The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1516: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (86)

   Chapter 1516 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (86)

  Perhaps because Mu Hanting is a mixed race, his pupils appear to be deeper and deeper than ordinary people. At this moment, staring at the little fox's wound so fixedly, those heavy scorpions actually showed a bit of a bewitching deep purple.

  The man looked at the little fox's wound that had initially formed scabs but was still extremely ferocious, and an unreasonable anger surged in his heart.

  ——How could she not love herself so much for a cat!

  In addition to being angry, Mu Hanting sneered at the little fox.

   "Fortunately, the wound didn't fall on your face at the beginning, otherwise if your face is broken, you won't plan to marry in the future?"

   "Who said that girls must marry in this life?"

   The little fox glanced at Mu Hanting indifferently, and wanted to get rid of Mu Hanting's bondage, but this fellow didn't know what was fascinated by him, and held her ankle firmly.

   This strange scene made the little fox roll his eyes.

"do not move!"

   Mu Hanting scolded the little fox, and when he heard Su Qinghuan's previous remarks that were not in line with the mainstream values ​​of country A, the man was silent for a moment.

   "You may not believe it. A woman like my mother has served so many men in her life, but she has always hoped that some rich benefactor will bring her back, marry her, and give her a name."

   Even at that time, Mu Hanting's mother already had Mu Hanting's oil bottle.

The mother in Mu Hanting's memory was a Siberian girl who worked in a shady job in country A. She often took him to hide in various tube buildings, and the man beside her mother was like a leek in the field, changing again and again. A crop.

It's just that the quality of the male companions is getting worse. At the beginning, they were young and middle-aged people. They were more gentlemen in suits and leather shoes. They gave a lot of money, and occasionally gave them some jewelry. At that time, my mother didn't know how to cherish them. Splurge.

   Later, with the growth of the mother's age, the appearance and figure deteriorated rapidly, and the quality of those male companions continued to decline.

   There are middle-aged men who don't drink alcohol and swear words, have dark skin like a truck driver who has just been in a coal mine, and even a bad old man who is three wheels older than his mother.


   But Mu Hanting deeply remembered that his mother was very beautiful when she was young. She had long flaxen hair, and a beautiful face that was slightly haggard due to the smell of alcohol for many years, but it was difficult to hide her natural beauty.

   She was always drinking drunk, speaking Russian, and speaking in unskilled Mandarin. Every day, she pointed at him and scolded him, or smashed the bottle of wine on Mu Hanting.

Mu Hanting didn't understand Russian, so his mother didn't have time to teach him these things, but Mu Hanting could still understand the Chinese spoken by his mother, and the words that scolded him seemed to be mixed with wild-species, small animals-raw, Disgusting words such as broom stars.

   In fact, there is nothing new in the over and over, after all, apart from his mother, there are many people pointing at him with similar words.

   Even because mixed-race children were not popular in country A in the early years, Mu Hanting's skin tone that was much paler than that of ordinary girls, and his excessively profound facial features attracted countless scorns and bullying.

   When he grew up, Mu Hanting became more and more handsome, and the scolding eyes of those people were slowly mixed with turbid evil thoughts.

   Mu Hanting is most familiar with that kind of look.

  Because in the past, when my mother was pushing and shoving with her male companions, those male companions would always show this look to his mother.

   Later, those guests even stared at Mu Hanting with such eyes.

  His mother always scolded him and beat him. Since childhood, Mu Hanting had scars on his body. Some of them fought with others outside, but there were also marks from his mother's broom and various furniture.

Maybe the only good thing about my mother is that she always remembers that he hasn't starved to death yet, so she gives him two bites to eat, and when the guests look at him with those coveted eyes, she quickly says with a smile that she is not a child. The sensible disappointment, and hurriedly kicked him out.

Those guests wanted to stop them at first, but when they saw that Mu Hanting was so young, they stared at them with a fierce and cold look like a young wolf. They soon felt that Mu Hanting was indeed unknown, and hurriedly chased him out. .

  Because Mu Hanting's mother has been depressed all these years, and the wishful thinking of finding a rich man to marry has also failed, and the alcoholism has become more and more serious. When Mu Hanting was ten years old, his mother passed away.

   Since then, no vicious Siberian girl has looked at him with such disgust and called him a broom star.

But no one cooks for him when he is hungry, protects him when others covet him, hugs him and weeps when he is sober occasionally, saying that he regrets hitting him and wants to take him to eat something delicious Yes, buy him fried chicken and coke.

  Mu Hanting asked himself, does he hate his mother?

   Hate, of course.

   But if there is no normal attachment and longing for a child to his mother, it is absolutely impossible.

   After all, the little warmth in his life has completely disappeared.


   It is precisely because of these special experiences that Mu Hanting understood the bad things between men and women very early, but he himself had no interest in it, and even hated it, whether it was a man or a woman.

   It can be said that the little fox was the first person who made Mu Hanting interested in the opposite sex.


   The little fox couldn't help but be silent for a moment when he heard what Mu Hanting said that his mother hated getting married.

   She and Mu Hanting had known each other for a while, but even if she mobilized all the memories of the original owner's previous life, she had never heard Mu Hanting talk about each other in Mu Hanting's mouth.

   This is the first time the little fox heard Mu Hanting mention his mother, there is no contempt, no anger, no sadness, only such an understated description that his mother is keen on getting married.

   Actually, it would be a bit funny to say that Mu Hanting's mother couldn't get married.

   Because of Mu Hanting's appearance alone, it is not difficult to infer how stunning Mu Hanting's mother was when she was young.

  Even if you are born in a dusty environment, if you just want to get married, you will definitely have a chance.

   Just taking Mu Hanting to marry a rich man, the difficulty factor is too high.

  Most shrewd and rich people will investigate the background of the object. They don’t even have an investigation channel like ordinary people.


   The little fox sighed, she could guess that Mu Hanting's childhood was indeed miserable, so she could only pass by haha ​​for a while.

   "Maybe most girls want to have a home."

  I thought that Mu Hanting would not continue, but unexpectedly, the man glanced at the scar on her leg again, took out a small bottle and said lightly.

   "Yes, she really wants to have a home. My mother used to say that girls are the most beautiful by nature. Your injury is so obvious, if you leave a scar, it will not be delicate."

   "You should keep this ointment. It's used to remove scars. It should be useful."

   (end of this chapter)

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