The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1504: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (74)

   Chapter 1504 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (74)

   The little fox raised his head in astonishment, and saw that Li Zihao had already emerged from the crowd at some unknown time.

   This was the first time that Su Qinghuan saw Li Zihao so angry. The peach blossom eyes of the young man who were always smiling with emotion in the past were like being quenched by ice, as if they could freeze people invisibly.

  Su Qinghuan had always felt that although Li Zihao and Li Moyao had similar facial features, their temperaments were completely different. It was easy to tell the difference between the two brothers.

   But at this moment, Li Zihao's face was as cold as frost, but he really resembled Li Moyao 100%.

  Should we say that they are twin brothers?


   "Yo hoo, host, now Li Zihao's favorability rating for you is as high as 85, and Li Moyao also has 65. The Asura Field, it's really here!"

   When the joking voice of System 233 sounded in his mind, Su Qinghuan just gave it a smile. Although the two were obviously arguing because of her, the little fox still seemed to be nothing, curled up innocently in Li Moyao's arms.

   Come on, let the Shura Field come more violently.

   Brothers turned against each other, although it was not the first time she had seen it, but when she thought of hurting these two cold-hearted scumbags at the same time, she felt happy for the original owner.


   Facing Li Zihao's angry questioning, Li Moyao's face was stern, his thin lips were pressed into a straight line, and then he glanced down at the girl and cat in his arms.

   "Zihao, I can hold it, so you don't have to worry about it."

  Li Zihao had an alarm bell in his heart when he saw that Li Moyao was willing to take Su Qinghuan back.

   Now that he has confirmed his feelings for Su Qinghuan, he never wants to see Li Moyao and Su Qinghuan getting close.

   is just a pet cat. If Li Moyao was moved by Su Qinghuan's actions today, wouldn't it be in vain for all his troubles to show affection to the little fox? !

  After all, everyone who knows Su Qinghuan knows that she has been married to Li Moyao since she was a child, and she has always regarded him as a **** in her heart. Even if she later married Mu Hanting in a fit of anger, it was because she was hurt too deeply by Li Moyao.

   Li Zihao, who has always been unfavorable in love, suddenly felt a deep setback at this moment. In his eyes, if Li Moyao intends to compete with him for a little fox, he is afraid that it will be difficult to compare with Li Moyao.

   He can take care of the little fox again.

   But if it is, the little fox has always been obsessed with the white moonlight that hurt her, and is even willing to hang himself on this tree?


   Li Zihao felt more and more frightened the more he thought about it, he could no longer care about other people's eyes, and looked at Li Moyao almost aggressively.

   "Brother, I return this sentence to you, I brought Qinghuan, and I will naturally be responsible to the end!"

   "Don't forget, when Canglan Mountain first started looking for Xiaobai, you openly disliked the little fox as a burden. That being the case, I should take care of her right now!"

   Everyone stared at Li Zihao's face refuting Li Moyao in astonishment, only to feel that the whole world was turned upside down.

   But what shocked them even more was that Li Zihao suddenly stepped forward and snatched the little fox from Li Moyao's arms without any explanation.


   Compared to Li Moyao, who was cold and cold, of course, Su Qinghuan was more willing to stay with Li Zihao.

   And no one knows better than Su Qinghuan, for a person like Li Moyao, if you want to attack him, maintaining a sense of mystery and being at ease is a very important quality.

  So the moment Li Zihao stretched out his hand, the little fox subconsciously embraced Li Zihao's arm.


  Xiaobai curled up in Su Qinghuan's arms, a little stunned why the girl suddenly changed his arms, it meows in confusion.

   And Li Moyao watched Su Qinghuan leave his arms just like that. What he wanted to stop, but the girl's subconscious action made the man stop suddenly.

  Li Moyao stared at the girl and cat in Li Zihao's arms, his heart felt as if it had been pierced by a pinhole, causing a dull pain.

   This kind of pain never happened when Li Moyao grew up a little and had autonomy.


  Li Zihao saw Li Moyao staring at the little fox for a split second, and his heart skipped a beat, but his sweetheart finally returned to his arms, and the young man was no longer as angry as before.

   He even gained a little comfort and a sense of superiority from the action of the little fox being so kind and hugging him.

  —His efforts during this period of time were finally not in vain. Compared with his cold-hearted eldest brother, the little fox still trusts himself as a "friend" more.

   Although, he didn't just want to be a friend of the little fox.

   What he thought was to be her man.


  Li Zihao thought so, like a victor, he glanced at Li Moyao from above.

   "Then I'll take Qing Huan back first, brother, you can also go back with your cat, remember to take good care of Xiaobai, and don't let it stray in this kind of barren mountains next time."

  The youth's tone was full of sharpness and show, but Li Moyao was not in the mood to argue with Li Zihao at this moment. He just stared at the little fox with a heavy gaze.

   "Okay, then after you go back... remember to put medicine on Miss Su's leg."

   "Of course I remember! Don't bother you."

  Li Zihao was relieved when he saw that Li Moyao was not entangled.

   And the little fox also followed Li Zihao's will and quickly handed Xiaobai to Li Moyao.


   The girl's cold and moist fingers made a momentary contact with Li Moyao's big palm.

  Li Moyao glanced at Su Qinghuan worriedly. He hugged Xiaobai and moved his thin lips twice, but in the end he didn't say anything.

   And Li Zihao didn't want Su Qinghuan and Li Moyao to stay for another half a second. After Xiaobai returned Li Moyao, Li Zihao took the little fox and walked out of the forest with great strides.


  Li Moyao held Xiaobai in his hand, obviously he should be satisfied, after all, he has been looking for Xiaobai for a long time, but at this moment his heart is still empty.

  No, he was even more at a loss than when he knew that Xiaobai was lost.

And Xiaobai seemed to sense the loneliness and emptiness of his master. He stared at the silhouettes of the little fox and Li Zihao who were far away, and anxiously scurried in Li Moyao's arms twice, and meowed several times, as if to signal. Li Moyao quickly caught up with Su Qinghuan.

  Li Moyao smiled wryly, and he reached out and stroked Xiaobai's hair that was drenched in soup.

   "Do you want to chase her too? But unfortunately, it's useless."

  Why is it useless?

  Xiaobai looked at Li Moyao blankly, obviously not understanding why humans are so complicated.

   It clearly felt that Li Moyao wanted to grab Su Qinghuan out of Li Zihao's arms.

"You do not understand."

  Li Moyao caressed Xiaobai, he pursed the corners of his lips, and finally tried his best to lighten Su Qinghuan's haggard appearance in his mind, and then set off on his return journey.

   (end of this chapter)

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