The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1506: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (76)

   Chapter 1506 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (76)

   Li Zihao's helpless look, like a pure and stunned young man who has never seen the world.

   For a while, the little fox almost made the little fox doubt the authenticity of Li Zihao's title of sea king.

  Su Qinghuan laughed dumbly, and his expression was much calmer than Li Zihao.

   "It's okay, I believe in your character, not to mention that my wounds are only below the knees and arms, there is no special part."

   The peach-eyed youth looked at Su Qinghuan's narrow brows, as if he couldn't help laughing, Li Zihao was a little annoyed at his performance just now, and the youth suddenly blushed again.

   Wasn't he supposed to ask such a childish question just now?

   as if he had other plans.


   If it was in the past, Li Zihao would definitely like to talk about some fascinating topics. It is best to see those girls who are fascinated and blushing for themselves.

   But now Li Zihao is with Su Qinghuan, but he can't wait to show his most honest and gentleman side, in order to make the little fox believe in his character.

   What annoys Li Zihao the most is that it seems that whenever he gets along with Su Qinghuan, the position of the little fox is always reversed.

   In the past, maybe it was because there was no heartbeat, so I was able to come and go so freely and be exquisite.

   And now, he is really attracted to the little fox. He is no different from ordinary stunned young people who want to show their best in front of their sweethearts.


   "You are still in the mood to laugh here. You can apply the medicine later. If you suffer, just don't cry."

   Li Zihao rolled his eyes with the little fox pretending to be relaxed, and then half-kneeled in front of the little fox very openly.

   The movement of the man's knees was so natural and smooth, as calm as a cloud of water, without any intention of condescension.

   "Host, it seems that the second young master of the Li family is really tempted by you!"

   "Before, I seem to remember that this fellow used to criticize the men who kneel down and propose for his girlfriend on the Internet, but when it was his turn, it was really fragrant."

   Little Fox didn't care when he heard System 233's words.

   "What's so strange about this, people always say that they can't betray their own principles, and educate others in one way, but to love this kind of thing is to easily break the principle, and it is doomed."

   "Host, why do I think you are secretly bragging about your attractiveness, isn't that too narcissistic?"

   "Bah, do I still need to brag about this? The popularity of these people has risen recently, isn't it enough to make you admire Ben Diji's charm?"

   System 233 suddenly felt a chill, and at the same time read the tragic ending of Li Zihao, Li Moyao, Mu Hanting and others from the narcissistic expression of the little fox.

   Because it just checked the little fox's favorability to these people, it's either 0 or a negative number.

   For a woman who is destined to be unimpressed, no matter how much you pay, it is in vain.

   But what the little fox said before, there is really no need to sympathize with these three scumbags, who will let them blame themselves?


   On the other hand, Li Zihao didn't know about the little fox's conversation with System 233.

   He changed his rambunctious disposition, like a good-looking young man at home, very obediently ran to the bathroom to draw a pot of hot water, and carefully mixed the water temperature with some cold water to the point where it was just warm.

  The man ran back with a warm towel, he lifted the little fox's foot, and placed it on his lap very naturally.

   To tell the truth, the scene of taking medicine in such a close relationship with a man and a widow in the same room is bound to make people imagine.

   Holding his sweetheart's toes, Li Zihao's ears turned red and red, and even strangely remembered that women's feet were the most private place in ancient times.

  —If a man sees a woman's bare feet, he must marry her.

  Li Zihao cried frantically in his heart, if it was a little fox, of course he would be willing to marry her.


   This kind of weird association even made Li Zihao's limbs and bones start to heat up.

   He subconsciously raised his eyes to look at the little fox, but saw the little fox with a magnanimous face, as if he was not at all embarrassed.

   Even Su Qinghuan looked at him with a smile and said.

   "Why are you blushing? Don't worry, just take the medicine, what's the embarrassment? Now, you are equivalent to a doctor, I am a patient, how normal!"

   "I'm not a big girl, so why are you like this? Fortunately, you didn't choose to major in medicine, otherwise you would definitely suffer."

  Those secret thoughts in Li Zihao's heart, because of the little fox's incomprehensible words, suddenly made the man almost want to vomit blood.

  He sighed in his heart, and immediately said angrily.

   "You think everyone is as carefree as you. If you were born in ancient times, you would have to marry me now."

   "Then you can put a hundred hearts, and I won't ask you to be responsible."

   The little fox raised the corners of her lips in disapproval. She was a wicked fox, and she deliberately said things that made Li Zihao more depressed.

   Just when Li Zihao was about to blurt out, of course he was willing to take responsibility, the little fox took advantage of the situation and used a joking attitude to block what he was going to say next.

"And at first glance, you haven't read the ancient text books seriously, whether those ancient costume dramas or ancient novels, the unmarried woman in it was rescued by a strong man. Agree."

   "If this girl doesn't like each other, then what she says will be more heart-wrenching, basically saying that she has nothing to repay, and the great kindness can only be repaid with grass and a ring in the next life."


   Hearing the little fox running on him like this, whether she was intentional or unintentional, Li Zihao was really going to die now.

  Why does he want the little fox to be a cow and a horse?

   He just wanted the other party to promise each other!

   But this ruthless fox is not at all willing to take on his fault.

   Li Zihao became more and more annoyed, but he was still very careful and serious when he wiped the smudges on the edge of the wound for the little fox.

   After completing the preliminary work, Li Zihao opened the medicine box that had been beside him, and gave the little fox a bottle of iodophor and sterile cotton swabs.

   "It might hurt a little bit, you bear with it."

  The small wounds on the arms are easy to deal with, but the wound on Su Qinghuan's leg, which was scratched by the bushes, caused severe pain when the iodophor was applied.

   The little fox subconsciously ate the pain and couldn't help but let out a low cry.


   Seeing the little fox frowning, Li Zihao looked even more nervous than Su Qinghuan, he hurriedly held the little fox's arm, and he was very worried.

   "Does it hurt?"

   After saying that, the young man lowered his head subconsciously, like coaxing a child, he put his mouth in front of the little fox's wound and blew lightly.

   "Good boy, it doesn't hurt, it'll be fine soon..."

   (end of this chapter)

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