The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1521: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (91)

   Chapter 1521 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (91)

  Su Xier chose a chiffon red dress with a big open back. In order to avoid being too conspicuous on the street, she specially approved a fairy-like white blouse outside.

   As long as he got to the Mu Group, Su Xi'er was ready to tear off the blouse a little, and then pretended to fall down and sit on Mu Hanting's lap, so that the blouse completely slipped off.

   She believes that as long as any normal man who likes women, he will react when he sees a beautiful woman in such a cool dress.

   Su Xier used this trick to deal with the spare tire that she needed to use before. Of course, this was the first time for Mu Hanting here.

   It's not that Mu Hanting is not handsome. On the contrary, Mu Hanting's personality is too overwhelming. Even if this living **** king is far more kind to Su Xi'er than others, Su Xi'er is still subconsciously scared.


   Now if it weren't for the fact that Father Su had warned her to freeze Su Xi'er's secondary card, and the two brothers of the Li family couldn't be softened like a piece of iron, otherwise Su Xi'er wouldn't have thought of using such a trick.

   In order to show her traditional and virtuous side, Su Xier thought about it for a while, and even went to a Cantonese-style soup shop and packed a healthy soup in a thermos.

   She was so considerate, she didn't believe in Han Ting and wasn't moved.


   Carrying Tang to the Mus Group, as soon as she arrived at the grand entrance, Su Xier suddenly had a thought. She turned on her beauty camera and took a picture of herself carrying Tang and the background behind her.

   After shooting, Su Xier also specially repaired for a few minutes. After confirming that the overall appearance was flawless, the woman sent the photo to the little fox.

  Incidentally, there is also a sentence about the tea in the tea.

  ——Sister, have you had dinner yet? Shall I bring you one?

   Last time Su Qinghuan sent herself the contract page of her being specially hired by the Mu Group as Mu Hanting's assistant, Su Xier almost jumped in anger.

   Now that there is such a good opportunity to fight back, of course Su Xier can't let it go.

   In Su Xi'er's opinion, even if Su Qinghuan can negotiate a few big contracts for Mu Hanting, what if there is so little value in use?

  Isn't a real tool man? !

   This kind of capable female subordinate, Mu Hanting should not have too many subordinates.

   But she, Su Xier, is different.

   She wants to be, but Mu Hanting is the person at the top of her heart!

   If it wasn't for her fear of Mu Hanting, then the position of the young mistress of the Mu Group would be hers!

   Didn't you see that when she wanted to repay her revival and let Mu Hanting marry the little fox, did the man follow his words?

  Su Qinghuan was divorced by Mu Hanting so quickly in less than a day. What was the difference between the abandoned woman who was swept out of the house in ancient times? !

   This woman has no capital to make her jealous!


  Little fox is lying at home and reading documentaries. Who knows, WeChat will pop up such hot-eyed news.

I saw that Su Xi'er in the picture was obviously dressed up. She was holding the soup and looked at the camera shyly and timidly. Her fragrant shoulders seemed to be half-exposed, lining the tall buildings behind, adding a bit of charming charm. .

  Why did Su Xier send such photos to herself? !

The little fox has never been to the headquarters of the Mu Group, and because Su Xier's shot did not directly appear the LOGO of the Mu Group, but chose its iconic landmark, the little fox didn't recognize it for a while, just wrinkled frowned.

   "Tonger, shouldn't this kind of photo be sent to a man who likes Su Xier? It's very tempting at first glance."

   System 233 nodded with affection.

   "Host, you can understand if you stare at that building carefully. If you really don't understand, just read the picture on Baidu and you can understand where it is. People, this is just showing off with you!"


   The little fox almost laughed when he heard this.

   "So this is the building of the headquarters of the Mu Group? No wonder I said that the background looks quite imposing."

"Cough, Tong'er, looking at Su Xier's cool clothes, doesn't she really want to flatter Mu Hanting? Tsk tsk tsk, if she can win Mu Hanting, then we will have a good show. Did you see it?"

   "...Host, aren't you worried?"

   Seeing Su Qinghuan as if nothing to do with him hanging up high, System 233 was stunned for a moment.

"worry about what?"

   The little fox twitched the corners of his mouth, his expression extremely disapproving.

   And System 233 was worried.

"Host, I am afraid that Mu Hanting will follow Su Xi'er's words. After all, there is a knife on the head of the color. Although Su Xi'er is not as good as you, she is indeed a beautiful woman, and she can put it down better than you. attitude."


  Su Qinghuan became more and more speechless.

"So what? Let's not talk about whether Mu Hanting will have something to do with Su Xi'er. Even if it does happen, it doesn't matter. It's too late for me to hate these scumbags. The main thing is the goodwill of these people. , I don't want me to be with them."

   "...Then you're not afraid. If Su Xi'er and Mu Hanting are indescribable, will it be more difficult for you to master it?"

   "Pfft, you have to have some confidence in your host."

   The little fox glanced at Mu Hanting's existing favorability record. Since the last time he delivered the medicine, it has been 70 points, 5 points higher than Li Moyao.

   "Even if I don't rely on anything else, the original owner's kindness alone can add another 20 points to Mu Hanting, so I chose to give up on Mu Hanting.

   "What's more, I don't think Mu Hanting is too obsessed with Su Xi'er, otherwise, why didn't he pursue Su Xi'er well in the first place?"


  Little fox made such a conclusion, System 233 was still a little worried, and Su Xier over there was already walking towards the Mu Family Building.

  Mu Hanting once specially explained that Su Xier would be released as soon as he came, and there was no need to make an appointment, so the guard here saw Su Xier's eyes lit up, and he was very enthusiastic.

   "Miss Su, what wind brought you here?"

  Su Xi'er lowered her head and smiled softly.

   "Cough, I see that Brother Mu hasn't gotten off work so late. I'm afraid he'll be hungry, so I came to see him."

   "Oh, Miss Su, you are so kind to Mr. Mu!"

   Seeing that those people seemed to regard themselves as the wife of the future president of the Mu family, Su Xier stepped on her high heels more and more vigorously.


  Mu Hanting's assistant was also surprised to see Su Xier, but like a guard, he quickly and enthusiastically greeted Su Xier.

   "Mr. Mu! Miss Su is here!"

   Mu Hanting, who was immersed in business affairs, lowered his head and hit the keys like a fly, when he heard the assistant's words, he subconsciously replaced Miss Su with the words Su Qinghuan.


  The man didn't realize it himself, he put down the pen quickly, and his eyes were also filled with a hint of surprise, but when he saw the figure slowly coming outside the door.

   Mu Hanting pursed his thin lips instantly.

"How did you come?"

   Don't even call your own name?

  Su Xier's smile stopped, she bit her lip and walked towards Mu Hanting step by step, looking very aggrieved.

   "Don't Brother Mu welcome me?"

   (end of this chapter)

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