The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1515: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (85)

   Chapter 1515 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (85)

"what are you doing?!"

   Before the little fox could stop him, Mu Hanting glanced at her provocatively, and directly shook the screen of the phone that had been hung up for the little fox.


  Su Qinghuan felt a little frustrated and powerless for a while.

   She rolled her eyes, but did not forget that A University has received a lot of investment from the Mu family over the years. In fact, if Mu Hanting wants to go to A University, it is not impossible.

  Although he has been struggling in the society since he was a child, his academic performance can be described as a mess, but he can take other paths, such as donating a building to A University like Su Xier, and then consider changing his artistic identity to come in.

   In addition, the principal of University A had to sell the heir of the Mu family for three points, so it was impossible for Mu Hanting to fail to graduate.

   Money can make ghosts run the mill, this sentence is actually applicable everywhere.

   But Mu Hanting did not choose to do so. The reason is actually very simple. Behind the seemingly arrogant and aloof man, there is a deep inferiority complex.

   He was reluctant to enter this prestigious academy. Even if he didn’t have to compete with others in humanities and social sciences or physics and chemistry, he also didn’t have anything in the art category that had the most children from rich families.

Like Su Xi'er, even if she was an illegitimate daughter, she was pampered and raised. She was led by Su's father and cultivated by Liu Meiyu since she was a child. She spent a lot of money to let her learn all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. At least the piano really has two brushes.

  Like Li Zihao, not to mention the guqin alone, and he knows a lot about the appreciation of famous paintings and wines.


   Mu Hanting's deep-seated inferiority complex, like his unwavering self-confidence, are complementary to each other. This is the most different aspect of Mu Hanting, Li Moyao and Li Zihao.

   At most, Li Zihao will feel a little jealous and inferior when he sees his elder brother Li Moyao, but in the face of other people, how could he feel depressed?

   Not to mention Li Moyao, the Son of Heaven, even if he strips away his identity as the eldest young master of the Li family, Li Moyao's academic ability is enough to bear the words "genius among geniuses".

   And when these wealthy children were spoiled from childhood, what was Mu Hanting doing at that time?

  He was begging for food in the darkest place at the bottom, worrying about the last meal and the lack of the next meal, and at the very least, he could only rely on stealing and robbing.

   Even because of an overly handsome face, he attracted the covetousness of many people in the salty land. There are men and women in this covetousness.

  The turbid and greedy eyes of those people made Mu Hanting horrified and hated even more since he was a child.

   He doesn't have any chance for a normal child to climb up, let alone a life of fine clothes and jade food in the upper class.

   Even in his body, the blood of the Mu family flows.

   There is a saying that a poor person must have something to hate. This sentence is just right for Mu Hanting. For him, a person who is hateful must have something pitiful.

   This is also a kind of silent sadness.

   In the eyes of the little fox, his biggest mistake is that even if he doesn't know it, he shouldn't take revenge, involving an innocent woman as an opportunity to repay Su Xier's false kindness.


  Su Qinghuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart for a while. When he saw Mu Hanting's call that had been hung up, although he was frustrated by Mu Hanting's self-assertion, he had to admit it.

   "So, how did you know that I was going to take an elective in art appreciation this afternoon?"

   "What's so difficult about this, let someone investigate, or they'll come out."

   Mu Hanting put it lightly, Su Qinghuan was shocked for a while, and in a trance, he overlapped Mu Hanting and Li Zihao, even though Mu Hanting did not grow up in a wealthy family.

   But after he entered the Mu family, like Li Zihao, Li Moyao and others, he quickly and familiarly dispatched some resources of the upper class.

   For example, to dig deep into a person's information, it's easy for them.


   Seeing Su Qinghuan's strange gaze, Mu Hanting frowned, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, always feeling like the little fox was looking through him.

   But before the man could say anything, she saw Su Qinghuan's phone screen lit up, and she sighed, shaking the information in her phone towards Mu Hanting.

   "Your words really work. I have already received a one-day notice from the teacher of the elective course that he is not feeling well."

   Seeing that Su Qinghuan didn't look at him like that anymore, Mu Hanting was relieved, and he quickly walked to Su Qinghuan's door and gestured to the little fox.

   "Since you don't have to go to class, why don't you invite me in? You haven't eaten lunch yet?"

   I just chased away a Li Zihao who wanted to come to eat, shouldn't I have another one?

  In addition to Li Moyao, Mu Hanting and Li Zihao have both tasted her craftsmanship, I'm afraid they will never forget it since then, after all, the little fox knows that her cooking skills are indeed excellent enough to rival her face.

   The little fox wrote refusal all over his heart.

   "...I didn't eat lunch, but Mu Shao, I said that you are not the kind of person who destroys people. You wouldn't want to eat a meal with my sick patient, would you?"

  Unexpectedly, Mu Hanting looked at her deeply.

   "I stopped your class, why should I let you cook? Would you like to take a look at how miserable you are?"

   It was the first time that Su Qinghuan discovered that Mu Hanting had such a frivolous side with his poisonous mouth.

   In the past, the little fox always thought that Mu Hanting was a combination of "no emotional intelligence and unhappiness", but now it seems that she sees Mu Hanting too flat.


  Since this master wanted to ridicule himself for watching a joke, Su Qinghuan also broke the jar, so he simply opened the door and listened to him.

   What the little fox didn't expect was that as soon as he entered the door, Mu Hanting walked into the house as if he was familiar, and glanced at the little fox's residence with disgust.

   "You're used to living in such a small place."

   Of course, the man wouldn't say that he lived in a place ten thousand times more shabby than this, such as the bridge hole that leaked air everywhere on winter nights and almost froze him to death.


   "To condone you."

   The little fox rolled his eyes, and just sat down, Mu Hanting came over suddenly, and under the disbelief in the little fox's eyes, he directly lifted her feet.

   "Are you sick?! Mu Hanting, what are you trying to do?!"

   Seeing the little fox's face stained with a little powder due to anger, it finally seemed that he was not as pale as before, the man's heart was slightly relieved, but he felt that the little fox with fried fur now was the woman he was familiar with.

   The handsome half-breed had a serious face.

   "Let me see if you're seriously injured? In the video, your leg is bleeding so much. It's just a cat. Even if you want to save it, it's not worth it, right?"

   "You said that you are good at keeping a girl's house. If you have scars, you will have to wear long skirts and trousers in summer?"

  When he lifted the corner of the little fox's skirt and saw the shocking wound that had just scabbed over, Mu Hanting's pupils shrank immediately——

   (end of this chapter)

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