The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1535: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (105)

   Chapter 1535 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (105)

  Li Zihao suddenly regretted that he had submitted the program list to University A yesterday...

Obviously, the little fox was still wearing such a simple exercise suit, but at the moment when the little fox danced, it was so beautiful that everything around her began to fade, but she was the only stunning one among the black and white. .

  Li Zihao felt in a trance that Su Qinghuan was born to be a dancing spirit.

  Only dancing can express her beauty vividly.


  Li Zihao held his breath subconsciously, and a strong possessive desire suddenly rose in his heart.

  —Just the initial rehearsal has such an amazing effect. If Su Qinghuan really detailed makeup and put on custom-made ancient dance clothes, what kind of splendor would it be?

   She can dance, but she shouldn't dance in front of so many people.

   She is so good, her beauty when dancing, and all the amazing things should only be watched carefully by yourself.


   When the song ended, Li Zihao still couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. The man put his hands on the strings of Yuelu Zhiyin's piano, just staring at the little fox.

   "Qing Huan, I never knew that you danced so well, why don't we give up the registration?"

   "Why?! It's been said that our Allure Group is going to be amazed. Since you play the piano well and I dance well, isn't this just a good time to go to school to show off?"

   The little fox glanced at the man in confusion. Her slender and plain white fingers brushed the strings of the guqin, and the song was out of tune, making a fine sound.

   And this sudden voice instantly pulled the man back from his previous possessiveness.

   he murmured softly.

   "I'm afraid that in the future, the school's confession wall will be filled with your name. What if you are followed by some miscellaneous men?"

   "Isn't it still you!"

   The little fox patted Li Zihao on the shoulder and smiled magnanimously.

   "Our Second Young Master Li, can't even solve this trivial matter? If there are such fanatical suitors, I don't live on campus anyway, you can find a bodyguard to protect me!"


  Li Zihao couldn't help but miss a beat when he heard the little fox say "our second young master Li".

   He wanted to replace the "we" with "I", he just wanted to be the second young master of the little fox alone.

The    man clenched his fists and nodded firmly as if confirming something.

   "Okay, I will definitely be your flower protector and eliminate the dangers around you."

   "Pfft, forget it, I was just joking, if there is really any kind of snake spirit disease, you can't figure it out."

   Mentioning dangerous elements, the name of Mu Hanting first popped up in the little fox's mind. Since this man went to investigate the original owner's rescue of him back then, it is estimated that there should be an investigation result after the end of the A big literary and art performance.

   At that time, Mu Hanting, this snake-spirit disease, is afraid that he will really go crazy.

   If Li Zihao met Mu Hanting, he would still be too tender.

   After all, Li Zihao doesn't seem to be in the same rank at all compared to his brother Li Moyao. Li Moyao is a normal person anyway, so how can Li Zihao be sure to help her expel Mu Hanting?


   System 233 understands the little fox's complaints, but it seems that its host is not afraid of this mess at all, so it can't help but be curious.

"Host, you didn't think about it, what should you do when the three of you reach 100 favorability points? I think according to this progress bar, it should be fast. What kind of Shura field will you really encounter then? Don't play with yourself."

   "No, your host is not stupid."

  The little fox raised his eyebrows.

   "I've figured out how to trap these three people."

   The original owner just wanted to make Li Moyao, Li Zihao, and Mu Hanting love them, but the little fox wanted to be more ruthless.

   "Then what are your means of self-protection?"

   "It's simple, you'll know when the time comes. No matter how powerful the Mu family and the Li family are, they can't match the backer I'm looking for."

"Backer??? Host, when did you find a backer? Are you planning to go abroad? But it's useless to go abroad. In this information age, as long as you have money and connections, Mu Hanting or Li Moyao want to go abroad to find you. It's easy too, right?"

   Seeing that System 233 was still confused, the little fox rolled his eyes.

   "Stupid, you've been by my side for so long, you can't see it? Then you'll know when the art show is over."


   Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, System 233 simply stopped asking.


   But Li Zihao, because of what the little fox said just now, this stunned young man suddenly stood up, his face flushed red, and he tried desperately to prove himself to the little fox.

   "Qinghuan, do you underestimate me too much? I have been exercising, don't look at me thin, my muscles are strong! I can definitely protect you!"

   Seeing that Li Zihao wanted to lift up his clothes to show his training results, the little fox quickly refused with a smile.

   "Pfft, don't... I don't want to watch you perform eight-pack abs. We have this spare time, so let's continue rehearsing. I think the two of us may not have cooperated too well just now. It should be good to do it a few more times."

   "Okay! I'll listen to you!"


  Little Fox and Li Zihao are both extremely talented people in music theory. According to Li Zihao's piano sound, Little Fox has changed many versions of the dance.

  Although most of them are minor changes, this pursuit of perfection makes Li Zihao astonished, and he suddenly began to look forward to the A-big art show.

   He is confident that this show will definitely impress everyone. Of course, it would be better if he could give up. Li Zihao was still reluctant to let everyone watch the dance of the little fox as he did.

   Fortunately, the man still has a means of self-comfort. After all, he was the first to see it, and it was the little fox who took the initiative to cooperate with him.

   Since it is the first one, it means that in the eyes of the little fox, he is the most special and most trustworthy person, right?


   Amidst the anticipation of everyone, the A-big art show finally kicked off.

The audience was naturally seated long ago. What shocked the students of University A the most was that this time, not only Li Moyao, the heir of the Li Group, would attend as an outstanding alumni, but even Mu Hanting, the president of the Mo Group, would also sit in the VIP seat together. the middle of the seat.

  It was at this time that some keen talents suddenly realized that the handsome guy who had been getting close to Hua Su Xier of the Art Department recently was the person in charge of the Mu Group!

   When other art students saw Mu Hanting sitting at the same table with Li Moyao, they couldn't help but look at Su Xier enviously.

   "Xi'er, you are too powerful, it was a pity that Li Zihao ignored you at first, but I didn't expect you to have such an outstanding suitor like the one in power of the Mu family!

   "That's right, it makes people envious and hateful!"

   (end of this chapter)

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