The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1527: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (97)

   Chapter 1527 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (97)

  Su Xi'er bit her lower lip tightly, until the faint smell of rust appeared in her mouth, and she woke up.

   Seeing that Li Zihao's red Ferrari supercar had disappeared, Su Xier immediately called an aunt who worked in Li's house.

  In order to get closer to Li Moyao smoothly, she reluctantly surrendered her identity and exchanged contact information with a cooking aunt like Li Zhai who was not on the table.

   It is said that to keep a man's heart, you must first keep a man's stomach, so Su Xi'er thought of using this method to find out what Li Moyao usually likes to eat.

   To Su Xier's disappointment, according to the introduction of the cooking aunt, Li Moyao had a mediocre appetite for everything, and seldom ate at Li's house, so all her efforts were in vain.

   "Aunt Wang, my sister seems to be going to Li's house in a while. Didn't she make a fuss when she broke off with Big Brother Li? So I'm a little worried about my sister. Big Brother Li won't target my sister, right?"

  Su Xier pretended to be good for her sister on the surface, but the cooking aunt on the phone really didn't hear Su Xier's twists and turns, but said cheerfully.

   "Cough, Miss Xi'er, you don't have to worry about this! Don't you know? Young Master Li's pet lion cat was lost two days ago."

   "At that time, Young Master Li sent dozens of people to look for it in Canglan Mountain, but the altitude in the mountain is so cold, and it is raining heavily. Who can guarantee to find it?"

   Hearing these irrelevant remarks, Su Xier was a little bit confused at first, but when she thought of Su Qinghuan, a very bad premonition flashed in her heart.

  Su Xier's lips turned white, and her mouth was bitter.

   "Aunt Wang, do you mean that my sister found the lion cat?"

"Isn't it?! It can only be said that God is destined to have a destiny. Young Master Li is so unapproachable, but he doesn't like his pet. It is said that your sister found the lion cat at that time, Young Master Li. I'm so happy, and I'm going to bring your sister back in person!"

   Obviously she didn't see it with her own eyes, but when she heard this description, Su Xi'er felt that everything seemed to be happening before her eyes.

   The poisonous snake called jealousy in her heart wrapped her heart even more.

  Su Xier pinched her fingernails into her palm.

   "What about later? Is it really Big Brother Li who brought my sister back to Li's house?"

  Aiwu and Wu are not like this, right?

   In the past, when Su Qinghuan was the fiancee of Big Brother Li, she had never been so close to Li Moyao.

   Now, because of a cat, the treatment has suddenly improved?

   is simply absurd!


  The cooking aunt of Li's house didn't hear Su Xier's jealousy, and she was still gossiping.

"That's not true. It is said that Ershao Li brought it back later, but the next day, Dashao Li asked the housekeeper to send gifts to your sister, but unfortunately your sister didn't receive it. Everyone is now guessing whether your sister is with you. The eldest young master has the possibility of a revival of old love."


   Hearing such a news, Su Xier's mood was extremely corrupted.

   She gave a perfunctory smile.

   "Who knows, but Big Brother Li doesn't look like the kind of man who eats back grass. Thank you, Aunt Wang."

   Before Aunt Wang could answer, Su Xier hung up the phone in a very bad mood.


   From the incomplete description of Auntie Wang, she can almost outline the scene of the two brothers of the Li family fighting for a woman and being jealous.

   But Li Zihao doesn't matter.

   How could even Li Moyao be so awake? !


  Su Xier gritted her teeth, her eyes showing strong jealousy.

   If she had known that Li Moyao would change her mind on Su Qinghuan for a cat, she should have gone to Canglan Mountain to find a cat!

   But this is not too bad news. Su Qinghuan didn't accept Li Moyao's gift. According to Li's arrogant temperament, he should feel very shameless, right?

   I won't be as ignorant as Su Qinghuan.

  Women, gentle and small, are the favorites of men.

  Thinking that Li Moyao would also participate as an outstanding alumnus in the A University Art Show, Su Xier's heartbeat could not help speeding up.

   She was going to dress up and show off her talents that day by dressing up and playing the piano. She thought that was enough. Now, it seems that she should also be a kind person who loves animals.

   How about buying more branded cat food for Li Moyao?

Su Xier Baidu introduced the lion cat and saw that its appearance is very similar to the popular puppet cat on the market, so she decided to go to the market for a lot of money to buy a puppet cat with excellent appearance. .

   It will be given to Li Moyao together with cat food.

   She thought about what she said, and said that she was afraid that Li Moyao would be busy with work all the year round, and Li Zhai only had a lion cat too lonely, two cats as companions, wouldn't it be more loving?

   And the ragdolls she bought are definitely the ones that can be displayed at the competition level. They are well-behaved and cute, and they will definitely melt the hearts of cat lovers like Li Moyao.

   As a cat giver in the future, I can always visit Li's house by taking advantage of my status as the cat's "mother".

   As for the cat's father, of course it is Li Moyao!


   When System 233 told the little fox Su Xier to turn around and go to the market to buy a competition-level puppet cat at a high price, and was going to give it to Li Moyao, the little fox almost burst out laughing.

   "Tonger, surely Su Xier hasn't watched "The Little Prince", right?"

   There are thousands of roses, each of which may be beautiful, beautiful and lovely, but the one that the little prince takes care of is his only love.

  Su Xi'er's idea of ​​sending cats to make a pair is like flattering the horse's legs.

   is amazing.


  Li Zihao was surprised when he saw that the little fox was still laughing in the next car.

   "Qing Huan, what are you laughing at? What is there to be so happy about?"

   "Can't I be happy to think that I can rehearse the show with you?"

   The little fox raised his eyebrows and easily changed the subject.

   Seeing the girl's bright eyebrows and eyes, Li Zihao only felt thirsty in his throat. He looked down, and when his eyes lingered on Su Qinghuan's red lips, his heartbeat easily missed a beat.

  The peach blossom-eyed young man's ears began to heat up. He never thought that the sea king, who was best at bewitching people, would one day be easily bewitched by others.

  Li Zihao hurriedly looked away, expecting a little.

   "I'm also very happy to think that I can see you dancing today."

   The last time the little fox showed off his piano skills, Li Zihao was shocked. Now he is more and more curious about how graceful Su Qinghuan would be if he danced.


   Just as Li Zihao finished speaking, a cold male voice came out of nowhere.

   "Zihao, Miss Su, what a coincidence."


   (end of this chapter)

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