The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1501: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (71)

   Chapter 1501 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (71)

  Li Zihao looked at the little fox with burning eyes, his throat slipped unconsciously, but after hearing the little fox say what he was looking for, the man's brows and eyes darkened for a moment, and soon he regained his strength and smiled reluctantly at the little fox.

   "Okay, I'll go out with you to find it."

   In the past, there were always people posting on the campus forum of University A, complaining anonymously that Li Zihao was a sea king who "won't marry him".

At that time, when Li Zihao saw this kind of post, his heart was full of complacency. In his opinion, those women knew that he was not a good person, but they still wanted to stick one or two of them like cowhide candy. ? !


   But now, when he meets the little fox, every time the little fox shows his favor and changes the subject casually, Li Zihao feels that his mood is like a roller coaster.

   It is a lie to say that it is not uncomfortable.

   There is even a hint of hatred.

   Hate why she tugs at his heartstrings like this and makes his heart sway, but the little fox can still smile at him innocently like a normal person.

  If he was with others, Li Zihao decided not to let himself suffer such grievances, and would even take revenge in cold eyes.

   But when he faced the little fox, he suddenly understood that the words "willingly" in this world are only four simple words, but it was really his turn, but it was very important.

   He couldn't bear to let her go.

   Even if it is to get close to the little fox, it is good to be friends.


  Li Zihao suppressed the longing in his eyes, and soon found two **** umbrellas from the door of the practice room.

   "Well, it's raining too much, you should hold your umbrella well, and the road is slippery even in the rain, so you have to walk carefully."

  Li Zihao glanced at the white sneakers on the little fox's feet, and frowned immediately.

   "Your shoes are not easy to walk in the rain, right? There are large mountains outside the Li house. If you want to walk on the mountain road, should I go and ask the servant to find you a raincoat and rain boots?"

   "No, sneakers are okay, not high-heeled shoes. When you get all the equipment in order, maybe Xiaobai will be damaged by the shower."

   "It's just a cat... where you are important."

  Li Zihao murmured jealously, he couldn't say that he didn't like Xiaobai, but it was just plain and simple, and at this moment, the man still had a hidden secret in his heart.

   He was really afraid that the little fox cares about Xiaobai so much because he loves Wu Jiwu.


   Su Qinghuan saw Li Zihao's little thought, and suddenly burst into laughter in his heart.

   Why didn't she realize that Li Zihao had such a childish side.

   Are you jealous of a cat too?

   System 233 makes up the tool path in time.

   "Where is it for a cat? It's obviously because of Li Moyao. Brothers may also turn against their goals in front of the woman they like. This is confirmed by history."

   "...Tsk tsk, so I'm supposed to be a bad guy?"

   "Host! Believe you, you have the capital to make trouble."


The little fox was amused by System 233's words for a moment, but only thought that Xiaobai didn't know where he ran to, and now it has suddenly rained so much, I'm afraid that Xiaobai may freeze if he stays in the rain for too long, or even ...may die.

   Her expression soon became solemn again.

"Okay, of course I know that I'm more important than Xiaobai in your heart, but that lion cat really hits it off. The first time it saw me, it threw all kinds of meows into my arms, I really I can't bear to let it go."


   Hearing the little fox's words, Li Zihao nodded instantly.

   "Okay, let's look for it together."


All kinds of news kept jumping in the WeChat group of looking for cats. Li Moyao had already mobilized all the servants and bodyguards of the Li family to look for Xiaobai's traces, but the entire Li family had been rummaged through, and he had not let go of every corner. Find the traces of the cat owner.

   The little fox also learned to meow from Xiaobai for a long time in the rockery, but did not hear Xiaobai's response.

   Only then did she realize that the problem was really serious.

   "Shouldn't he really run out of Li's house?"

  The little fox looked at Li Zihao worriedly, and there was a hint of worry in the beautiful eyebrows.

  The old house of the Li family covers such a large area. Naturally, it is not in the most prosperous city center of City A, but on Canglan Mountain with the most beautiful scenery in the suburbs.

   It is not too long to drive from the city to Canglan Mountain, but if you want to find a cat on this huge Canglan Mountain, it is not that simple.

   Not to mention 70 people, even if there are 700 people, there is no guarantee that Xiaobai will be found immediately.

   After all, it's still raining, it's not a light rain, but a heavy downpour. The little fox wandered around looking for a cat in Li's house, the palms of the umbrellas were sore, and most of his face and shoulders were soaked.


  Li Zihao nodded solemnly.

   "If Xiaobai really ran out of Li's house, it would be too much trouble."

  The man looked at the little fox's eyebrows and eyes wet by the rain, and felt distressed for a while, he took a deep breath and said.

   "Qing Huan, you're a girl, it's not good to be looking for Xiaobai in the rain all the time. Be careful with cold symptoms. I'll find you next time. You can rest after drinking the **** soup."

   "No, if it's really in Canglan Mountain, I should look for it, otherwise I'll be worried."

   The little fox shook his head at Li Zihao without hesitation, and soon got into the security guard's car out of Li's house, put on rain boots and a poncho.

  Li Zihao saw that she was so stubborn, although he was a little worried in his heart, he could only follow in the end.


   Waiting outside Li's house, the little fox just jumped out of the car and was about to go to the mountain to search, but a cold voice suddenly stopped her and Li Zihao.

   "Zihao, why are you so ignorant? Bring Miss Su back!"

   The little fox was startled when he heard the words, and when he looked up, he found that Li Moyao was holding a **** umbrella, standing in the rain with a cold face to Zhang Jun.

   The man's back is straight, but his short hair, which has always been neat, has been soaked through by the rain, and strands of water droplets slid across the man's hair and chin, looking a little anxious.

   Needless to say, a character like Li Moyao, who covered the sky with one hand, has been running for a long time in this downpour for a cat.

   The little fox raised his eyebrows and smiled at Li Moyao.

   "Why did you take me back? Xiaobai likes me, I call him it might appear!"

   Before Li Moyao could answer, the little fox threw off Li Zihao's hand and quickly ran into the bushes of Canglan Mountain.


  Li Moyao stared at the back of the little fox, his thin lips quickly pursed into a straight line, his handsome face was tense, and at this moment, he was very worried when he thought that Xiaobai's life and death were unknown, and he didn't have time to play with the little fox.

   He said to Li Zihao coldly.

   "You take care of her yourself."

  Although it is early summer, the rainstorm is like note, and it is easy to catch a cold in the mountains. Su Qinghuan is such a charming lady, where can she go to Canglan Mountain to find cats!

   The cat was not found by then. If she was sick and in pain, she would still be a burden!

   (end of this chapter)

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