The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1522: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (92)

   Chapter 1522 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (92)

  When it was clear that it was Su Xi'er, Mu Hanting felt a little irritable and disappointed, just thinking that the little fox had never set foot in the Mu Group, and the man finally tried his best to expel that heartless figure from his mind.

   He said to Su Xier extremely coldly.

   "It can't be said that you are welcome or not, but aren't you busy practicing the piano recently? Why do you have time to visit me?"

And Su Xi'er saw the man's calm expression, and she panicked in her heart. Although Mu Hanting was very cold to others in the past, in front of her, she still cared about the false kindness and wanted to be more kind. of.

  I don't know what happened recently, Mu Hanting's attitude towards her seems to be getting worse and worse.

   Could it be that the other party found out that he was not the savior he was looking for? !


   Because of this guess, a trace of fear flashed in Su Xier's eyes.

  No, certainly not yet.

   Otherwise, according to Mu Hanting's cold-blooded temperament, he would never allow himself to stand here and talk to him.

   Maybe it's just that Mu Hanting has suffered a setback in the business field recently, so he feels irritable, and he doesn't even have the good color he used to treat her.


  Su Xi'er comforted herself with such self-deception, if she loses Mu Hanting's golden thigh now, and even wants to turn against Mu Hanting, it is absolutely unacceptable to Su Xi'er.

Su Xi'er immediately began to rejoice that she had foresight, and took time out of her busy schedule to come to the Mu Group for this trip. If she really had an indescribable relationship with Mu Hanting, then Mu Hanting would not have been like this all the time. Half-dead attitude.


  Thinking of this, Su Xier immediately drew a splendid smile on her lips, as if she didn't realize how impatient Mu Hanting was, she picked up the thermal insulation box in her hand and shook it towards Mu Hanting.

   "Brother Mu, what do you mean when I have time to visit you? Can't I come to see you because of the relationship between the two of us?"

"I heard from your assistant that you've been dealing with a lot of money lately, and you've signed a lot of big contracts with a French businessman. You're constantly turning around every day, and you often stay in the office for one night, even if your body is battered, you won't be able to bear it! "

   "And if you stay up all night to work like this, it will definitely affect your health. Your stomach can't stand such a toss."

   Su Xi'er said, she stretched out her slender hand, put the food box in front of Mu Hanting's desk, and showed it to Mu Hanting diligently.

   "This is the meal I brought you. I was going to cook it myself, but it's too late. I know this Cantonese restaurant has the best reputation in City A. Brother Mu, you should try it too."

   "Look at how healthy this lotus root pork ribs soup is!"

   After saying that, Su Xi'er didn't care that Mu Hanting didn't answer at all, and started to take out a spoon for Mu Hanting to serve the soup.

  The girl slanted her shoulders as she poured the soup, so that her plain white blouse would slide down naturally, revealing a shoulder that was whiter than snow.

   In terms of appearance, Su Xier is not like a little fox who is a beauty in all directions, her facial features are at best gentle and slender, but Su Xier always takes advantage of her appearance and amplifies it to the maximum.

  Su Xi'er knows which side of herself is the most beautiful. Men have never been able to resist this kind of subtle hooking.

   While painting the characters suitable for being a good wife and mother, she looked at Mu Hanting sideways with a smile, and her blouse slipped further and further down her heart.

  Because the movement involves a lot, not only the shoulders, but even the back is exposed. The bright red halter dress against the girl's lustrous skin really makes most men look impetuous.


   It was just this little trick, but it couldn't shake Mu Hanting.

   He was born in a place better than the Evernight Palace since he was a child. He has seen countless women who can flirt with men. Mu Hanting's mother alone is far above Su Xi'er.

  The man glanced at Su Xier with a half-smile.

   "Xi'er, so you worked so hard to come to the Mu Group just to bring me soup?"


  Su Xi'er became even more angry because of her guilty conscience, but on the surface she still managed to maintain a warm smile.

   "Of course! I care about Brother Mu the most!"


   Mu Hanting's expression became more and more cold when he heard the words.

   During this period of time, Mu Hanting read too much information about Su Qinghuan, but after all, it was about his life-saving benefactor, so the man also carefully checked some of Su Xier's information.

   The more you browse, the more shocking you will be.

  Most of the clues pointed to a fact that Mu Hanting couldn't believe.

   In the mouths of her classmates, Su Xier has been very good at judging the situation since she was a child, and she is good at using others to achieve her own goals.

   Such a utilitarian Su Xier, naturally, it is impossible to help others with so much love. The only time she went to a nursing home in middle school was to brush up her excellent student's resume so that she could win an award.


   When a man thinks about the information that can't be deceived, he gets very upset.

  The final conclusion has not yet come out.

   But according to his subordinate, old K, it will be next month at the latest, just in time for the end of the A-big literary and art show.

  The man was so annoyed that he even wanted to tell Su Xier that he was not interested in this kind of artistic performance in the first place, so it was okay not to attend this time.

   It's just that Mu Hanting didn't expect that he just didn't take care of Su Xier as usual during this period of time, and this woman could go from the A headquarters to the Mu Group without taking any pains.

  When Mu Hanting was completely kept in the dark before, although he didn't have any out-of-bounds love for Su Xier, he was already a preferential treatment that could be envied by countless people.

   Ironically, at that time, Su Xi'er was very reluctant to visit him at the Mu Group's side because she was afraid of him.

   If she really came, it was because of Mu Hanting's invitation, or she herself had some urgent matter and wanted to ask Mu Hanting for help.

Now he's getting impatient with Su Xi'er, but this woman came to see him so proactively, and even carried a thermal box in her hand to let him taste the freshly baked lotus root pork ribs soup, this is Mu Han Ting has never been treated before.

   How ridiculous.


   Just when the man was impatient, suddenly, his mobile phone WeChat suddenly lit up, and it was Mu Hanting's top message, so it was particularly conspicuous.

   That was a WeChat message from the little fox.

  Mu Hanting subconsciously ignored that Su Xier was beside him, and directly opened the WeChat.

  I saw that the little fox only sent a sentence and a picture.

  ——Congratulations to Mu Shao for holding a beautiful woman back, is it happy?

   And the attached picture is of Su Xier's previous selfie in front of the Mu Group, with her shoulders half-bared!

   (end of this chapter)

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