The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1536: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (106)

   Chapter 1536 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (106)

  Su Xier's piano piece "Autumn Whispers" is the third performance of A University's event. Because of the high ranking, Su Xier had already changed her dress and was ready to go to the backstage to wait.

   In the end, because of the envious voices of the surrounding classmates, Su Xier couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, and the smug look in her eyes flashed away.

   "Why is it so outrageous as you said, Brother Mu and I are just friends, not suitors."

   These students in the art department had guessed that Mu Hanting was not like an ordinary person, but they didn't guess that he had such an amazing background.

   Seeing Su Xier at this moment, she has to pretend to be modest here, and those girls are even more envious.

   "Oh, don't boyfriends and girlfriends start getting along with ordinary friends? I don't believe that there is such a handsome guy who treats you well. You usually don't care."

   Su Xier's smile froze when she heard the girl next to her making fun of her.

   "How can you say so exaggeratedly, the friendship between gentlemen is like water."

   But Mu Hanting was not a gentleman, but a lunatic, and Su Xier was very afraid of him.

  Su Xi'er, who was wearing a pink dress, instantly recalled her last visit to the Mu Group.

   She had stripped herself so clean that she was about to lie down on Mu Hanting's couch, but was still rejected by Mu Hanting mercilessly.

   Even the lotus root pork ribs soup that he had specially bought for Mu Hanting was specially ordered by the man to throw it away.

  Su Xier has never been so neglected in her life.

   And such a shameful thing happened, Su Xier even thought that Mu Hanting would not come to the school to watch her performance, but she didn't expect the other party to be there.

Su Xi'er glanced at the VIP seats in the front row of the venue, and saw Mu Hanting and Li Moyao sitting side by side. The little girl blushed and her heart was beating.

   Even Su Xier heard that some girls were secretly giving CP to these two people, and some people wanted to take pictures secretly, but they were stopped in time by the bodyguards brought by the Li family and the Mu family.


  The students in the art department didn't understand Mu Hanting's background at all, and naturally they didn't understand why Su Xier kept insisting that it was impossible to become the young grandmother of the Mu family.

   Everyone saw Su Xier's eyes follow Mu Hanting's direction and thought she was shy.

  Someone immediately started to push Su Xier's arm, teasing with gossip on his face.

   "Xi'er, Young Master Mu has lent you such an expensive white jade piano. Who would believe that the two of you are ordinary friends?"

   "That's right, the white jade piano is worth 20 million yuan. How could ordinary people be willing to borrow such a valuable thing?"

   "I heard that the business layout of the Mu family is not inferior to that of the Li family! Not to mention that Young Master Mu is so handsome!"

   "Xi'er, don't be shy here, hurry up and say hello, maybe they came here specially for you."

   "Yeah, by the way, ask Senior Li for us, okay? We have no hope of becoming the young grandmother of the Mu family, but now Senior Li is still single!"


   The girls in the art department were all staring at him, and many of them had ambitions to marry into a wealthy family, but most of them were envious of Su Xier.

  Su Xi'er enjoyed this moment of being watched by everyone, and she even started to feel a little flirtatious in the eyes of everyone's compliments.

   In fact, she didn't really want to face the ice scumbag Li Moyao, let alone Mu Hanting, but for the sake of being talked about by others, she seemed a little too stage fright if she didn't say hello.

   Anyway, she is still performing the first show, Su Xier still has time to go backstage to prepare, she finally nodded.

   "Then I'll go say hello for you."

  Su Xi'er said, and nervously took out the small mirror and looked at it. In the mirror, her makeup and hair were all flawless.

   Seeing the beauty looking forward to Yanran in the mirror, Su Xier suddenly felt a surge of confidence, and the shame of being driven out by Mu Hanting in the Mu Group last time has also faded a lot.

  Su Xier lifted her skirt and walked to the VIP seat with what she thought was the most elegant pace.

  The girl smiled sweetly at Li Moyao and Mu Hanting.

   "Brother Li, Brother Mu, both of you are sitting here. The third one is my performance. Be sure to cheer for me."


   Mu Hanting lifted his eyelids calmly and nodded lightly.


   The indifferent expression of the man made Su Xier's frustration return.

   She should have said something nice and sweet, but thinking of her last experience, Su Xier's exposed shoulders couldn't help but tremble.

   Seeing that Su Xier seemed to be about to cry, Li Moyao gave her a faint glance.

  Su Xi'er thought that Li Moyao was suddenly kind, but she saw Li Moyao frowned.

   "Did you see your sister?"

"elder sister?"

  Su Xi'er was stunned for two seconds, she almost couldn't remember the character of her sister, and when she reacted, she realized that Li Moyao was talking about Su Qinghuan.

   The smile on Su Xier's lips suddenly froze again, she tugged at the corners of her lips awkwardly, and glanced at the surrounding venue.

   "It seems that I haven't seen Sister Qinghuan from the beginning."

   Thinking that the two men in front of her seemed to be very concerned about the little fox recently, Su Xi'er suddenly felt a strong feeling of jealousy in her heart.

   The girl's eyes rolled twice, and she slandered without thinking.

   "Recently, it seems that Brother Zihao and my sister are very close. Brother Zihao has always done things without rules. Shouldn't he take advantage of this time to take his sister to the hotel?"

  Su Xi'er had pure worry in her eyes, as if she was really worried about the little fox.


With a    snap, the cup in Mu Hanting's hand fell instantly.

  Su Xi'er was startled, she never expected that Mu Hanting's reaction would be so violent, because as far as Su Xi'er knew, there was no scandal around Mu Hanting for so many years.

  Li Moyao's performance was much calmer, but those eyes that were already dark, now seemed to be soaked in ice, almost freezing people.

   "Su Xi'er, you have to speak with your head!"


   Seeing Li Moyao defending the little fox so much, Su Xier was even more jealous and angry, and she started to justify her grievances as soon as she pouted.

   "You asked my sister where she went first, so how dare I guarantee the ticket."

   "Also, brother Zihao has such a bad reputation at school, who made his sister get close to him."

   When Su Xier said these words, she swept across Mu Hanting's bloodshot eyes, and she was instantly terrified.

   She couldn't care less about smearing the little fox's reputation, she hurriedly lifted her layered skirt and ran away in fear.

   "Brother Mu, Brother Li, I'm going to perform on stage soon, so I'll leave first, see you later!"

   (end of this chapter)

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