The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1538: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (108)

   Chapter 1538 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (108)

   For today's performance, Su Xier has been preparing meticulously for a long time, and even recently asked the best piano professor in A University for guidance, so that her piano skills will not appear unfamiliar.

  As the host announced the curtain, Su Xier slowly appeared in Chanel's latest pink dress.

   She has a noble and elegant smile on her face, and even the curvature of the smile has been carefully practiced in front of the mirror.

   Following a beam of chasing lights, Su Xier walked to the pure white white jade piano and played "Autumn Whispers" that she had been practicing for months with great care.

   This song once performed by Richard Kleiman, Su Xier is confident that she can reproduce 100%.

   Gentle and beautiful notes flowed in the air, Su Xier deliberately bowed her head slightly, showing a beautiful curve towards the audience.

   When she was about to finish playing, Su Xier heard the constant applause from the audience.

  As the last note fell, the audience was already full of applause, and countless voices of admiration and admiration passed by.

   "Su Xi'er is worthy of being the flower of the art department. The way she plays the piano is so elegant and noble, she is a goddess!"

   "That's right! I heard that the white jade piano that Su Xier brought in this performance is also very expensive, and it is famous in the entire history of piano auctions!"

   "Although I can also play the piano, playing with such an expensive piano will definitely make me timid, but Su Xier is so down-to-earth, she really has control over any big scene, absolutely!"


   Hearing the voices of praise, Su Xier felt even more proud.

   She is very fortunate that she has found a professional piano teacher for training this time, which should be a little better than the school performance she performed when she entered school a year ago.

   This time, the school flower of A is about to change. She doesn't want to be under Su Qinghuan anymore. Apart from her ability to study, what else can she compare to herself?

  Su Xi'er thought happily in her heart, and quickly lifted her skirt and put it down.

   When she came out, she happened to see Li Zihao who was holding a bunch of bags and seemed to be about to put on makeup and change clothes.

  Su Xier subconsciously wanted to know what show Li Zihao and Little Fox were going to perform, she quickly stopped him with a sweet smile.

   "Brother Zihao, are you and sister really going to perform? What is this thing so heavy? Is it your stage costume?"

"none of your business?"

  Li Zihao raised his eyebrows leisurely, those peach blossom eyes that were gentle and drowned in both directions, but at the moment was extremely mocking.

   "You're done performing, so there's no need to stay backstage, right?"


   Being so choked by Li Zihao, Su Xier's face suddenly turned red and then white, she smiled shyly.

   "Brother Na Zihao, did you hear Xi'er play just now? What do you think of my piano performance? Has it improved compared to last year?"

   "It's still the same, lackluster."


   Just when Su Xier was so angry that she thought Li Zihao was perfunctory, she heard Li Zihao criticize coldly.

   "Su Xi'er, why don't you change to another genre, you can't get out of your comfort zone?"

"Last time was 'Adirina by the Water', this time it was 'Autumn Whispers', both in the same style, and they tried their best to imitate the original performance, but Richard Kleiman's tune was sad and not. Hurt, you just make people feel tired of hearing it."

   "Players have always paid attention to emotion and music. The ultimate melody can elevate people's emotions, but imitation according to the script will only fall into the inferior position. You have studied music for so many years, don't you know this truth?"


  Su Xier's face froze instantly, she never expected Li Zihao to say that to herself.

   And the most uncomfortable thing for Su Xier is that the piano music professor she asked for advice also commented on her piano performance.

  ——It is beautiful to say that it is beautiful, but it has no soul.

  Su Xier was dissatisfied when she heard it at the time. She had nothing to be picky about with her piano skills. What did she want her soul to do? !

   Is there really so many musical masters in the world who can resonate with people?

   And when Su Xier's mother Liu Meiyu sent her to learn the piano, the purpose was not to resonate with the audience, but to let others see how elegant and noble Su Xier was playing the piano.

   makes people addicted to her elegant temperament, thus elevating Su Xier's image.


   Just when Su Xier was stunned and speechless, a locker room door was suddenly pushed open, and the cold voice of a little fox came from inside.

   "Zihao, what are you arguing about with someone like Su Xier? Come and change your clothes."

  Li Zihao's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He was not at all the aggressive image that Su Xi had when he was a child. Instead, he turned from a reckless **** into a large loyal dog, and rushed towards the locker room happily.

   "Li Zihao, you!"

  Su Xi'er was told this, she subconsciously wanted to catch up, but Li Zihao was too fast, so he squeezed into the room and closed the door!

  Su Xier only had time to see a slender figure sitting in front of the vanity mirror, with a white dress with cloud sleeves on the table, but Su Xier didn't have time to see the specific style.

  ——The one sitting in front of the vanity mirror is Su Qinghuan?

   What she is holding by her hand looks like an ancient costume, or is it Hanfu?

   Or stage costumes with classical elements?

  Su Xi'er stood in front of the door in amazement, only feeling that she had never heard that the little fox liked things like antiques before.

  Su Xi'er thought of the cloth-covered musical instrument that Li Zihao carried on her back, and now she can almost confirm it.

  —mostly Guqin.

  If Li Zihao played the piano, what would Su Qinghuan do?

   Wouldn't it be classical dancing?

  Su Xier had never seen a little fox dance classical dance in her memory, so she immediately called her mother Liu Meiyu.

   "Mom, Su Qinghuan can she dance classical dance?"

   "Cough, that little **** - where can the hoof dance some classical dance!"

   "When her mother who died early was still alive, she enrolled Su Qinghuan for ballet training, but according to your father, ballet dancing will cause deformities in her feet, so Su Qinghuan slammed out of school after learning a little!"

   "Is that so?"

   Su Xier sighed with relief, since Su Qinghuan could even give up learning ballet, how could he be good at classical dance?


  Su Xi'er was so determined, she walked back to her seat in the art department, looked at the program list for a long time, and finally guessed that the program "Ghost in the Mountain" should be signed up by Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao.

  Su Xi'er's eyes fell on the Allure combination marked above, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips.

   "What do you think of this group name?"

   The male classmate next to her is Su Xier's licking dog. Seeing Su Xier's ironic smile, he immediately flattered him.

   "Where did the pheasant group come from? In what era did it take the local name of Qingcheng? Don't let the audience fall down, but it's a laughing stock!"

   (end of this chapter)

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