The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1517: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (87)

   Chapter 1517 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (87)

   Seeing the little fox looking at him suspiciously, Mu Hanting raised his eyebrows and smiled.

   "Why, don't you dare to take it? Are you worried that my ointment for removing scars is poisonous?"

   The little fox shook his head honestly.

   "It's not because of this. I remember when I was in Lanyuan last time, I saw the scars on your body one after another, and you looked so hideous. I really don't believe this scar cream is useful."

The little fox's own medical skills are very good, and in her opinion, the injury she suffered is far from that serious. This kind of new scar, as long as the healing period is well recuperated to prevent proliferation, and after healing, apply her homemade plaster. It is impossible to leave scars.


  Mu Hanting never thought it was because of this reason.

   The man's face darkened.

   He is a big man. He has been used to fighting people since he was a child. He has always thought that scars are a man's medal. Of course, he doesn't care about such trivial matters as scar removal.

   This ointment was specially sent by Mu Hanting to find a Chinese medicine expert.

  It is said that a thousand gold is hard to find, but he is not short of this money, so he got it quickly.

Now that he has come to the little fox's house to deliver medicine, Mu Hanting is not willing to say that he is asking for medicine for the little fox. Gotta screw it up.


   "Don't forget it."

   The man snorted coldly, and in a blink of an eye he was about to throw the ointment into the trash can.

   Seeing Mu Hanting wasting things like this, the little fox's eyelids jumped.

   "Forget it, give me a look and I'll probably know the quality of this ointment by smelling it."

   "? Do you know Chinese medicine?"

   Mu Hanting was stunned for a moment. He handed the ointment to the little fox, only to feel that Su Qinghuan was lying to him.

   After all, seeing how Su Qinghuan bandaged him after stabbing him in the shoulder last time, the man felt that this woman was very bad, and she didn't know the basics of bandaging.

   almost strangled his wound to bleed again.


   The little fox glanced innocently at Mu Hanting, and in order to maintain her character who knew nothing about pharmacology, she quickly shook her head sweetly.

   "I don't understand, but my sixth sense is very accurate. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

   After saying that, the little fox sniffed the ointment. After smelling the smell of several Chinese medicines, the little fox's eyes lit up. Sure enough, Mu Hanting didn't lie to her. This thing is indeed very useful for removing scars.

   However, it is not suitable for use before the wound has completely healed, as it will easily stimulate the growth of the wound. I don’t think Mu Hanting understands this.

   The little fox originally thought about preparing the medicine by herself, but since Mu Hanting saved her a process, she naturally accepted it with a smile.

   "It smells pretty good, so it should be useful, so I'll be disrespectful."


   Mu Hanting glanced at Su Qinghuan suspiciously, only to think that there might be something serious in the little fox's mind.

   "You're just so arbitrary?"

   "I don't understand, it's said that women rely on the sixth sense and are invincible."

  The little fox proudly raised his head towards Mu Hanting with a look of pride in his eyes.


   Seeing the smug look of the little fox, Mu Hanting was a little speechless for a while, and almost began to wonder if he should remove the label of Su Qinghuan's cleverness.

  Although, she did guess right.

   This is indeed a good medicine.


   It was rare for the little fox to have such a calm chat with Mu Hanting in the past. It can only be said that people are sometimes really strange. The atmosphere where the two people used to draw swords and arrows seems to have disappeared all of a sudden.

   Just as Su Qinghuan sighed in her heart, her stomach rumbled inappropriately.

   There was such a heavy rain yesterday. In order to maintain health, the little fox ate very light food in the morning. They were all sparse millet porridge. Now that it is noon, it is naturally hungry.

  The little fox immediately stood up and said sternly towards Mu Hanting.

   "Okay, I have received this ointment too, so I would like to thank Young Master Mu for his concern for his subordinates. Now that it's time for dinner, I'm going to order a takeaway to make up for it, so I won't give it to you?"


  Mu Hanting glanced suspiciously at the little fox.

   "With a craft like yours, would you be willing to order takeout?"

   Obviously he didn't want to believe that Su Qinghuan would grieve his stomach.

   "It's normal to eat takeout!"

   And the little fox refused.

   "I'd rather be a lazy person than cook."


   Seeing Su Qinghuan's emphasis, Mu Hanting finally believed that the little fox was not fooling himself to avoid him rubbing his food. The man was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said.

   "Since you are all injured, it's not good for a patient to eat takeout with high oil and salt. If you don't think that my cooking skills are not as good as yours, can I cook a meal for you?"


   The little fox stared at Mu Hanting dumbfounded.

"can you cook?"

  When she and Mu Hanting were the nominal husband and wife, she went to Lanyuan to see that there was no vegetable leaves or eggs in the refrigerator.

   "It doesn't count, but you can still eat noodles next time."


  Su Qinghuan hesitated for two seconds, although she doubted that Mu Hanting would cook dark dishes, but she was really curious about how well this snake-spirited cooking skill was. If she could eat Mu Hanting's meal, no one would believe it if she said it!

   "Okay, then I'll just sit and wait."

   This fellow ate her a meal before, and he didn't let the other party give back a pair of Man Han full feasts, Mu Hanting earned it all.


   The little fox was sitting in the living room. The apartment was not large. When he looked back, he could see Mu Hanting busy in the crowded kitchen.

   Obviously this face has been used for a long time, but the man's actions at the moment are new, so the little fox can't help but feel.

  —If only Mu Hanting could be so easy-going all the time, it would be better than being a snake spirit that explodes every day.


  Because it was noodles and only made for two people, Mu Hanting's finished product came out of the pot very quickly.

The little fox watched in amazement as Mu Hanting brought out two bowls of steaming noodles, each with a poached egg, finely chopped green onion, and light minced meat. Although it was a very simple home-style noodle, it smelled It makes the index finger move.

  The little fox's pupils are slightly open

   "You look good at cooking, who taught you? Self-taught?"

  Mu Hanting was silent for a moment, and those originally calm eyes suddenly flashed with a vague hostility.

   The little fox guessed the answer. He thought that Mu Hanting would not answer, but Mu Hanting suddenly opened his lips.

   "My mother can only make noodles, this is what I watched and learned."

   "...Your mother is a foreigner after all. She can cook noodles well, and she loves you too."

   The little fox comforted him casually.

  Unexpectedly, Mu Hanting sneered suddenly.


   "Most of the time, she doesn't love me, she just smashes me with a wine bottle, calling me a wild breed and an incompetent broom star."

   The little fox was eating the yolk of the poached egg. Mu Hanting's words made her choke immediately.

   "Cough cough..."

   How should she answer this?

   (end of this chapter)

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