The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1537: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (107)

   Chapter 1537 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (107)

   When Su Xier came down from the VIP seat, she still had lingering fears at Mu Hanting's look just now.

——In the past, Su Xi'er had only heard that Mu Hanting's hands were stained with blood, but now, seeing Mu Hanting's eyes that seemed to choose someone to devour, Su Xi'er really realized that this man, she Really can not afford to provoke.

   And many students in the art department also noticed the movement here before. After all, the cup in Mu Hanting's hand fell out. Fortunately, there were no people sitting in the front row, otherwise there would be more noise.

   Seeing that Su Xier was about to take the stage, everyone could only ask a quick question.

   "What did you guys talk about just now? Why do I seem to see that Mu Shao and Senior Li's faces are not very good? Even the cup fell?"

  Su Xier smiled reluctantly.

   "It's nothing, it's just that my sister is gone. They both wonder if my sister went out with brother Zihao and fooled around."

   "After all, on such an important occasion today, the leaders of the school and outstanding alumni from all walks of life are there. Everyone is afraid that they will embarrass the Li family and the Su family."

   "So that's the case. It's a loss that these two are still school flowers and school grass. At this time, I don't want to win glory for the A University."

   "Yeah, even if your sister Su Qinghuan has a good-looking skin, what's the use? It's really despised to be a human being."

   "Xi'er, you've always been a member of our art department. Maybe after this piano performance is over, you will be able to amaze all four and become the school flower of our school."

   No one guessed that the little fox and Li Zihao were actually preparing in the background.

   After all, the ancient dance of "Ghost of the Mountain" by Little Fox and the Allure was ranked third from the bottom, and few people paid attention to their performance.

   The name of this group has never been heard in A University, and the name Qingcheng is so outspoken, it makes people feel earthy and low.

   Seeing that many students in the art department began to scold Li Zihao and Su Qinghuan for their disgraceful behavior for the school, Su Xier felt much more at ease.

  Su Xi'er shook her head at everyone hypocritically, looking worried.

   "Don't say that, everyone, I'm embarrassed, and maybe my sister and the others are busy with business, after all, it's just speculation."

   "It's just that Big Brother Zihao is a real person. He's usually not very romantic. Today, on such a big day, I have to lose the chain. I'm really afraid that my sister will go astray because of him."

   When everyone saw Su Xier's generous and considerate appearance, they immediately sighed.

   "Xi'er, your heart is too good. Some time ago, the school forums were frantically accusing you of being an illegitimate daughter. Obviously, it was your good sister who spread it."

   "Yes, Xi'er's mother has already married into the Su family. How can you say that Xi'er is an illegitimate daughter?"

   Mentioning this matter, Su Xi'er suddenly squeezed out two crocodile tears in her eyes, and pitifully washed herself and her mother Liu Meiyu.

   "My sister is the child of the original wife, so it's fine to look down on me, but I really shouldn't slander me and my mother that much."

   "True love has no boundaries. My mother knew my father earlier than the original wife. If it is said that who is the mistress, this matter is really inconclusive."

   "My mother first knew that my father planned to kill me when he got married, but she believed in Buddhism and was a very kind person. She knew that the baby in her womb was a small life, so she couldn't bear to give birth to me."

   When everyone heard the words, they sighed for a while. Although some people didn't believe Su Xier's words, but now in front of Su Xier, many people still held her against their will.

   "Yes, Su Qinghuan has no right to speak of you."

  Su Xier made such outrageous remarks, and she was satisfied when she saw someone agreeing with her.

   She looked up and saw that the second performance on the stage was almost halfway through. Su Xier immediately lifted her skirt and hurriedly ran towards the backstage.


   The backstage staff who carried the Baiyu piano were preparing hard. Su Xier saw the precious piano and couldn't help but feel a little more confident.

  ——In order to make her stunning appearance this time, Su Xier paid a lot of money to hire a famous photographer in the entertainment industry.

The purpose of    is not only to take a few pictures for myself, but more importantly, to buy a hot search on Weibo at that time, and to market myself as a grand piano goddess.

   In the hearts of ordinary people, University A is the supreme institution in Country A, and no one will know how Su Xier got into University A.

  Su Xier thinks that she combines beauty and talent, so it's a pity not to promote it.


   Just when Su Xier was about to put on stage makeup and hair, she suddenly saw two familiar figures approaching from the door.

  Little Fox and Li Zihao are both wearing simple white T and jeans. Both of them are facing the sky, refreshing and refreshing, but because of their outstanding appearance, standing together has a feeling of illuminating the space.

   And Li Zihao was carrying a cloth bag that was as tall as a man, which seemed to be a musical instrument.

  Su Xier's pupils widened in shock, and she couldn't help walking towards the little fox and Li Zihao.

   "You two also signed up for the show? Otherwise, why would you come backstage?"

   "Is it weird to sign up?"

   The little fox raised his eyebrows and glanced at Su Xier with a half-smile.

   It is clear that Su Xier is dressed up at the moment, while the little fox is still wearing plain clothes, but looking at Su Qinghuan's flawless face even after close inspection, Su Xier's jealousy is even stronger.

  Su Xier smiled shyly, it was her turn to perform on stage soon, and she no longer had time to test with the little fox.

   "Sister, I wish you a successful performance."

"The same to you."

   Hearing the little fox's tone, Su Xi'er choked in her heart.

   And the little fox and Li Zihao obviously didn't want to pay attention to Su Xier any more, and the two went straight into a dressing room.

   Looking at the back of the two walking side by side, Su Xier subconsciously gritted her teeth.

   In his mind, he couldn't help but guess what musical instrument Li Zihao was carrying.

  The shape of the quaint cloth bag does not look like a violin or cello, but a guqin or zither.

   But having been a classmate in the art department for so long, Su Xier has never seen Li Zihao play the piano.

   And the two of them haven't even started to put on makeup or changed their clothes. It can be seen that they should not pay attention to this performance.

   No matter how good-looking the little fox and Li Zihao are, in places with strong lighting such as the stage, it is very disadvantageous to have no makeup.

  Thinking of this, Su Xier's heart is finally less anxious.

   Hearing the host's announcement mentioning her name, Su Xi'er immediately suppressed the anxiety on her face, holding up her skirt like a princess, and walked gracefully to the piano.

   She started to play the piano with a sweet smile, and a graceful autumn whisper lingered in the venue.

   (end of this chapter)

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