt that a small piece of his skin seemed to heat up rapidly, and he was overwhelmed by the heat.

  The man was like a clumsy elementary school student, easily pulled into the room by the little fox.

   After being arranged by Su Qinghuan to sit down in front of the guqin, he woke up like a dream.

   "Qing Huan, you haven't told me what song I'm going to play?"

   (end of this chapter)

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