The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1505: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (75)

   Chapter 1505 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (75)

  Su Qinghuan curled up in Li Zihao's arms, when she heard Xiaobai's unwilling meowing, she turned back subconsciously.

I saw Li Moyao hugging Xiaobai, surrounded by everyone and leaving the forest. Obviously there were so many people around him, and Xiaobai found it, but the man's eyebrows seemed to be covered with the kind of snow that never melts. , cold to the bone.

   seemed to realize that the little fox was looking at him, Li Moyao raised his eyes suddenly, and their eyes met in the air for a moment.

   The little fox nodded lightly at him, while Li Moyao's thin lips moved twice, looking a little hesitant to say anything, but he didn't say anything.

   And Su Qinghuan quickly buried his head on Li Zihao's shoulder.

  Everything doesn't seem to have changed much from the original, but Su Qinghuan knows that many things have completely changed tonight.

   For ordinary people, these 65 points of favorability may only be enough to be a friend who can initially trust.

   But for a person like Li Moyao, there are no friends at all around him. The more rare his favor is, the faster he will fall.


  Little fox understands this truth in her heart, she is not in a hurry to tackle Li Moyao's affairs now, she is in a good mood, and the corners of her lips are bent subconsciously, if it weren't for the strange scene at the moment, the little fox would want to hum a song.

  Li Zihao had already noticed the scene when Su Qinghuan just turned back to look at Li Moyao, the young man seemed to be stinged by something somewhere in his heart.

Even though he had been thinking about the beautiful body in his arms for a long time, he really embraced the little fox at this moment, and there was no gap between the two, but his mood was gloomy. farther and farther.

   All kinds of negative emotions come, but jealousy is the deep one.


  Li Zihao was in a bad mood, and the young man finally couldn't help it, and scolded Su Qinghuan viciously.

   "Are you still in the mood to laugh? You are a girl. You have so many cuts on your arms and legs. If you leave scars in the future, what should you do if you wear a skirt in summer?"

  There is a sentence that Li Zihao has been holding back in his heart, but he dared not ask Su Qinghuan.

  —— Could it be that in the little fox's heart, is his big brother so important? !

   is important enough for him, even in such bad weather to go out to find a cat!


  Little fox raised her eyes and saw Li Zihao's frowning frown, like a large abandoned dog abandoned by its owner, she felt helpless for a while.

   She frowned and tried to comfort her.

   "No, my wound should not be deep. Now that technology is so advanced, how can I leave a scar!"

   "Hmph, even if there are no scars, it's rain and mud now, and your wound is inflamed and it hurts to death!"

   The young man glared at Su Qinghuan viciously, but he subconsciously hugged the little fox a lot, even though the little fox was pale and embarrassed like a female ghost crawling out of the water, but he didn't care about it at all.

   If I have to say that there is any emotion, it is deep jealousy and distress.

   As if he could only confirm that Su Qinghuan did not abandon him and choose Li Moyao only by hugging the girl in his arms deeply.

  The young man has always been able to stand on the sidelines because he came from the field of love, but this time, his pride and self-confidence in the field of love have all collapsed.

   For the little fox, he was willing not to have those so-called self-esteem, and also wanted to keep the little fox by his side.

   just looked at the girl in his arms, but he was still angry and restless in his heart. These restless emotions made him almost want to go crazy.

   He was afraid that even if he gave everything he had, he would not be able to keep her.

   On the other hand, his eldest brother may easily make the little fox change his mind just by moving his finger.


  Why? !

   Obviously they both have the same face!

   Maybe he won't be able to inherit the Li Group, but Su Qinghuan's money in this life is enough for Su Qinghuan to spend extravagantly, and Li Moyao usually has so many big and small things to take care of, where would he have time to spoil a woman? !

   The more Li Zihao thought about it, the more sad he became.

   And when the young man was holding the little fox tighter and tighter, the little fox finally reminded weakly.

   "You scratched me."


  Li Zihao hesitated for half a second, then he relaxed his arms in a panic, and hugged the little fox in a more laborious posture.

   "Then it doesn't hurt, right?"

   "Pfft... You're overkill, aren't you? I'm not some fragile porcelain, not so delicate."

   "It would be nice if you were porcelain."

   The young man muttered in a low voice, a pair of peach blossom eyes glowing a little red.

   If that's the case, then he can treasure her carefully, and let her beauty always be appreciated by him alone.


When walking up the avenue to return to Li's house, Li Zihao deliberately chose a different car from Li Moyao, so as not to let the little fox and Li Moyao bump into each other again, and as soon as he arrived at the courtyard, he quickly carried the little fox to his own courtyard. He also deliberately locked the courtyard door.

   This little thought is ridiculously naive, but it is also a young man with the most sincere and simple possessiveness.


  Su Qinghuan could see clearly, but he didn't break it.

   She looked at Li Zihao with a smile.

   "Do you want to call a personal doctor?"

   "No, I took a look at your injury, I can handle it with the medicine kit."

   It was a rare opportunity to be alone with the little fox. Li Zihao almost categorically rejected Su Qinghuan's proposal.

   He was very skinny when he was a child, so he still has some experience in dealing with this kind of simple trauma.

   "Well then, let's just trust our Second Young Master Li for a while."

  The little fox nodded. She herself knows medical skills, and of course she is not afraid of scarring. It is true that this small injury can be treated normally.

   Seeing the little fox's smiling eyes, Li Zihao's heart seemed to be hit by something lightly. His ears turned red, and he quickly lowered his head to examine the scars on the little fox's legs.

   "I'll disinfect your wound first, it may hurt a little, you have to bear it."


   When Li Zihao heard the little fox's words, he quickly picked up the scissors and cut off some of the lower edge of the little fox's skirt, so that it would be easier to apply medicine.

   He was only holding the little fox's ankle, and at the moment there were some muddy leaves on it, not much beauty at all, but for some reason, Li Zihao's face was still burning.

   he stammered.

   "Why don't I take a hot towel first and wipe the muddy water on your legs and arms before applying medicine? I promise, I will avoid your wounds and won't touch other places!"


  It’s okay if you don’t explain it. Once you explain it, there is even a bit of the taste of silver 300 taels here.

   The little fox couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Zihao's Ai Ai in that issue.

  Why didn't you find out before that this fellow is so innocent and cute sometimes?

   (end of this chapter)

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