The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1534: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (104)

   Chapter 1534 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (104)

   Seeing Li Zihao's extremely nervous expression, System 233 immediately joked.

   "Host, if you let Li Zihao see the scene when Li Moyao just slammed you and proposed to you verbally, I'm afraid Li Zihao will really be **** off!"

   The little fox suddenly had a bad taste in his heart when he heard this.

   "Then what would happen if Li Zihao found out?! Tonger, don't you want to know the answer?"


  System 233 was startled for a moment, obviously not expecting that the little fox would really have this plan, before it could say anything, it saw that the little fox had already grinned at Li Zihao with squinted eyes.

   "No, what is there to talk about in the mall, your brother, you just blocked me in the courtyard and proposed to me!"

   "And he also said that if I marry him, he will share all the property with me and let me go to the pinnacle of life that all women can only dream of."

The little fox's smile was too light and his expression was too casual. Li Zihao was stunned when he heard this. His heartbeat suddenly tightened for a moment, but the more he listened to the little fox's description, the more he felt that it did not match his brother's seriousness. character.

   "Hahaha, Qing Huan, you have to talk about the Basic Law when you are joking. How could my brother say that to you?"

   Li Zihao was still a little nervous in his heart, but no matter how he thought what the little fox just said was not true, it was more like a joke between friends.

   And because the little fox once liked Li Moyao so much, even if he had a love-hate relationship with Li Moyao, if Li Moyao really proposed so much just now, how could the two of them parted ways in only five minutes?

  After parting ways, Su Qinghuan's face was still so light and light, and he was neither moved, crying, laughing, tears, nor anger or grievance.

   The more Li Zihao thought about it, the more impossible it became. Slowly, his expression became more relaxed.

   "I didn't find out before, you love to tease me so much, just tell me that, if you joke like this to others in the future, what if others believe it?"

   "You might as well tell others that I propose to you in the future. If you really can't get married, it's a big deal for the two of us to make a living together!"

   Seeing Li Zihao's expression of confessing his heart through a joke, the little fox quickly patted the other party's shoulder and refused very bluntly.

"Oh, you don't believe me when I tell the truth, and you start cursing me that I can't get married. If I really marry you, how many confidants will you have to wash your face with tears every day?! I don't want to be that wicked person. "


  Li Zihao quickly shifted his focus. He anxiously grabbed the little fox's wrist, his voice a little anxious.

   "I've said it all, I've done some wrong things before, but I really don't have a confidante, you believe me!"

   "Believe in the letter! As long as your future partner doesn't mind, it doesn't matter if we are friends."

   "Qing Huan, in fact I—"

   Seeing that Li Zihao was about to explain again, the little fox hurriedly shook the lock screen time of the phone and changed the subject.

   "Don't waste time chatting, what time is it now, don't you want to rehearse?"


   The young man with peach blossom eyes heard what the little fox said, and he hesitated for a long time in his throat, but he couldn't tell it out.

   He looked a little depressed, and nodded to the little fox with a forced smile.

   "Okay, I'll accompany you to the rehearsal, our Allure group is going to debut in the A and C positions!"

   Obviously he had been looking forward to watching the little fox dance for a long time, but when he thought that Su Qinghuan always avoided the important points and then lightly rejected his intentions, Li Zihao felt as if something had pinched his heart, and he couldn't tell how uncomfortable it was.

   It wasn't that he couldn't see that Su Qinghuan didn't mean anything other than being a friend to him, but in front of the opposite **** he was attracted to, Li Zihao found that it was really difficult to restrain his heart throbbing.

   When will the little fox be willing to face his heart?


  Li Zihao felt very melancholy in his heart. When he got to the practice room, the young man was still distracted.

   The little fox immediately squatted down in front of him with a smile when he saw the man's unhappy look.

   "Why do you seem to have something on your mind?"

   System 233 couldn't bear to look directly at the little fox's words knowingly asked.

   "Host, why are you teasing Li Zihao on purpose? It's not like you don't know what's wrong with them."


   The little fox didn't pay attention to the noise of System 233 in his ears, but looked up at Li Zihao earnestly. The bright and moving apricot eyes seemed to reflect only the figure of Li Zihao, which made the young man startled.

   Li Zihao suddenly blurted out under the irritability.

   "Qing Huan, have you ever tried to get what you ask for? Just like the show "Ghost of the Mountain" we performed, the mountain goddess chases the person she loves, but gets nothing."

After    asked the exit, Li Zihao realized that he had lost his words.

  Because he clearly knew how Su Qinghuan was so fascinated by Li Moyao that he broke off the marriage, just when Li Zihao wanted to bite his mouth and apologize to Ai Ai, he saw the little fox shaking his head seriously.

   "No, the person I like has always liked me, and I have never experienced this feeling."

   The little fox paused and added seriously.

   "And Zihao, don't you think that you are the most important existence and that others are more valuable to you. If others don't appreciate your goodness, it means that the two of you don't get along and are not suitable to be together."


   The little fox was telling the truth, but in Li Zihao's ears, it was the girl's self-deprecating words to comfort him. Seeing the girl's bright spring-like smile, Li Zihao suddenly cheered up.

  Yeah, what is he doing so decadently? !

  Su Qinghuan was able to come out after being severely injured by Li Moyao, but he had never been rejected by his sweetheart, so he was so sluggish, it really shouldn't be.

   "Qing Huan, it's me who just got into trouble. Go and change your clothes. Let's start rehearsing."



  Su Qinghuan also didn't want to see Li Zihao so depressed, after all, her 100 favorability score hasn't arrived yet!

   System 233 was stunned when he heard the voice of the little fox.

   "...Host, you are really ruthless."

   "Generally average, the third in the world."


   Soon, the little fox went to the dressing room and changed her clothes. This is not the formal dance clothes she will wear when she goes on stage, but a very simple white exercise clothes with water sleeves.

  The training clothes look very popular, and the shape is close to the body. It is easiest for dancers to correct their posture through the mirror.

  Li Zihao was in a mood of anticipation, and quickly flicked his fingers over the strings, and the rhythm flowed.

   With the mournful sound of the piano, the little fox also danced gracefully.

   Her sleeves are floating, and her figure is extremely light. She is dressed so plainly, but between her sleeves and her waist, she is like a light cloud and aura.

   When Li Zihao accompanies the accompaniment, his eyes are already crazy...

   (end of this chapter)

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