The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1500: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (70)

   Chapter 1500 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (70)

  The Philippine servant was in a hurry, and there was no lack of anxiety in his eyebrows, and the little fox was stunned when he heard the words.

   "Is Xiaobai gone?"

   "Miss Su, have you seen that lion cat too?!"

   When the Filipino servant heard that the little fox knew Xiaobai's name, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he put all his hopes on the little fox.

   But Su Qinghuan quickly shook his head.

"When I saw Xiaobai, it was a few hours ago. At that time, Big Brother Li was still holding Xiaobai. Could it be that Xiaobai is more playful, and Li's house is so big, maybe it's not necessarily which corner he is hiding in! "

   When the Filipino maid heard the little fox's words, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she burst into tears in a hurry.

"The eldest young master likes the lion cat the most, but after the rain, the cat disappeared. Now all the servants in Li's house are looking for cats. The second master's practice room has never been turned over here."

   As long as the servants who have worked in the Li residence for a long time can see how much Li Moyao attaches importance to that little ancestor.

   said that Xiaobai is a cat, but his worth is extremely valuable. The young and the young have never been very close to people, even Li's father and mother and his younger brother Li Zihao are no exception.

  Li Moyao usually spends a little more time with the lion cat, and has invited many professionals to look after it and take care of its food, clothing, housing, and transportation.

  If the lion cat really disappeared, I'm afraid that these Filipino servants who usually serve Xiaobai will be fired.

  The salary paid by the Li family to the Filipino maid can be said to be the highest in the industry. In addition to the money, the place to live and the usual food are also quite high-end, and most people are reluctant to quit this kind of work.

  Thinking of the possibility of losing his job, the tears in the eyes of the Filipino servant rushed out of his eyes.


   The little fox immediately realized the seriousness of the problem when he saw the Filipino maid getting angry.

   she said quickly.

   "Then I'll look for Xiaobai together with Zihao. We'll find this one. You can go to another place to see it. Maybe it's not necessarily a corner to hide in!"

  The little fox thought of the various bridges, flowing water and rockery in the new Chinese-style courtyard of Li's family, and said again and again.

   "Have you found it in the pond and rockery? Did it fall into the water? Or is it hidden in a rockery?"

   "No way! We turned over the pond for the first time, and all the newly planted lotus flowers were picked up, but we haven't seen the cat yet."


   At this moment, the little fox was speechless, and Li Zihao saw that the little fox was worried about Xiaobai, so he grabbed the little fox's wrist and comforted her.

   "Xiaobai will be fine, he has been in Li's house for several years, he is very clever, don't worry."

   "Okay, then let's look around the practice room together."

  The Filipino maid was very grateful when she saw the little fox and Li Zihao join the cat-hunting team.

"Thank you Miss Su, thank you Second Young Master, if you find it, be sure to let me know! By the way, this is a WeChat group we just opened. Anyone who has any clues about Xiaobai can send it out, the young master will definitely be there. There will be rewards."

   The reward is second, and what they are most worried about now is what will happen to Xiaobai.


   "Okay, I'll join the group now."

  The little fox gestured to Li Zihao for a moment, the two quickly took out their mobile phones, scanned the code and joined the group in one go, and the Filipino maid immediately relieved and left to find Xiaobai elsewhere after seeing that they agreed to help find the cat.

   The little fox took a look and found that the number of people in the group had reached as many as seventy. The most outrageous thing was that the team looking for cats was still growing.

   "It seems that your brother really cares about Xiaobai."

   "This is no nonsense! If you don't care, how could you have raised it like a jewel for five years? You can see that Xiaobai is beautiful, and there is no lack of good care from my brother."

   "In my brother's eyes, I'm afraid Xiaobai is much more important than me."

  Li Zihao pouted. As Li Moyao's twin brother, he is the lion cat who knows how much his elder brother cares about the mandarin duck eye. Li Moyao used to be very taciturn.

   But since the cat came, it was the first time that Li Zihao saw that Li Moyao was so focused on things that had nothing to do with his studies, and sometimes even unconsciously raised the corners of his lips towards the cat.

   You must know that Li Moyao has been a person who is neither happy nor angry since he was a child, and he has almost no friends. If Li Zihao was not Li Moyao's younger brother, I am afraid that Li Moyao would not have said a few words to him.

   Li Zihao once tried to tease Xiaobai, but was scratched with blood by Xiaobai.

   The personality of this Linqing lion cat is actually a bit similar to Li Moyao. It doesn't care about anyone, and is very cold and arrogant. Even Li Moyao, the owner, has spent a lot of effort to get Xiaobai to get close to it.

Xiaobai usually doesn't make excuses for anyone, that is, Li Moyao is a little better. Those servants who are responsible for serving Xiaobai only dare to feed him from a distance, and don't dare to approach or give him a smooth hair, otherwise they will follow Li Zihao. an end.

At that time, Li Moyao was so arrogant that Li Moyao was so arrogant that he didn't take Li Zihao's words seriously, and said that if Li Moyao If the father and mother dared to treat Xiaobai badly, it was assumed that there was no son of him.

   Therefore, Li's parents and Li's mother could only stare blankly in the end.

   At that time, Li Zihao vaguely understood that in Li Moyao's heart, the importance of Xiaobai was even more important than his younger brother.

  Li Zihao didn't feel so sad. Li Moyao was an existence that he secretly envied since he was a child. Seeing Li's parents and Li's mother teach his elder brother a lesson for himself, he still felt a little dark in his heart.

  Unfortunately, this little thing can't shake Li Moyao's position in the hearts of Li's father and Li's mother.

  Li Moyao is the heir who is cherished by them and is responsible for inheriting the family business, and he can be romantic and mischievous, as long as he doesn't make any troubles that the Li family can't settle.


   The little fox was looking for the cat in a hurry, and when she heard Li Zihao's sour words, she almost laughed out loud.

  The girl patted Li Zihao's shoulder sympathetically.

   "It doesn't matter. According to the law of conservation of all things, there is always something to gain. For me, you are more important than your brother and Xiaobai combined."

   The girl's beautiful brows and eyes were close at hand. For some reason, Li Zihao's heartbeat suddenly rumbled.

   He wanted to kiss her very much before, but now he heard this comforting word, which was automatically translated into a confession in the man's ear.


"Of course!"

   The little fox swore to book the ticket, but when Li Zihao was in a state of turmoil, the little fox suddenly took a step back.

   "It seems that there is none in this practice room, let's go out and find it!"

   (end of this chapter)

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