The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1528: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (98)

   Chapter 1528 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (98)

  When he heard the abrupt male voice, the little fox turned his head subconsciously, only to see Li Moyao standing behind him and Li Zihao at some point.

  The girl nodded lightly to Li Moyao.

   "Brother Li, I didn't expect you to be here too."

   After all, according to the usual working hours of the Li Group, it is impossible for Li Moyao to appear here.

   And as we all know, Li Moyao is a workaholic, and it is not uncommon for him to stay in the Li's Group to work overtime and not come back.

   When Li Zihao heard Li Moyao's voice, he felt like a great enemy in his heart.

   At this moment, seeing the little fox talking to Li Moyao, the siren in the young man's heart was even more direct and non-stop.

   But before Li Zihao was interrupted by the two of them, he saw that Li Moyao had strode past him and looked straight at the little fox.

   "It can only be said to be a coincidence."

   "Miss Su, you rescued Xiaobai before, I haven't had time to thank you, and I found that Xiaobai seems to like you, why don't you take a look at it this time?"

  Li Zihao has never seen his eldest brother care so much about people other than work.

   The young man's heart was alarmed, and he laughed dryly.

   "Brother, Qinghuan and I still have things to do, so I won't accompany you to see Xiaobai."

   "I heard from the servant that Xiaobai is in good health now. Since you are off work, you should play with Xiaobai. After all, you are its owner."

  Li Zihao stopped in front of the little fox and Li Moyao slightly hostilely. There seemed to be invisible sparks intertwined in the air, as if the smell of gunpowder would pop up at any time.

   And Li Moyao was not annoyed at all when he saw his younger brother's childish behavior, but the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and his eyes looked at the little fox tentatively.

   "I asked what Miss Su meant. Zihao, why are you interrupting? Miss Su is a guest of Li's family, not your girlfriend. It's rude to answer questions on behalf of others."


  Li Zihao was very angry when he heard Li Moyao define his relationship with the little fox in this way.

  ——Li Moyao, a person who once broke off the little fox, what qualifications does he have to stand here and say that Su Qinghuan is a guest of the Li family?

   What's more, the little fox is not his girlfriend, is it Li Moyao's girlfriend?

   But Li Zihao couldn't think of a good way to refute for a while.

   The young man could only explain angrily.

   "In my heart, I regard Qing Huan as a bosom friend, and if I have a good-looking girlfriend like Qing Huan in the future, I will never restrict her personal freedom."

   After saying that, Li Zihao looked at the little fox expectantly. When he said looking for a girlfriend, he was actually implying that the person he was looking for was Su Qinghuan.

  However, although He Li Moyao understood it, he still had to demolish his younger brother's stage.

  The man in a suit and leather shoes looked at Li Zihao from top to bottom. The eyes were so deep that Li Zihao felt a chill in his heart.

   Just when Li Zihao had a hunch that there was some bad water in Li Moyao's heart, Li Moyao threw a blockbuster without salt or lightness.

   Li Moyao glanced at Li Zihao seriously.

   "The Yingyingyanyans around you before, they are not bad looking. They are either big internet celebrities or little stars."

   "Brother! What are you talking nonsense in front of Qing Huan? I have never formally dated them!"

   Li Zihao's heart was a little dizzy, and he wished he could cover Li Moyao's mouth on the spot.

   He did miss some things when he was young and aggressive, but he thought he had a bottom line. Even if he wanted to tease girls, he never crossed the line and did anything out of the ordinary.


   In the past, Li Zihao didn't mind at all when others said he was a sea king, and even when he saw such remarks in the a big forum, he still felt quite proud in his heart.

  After all, there are too many male licking-dogs these days, and like him, the price is unparalleled, and there are countless beauties crying and begging for marriage. Isn't it enough to talk about it?

   This was Li Zihao's naive idea before, but now that he really likes the little fox in his heart, Li Zihao suddenly regretted why he had done such a thing before and made his reputation so bad.

  Li Moyao looked at Li Zihao's almost fire-breathing eyes, but his heart was secretly cold, he already understood that his younger brother was only really in love with the little fox.

   But it is a pity that Li Moyao has also been convinced in the past few days that even if he wants to become a rival in love with Li Zihao, he cannot give up pursuing the little fox.

   After so many years, Li Moyao is still attracted to a girl for the first time.

  Since he is sure that he really likes the little fox, then Li Moyao cannot retreat.

   Seeing Li Zihao's appearance like sitting on needles, Li Moyao's lips curled into a faint smile, and continued to make up for his younger brother's romantic history.

   "Really? The definition of not having a formal relationship is too big. I only remember that the female partners around you have changed and changed, ranging from students to white-collar workers."

   "In the past, my parents were worried that you would suddenly have several children, but fortunately, your work has not been so outrageous."

   "Brother! You are completely smearing me!"

   Li Zihao was about to cry when he heard it. He looked at the little fox anxiously, and his hands were even more disturbed.

   The peach blossom eyes of the young man in the past were full of love and smiles, but at this moment, he wanted to cry without tears.

  ——God knows how much he wants to clear up this misunderstanding with the little fox. The women around him in the past are indeed varied, and Li Zihao can't shirk this. After all, there are countless photos to testify.

   But heaven can learn from him, he really has not been indescribable to those people!

  Li Zihao used to like to tease people, not to do random things. God knows that he is still a "old man" with no experience!

  If the hospital could do this kind of "examination" for boys, Li Zihao almost wanted to take the little fox with him in his desperation.


   Being so tricked by his twin brother, Li Zihao could only look at the little fox with a sullen face.

   "Qing Huan, don't you believe me either? I said no means no."

   Seeing how the two brothers were taking precautions before, the little fox just thought it was funny for a while.

  Su Qing said with a smile.

   "I believe in you, and I don't mind the rumors about your private life being mischievous."

   "That's good! That's good!"

  Li Zihao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the little fox standing so firmly on his side.

   And Li Moyao saw that the little fox so easily used the word rumor to characterize Li Zihao's past, the man's cold eyes were now covered with ice.

   In his irritable mood, he said coldly.

   "What's the use of asking Miss Su, she's not your girlfriend, so naturally she won't mind!"

   "Otherwise, which girl can be so generous? Unless she doesn't love you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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