The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1502: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (72)

   Chapter 1502 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (72)

   Seeing the figure of the little fox disappearing into the bushes, Li Zihao was about to chase it out, but when he heard Li Moyao's cold words, the young man's heart instantly surged with unreasonable anger.

  If it wasn't because Su Qinghuan used to like Li Moyao so much, how could he be so interested in a cat who only had a relationship with one side?

   However, the girl's intention was completely let down by Li Moyao, and even mocked by him.

   As long as he thinks of this, Li Zihao's face turns ashen.

  Li Zihao always greeted people with a smile, and he never had a head-to-head dispute with Li Moyao, but at this moment, a young man with peach blossom eyes stared at Li Moyao blankly, his expression mocking and gloomy.

   "Do you think that Qing Huan and I are so eager to accompany you to find a cat on a rainy day? Is it so pleasant to be drenched in soup? Are we all scumbags?"

   "Brother, I always thought you were a cold-hearted person, but now it seems that you are cold-blooded at all!"

   "You don't deserve a good fiancée like Qing Huan at all. Fortunately, the two of you have broken the engagement, otherwise I'm totally worthless for her."


  Li Moyao never imagined that a person as sophisticated as Li Zihao would one day quarrel with himself for the little fox. The man's black eyes were cold, like a dangerous abyss.

  Just before Li Moyao could say anything, Li Zihao, like the little fox before, did not hesitate to get into the bushes.

  The atmosphere cooled down for a while.

   Several bodyguards saw Li Moyao's eyes that were as cold as a blade, and all of them had a chilling expression on their faces.

  Because of Li Zihao's arrogant words, an old housekeeper who had been in the Li family for more than ten years immediately stepped forward and persuaded him.

   "Eldest young master, don't be angry with the second young master, he is also in a hurry for a while, so he will not say anything."

   In fact, the last thing Li Zihao should have said just now was that he spurned Li Moyao as unworthy of being Su Qinghuan's fiancé.

   It's over now. Miss Su not only broke off the engagement with the eldest young master, but even divorced the prince of the Mu family, Li Zihao should avoid suspicion.

   "Go away."

  Li Moyao's heart was a little messy at the moment, but all of this was nothing compared to the anxiety that brought him after knowing that Xiaobai was missing.

   A gust of cold wind blew over, because Li Moyao came out in a hurry, he did not put on rain boots and ponchos like the little fox and the others. In this early summer day, it was icy cold.

   The housekeeper wanted to persuade Li Moyao to put on his poncho and rain boots first, and then go out to look for the lion cat, but the man had already rushed out with his umbrella without hesitation.

  The back of the man has a sense of loneliness.

   When the butler saw this scene, his heart suddenly became sour.

  Li Moyao could not care that his younger brother made him angry like this, but he valued the life of the lion cat more than a thousand dollars. Who can say that this is not a kind of loneliness standing on a high place and no one understands it?


  The mountains are raining like notes.

   The sky was still a little bright, but now with the heavy rain and the night falling, if you don't use the flashlight, you can hardly see your fingers.

  Li Zihao now doesn't care whether Xiaobai can be found or not, he only regrets that he shouldn't be quick to talk, and he lost the little fox.

  The man ran from the bushes to the forest. Although he knew that there were no beasts infested in Canglan Mountain, the celestial phenomenon that could not see five fingers at the moment made the man a little shocked.

   If something really happened to the little fox, Li Zihao only felt that he would never forgive himself in this life.

   "Qing Huan, where are you!"

   Li Zihao shouted loudly, and the rain fell down drop by drop along the man's embarrassed short hair.

  The rain poured into the collar, and it was freezing cold.

  Li Zihao gritted his teeth and ran frantically with a flashlight, hoping that the little fox would be stronger than he imagined.

   After searching in Li's house for more than an hour, the man felt a little exhausted. He never imagined that the little fox, a soft and weak girl, would come to the mountain to find a cat because of a cat.

   If it was said that the little fox was just for Xiaobai, Li Zihao would not believe it anyway.

   The man's complexion was pale and pale, because the cold wind was blowing with raindrops, he shivered suddenly, and the anxiety and regret in his heart deepened.


  Because Canglan Mountain is huge, it is easy for people to lose their way.

   And Su Qinghuan's path happened to be completely different from Li Zihao's. At this moment, she didn't know that Li Ershao was so anxious for her to get angry.

  The little fox was still holding an umbrella at first, but then the rain got heavier and heavier, and his body was already soaked in the rain, and he simply used the **** umbrella as a crutch in his hand to explore the way.

  The mountain road was slippery and difficult to walk. Even if he wore rain boots when he came out, the little fox had a hard time walking in such extremely bad weather.

   Accidentally, the umbrella in Su Qinghuan's hand was caught by the branches growing out of the bushes next to her, and the girl's thin white arm also slammed, scraping a **** trail.


   The little fox gasped in pain.

   Seeing that this area is getting more and more desolate, the girl did not give up the thought of giving up.

   "Xiao Bai, can you hear me? Just respond to me twice if you can?"

   "Xiao Bai, where are you?!"

   The girl's voice echoed in the forest.

   Just when Su Qinghuan was a little discouraged, he suddenly heard a very weak cat meowing.


   For a moment, the little fox even thought he was hallucinating.

   But after realizing that her hearing was much more sensitive than ordinary people, Su Qinghuan quickly followed the source of the sound and walked towards it.

   "Is Xiaobai you? Call me twice so I can find your exact location."

   In the pouring rain, the little fox seemed to hear the faint voice of Xiaobai again.


   This cry was not as energetic as the one I heard in the Li Mansion in the afternoon, but it sounded dying.

   Little Fox's heart jumped, and she quickly walked towards the source of the sound. She turned on the flashlight and took a closer look. It turned out that Xiaobai was pressed under a slate, and he couldn't break free.

   But fortunately, the crevice in the rock was quite large, it did not flatten the cat, and it also played a certain role in blocking the rain.

   The little fox was relieved when he saw this scene, and quickly opened the slate and hugged it out.

   "You naughty bastard, do you know how hard it is for everyone to find you?"

  Su Qinghuan thought about it, and had no time to think about anything else, so he hurriedly put the cat in his arms and prepared to go back the same way.

   It's just that the weather is too cold. She has been soaked for two hours, and her hands are cold. At this moment, when Xiaobai's spirit is relaxed, her head is frozen a little.

   She hugged Xiaobai and slid under her feet, not knowing what she stepped on, and suddenly a piercing pain came out from her calf—

   (end of this chapter)

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