The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1541: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (111)

   Chapter 1541 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (111)

   Everyone subconsciously slowed down their breathing, for fear of disturbing the fairy's beautiful dream.

   Even the audience who had been distracted at first were instantly focused.

Just as everyone was immersed in this incomparably beautiful picture, the chasing light suddenly hit another part of the stage, and a man in a moon-white round-neck t-shirt was sitting in front of a guqin, his slender fingers straight. Flick the strings.

   Gongshangjiao Zhengyu, the rhythm is moving.

  The sound of the violin continued to flow through the entire venue along with the veil fluttering in the wind.


Everyone was insane when they heard it, and got drunk when they saw it. It was the tune of "Ghost of the Mountain" adapted by today's people. Many classmates of University A have heard this song in high school, but they never thought of using it. Guqin to perform, it is so wonderful.

   And through the projection on the big screen, someone has clearly seen that the man on the stage, who is as handsome as jade and elegantly playing the piano, turned out to be the school grass of the art department, Li Zihao.

   "My God... Who would have thought that the most famous **** of University A would have such a good piano skill?!"

   Everyone subconsciously stunned, and for a while they became more curious, who is that woman with a white gauze covering her face and a dreamlike figure on the swing frame.

  The little fox swayed everyone's appetite to the top, and naturally did not disappoint them.

  The audience under the stage didn't know how the swing was operated, and suddenly it was lowered by two or three meters, but there was still a certain distance from the ground.

   But the water sleeve in the little fox's hand was lightly wrapped around the support of the swing, and before everyone could see how she operated, the little fox suddenly came alive like a fairy in the painting, and gracefully flew down from the swing.

  The moment they saw the little fox's toes grazing the ground, everyone's breathing became much faster.

The hearts of countless people seemed to be pinched, for fear that the little fox would fall to the ground accidentally, but she landed with such a clear posture, as if she was really a fairy in a robe floating in the mountains. Calm and quiet.

   The most amazing thing is that the veil also floated down at the moment when the little fox stopped on the ground.

  Everyone held their breath subconsciously, for fear of missing this scene of dumping all beings.

   And after the veil, a stunning face appeared in an instant.

  The red saffron, the hibiscus is like a face, the distant mountains are like eyebrows, and the lips are lightly...

   The combination of all these is like a fine brush painting carefully drawn by God.

  No, even in the fine brushwork, there is no such beautiful beauty.

  The petals of the peach blossoms fell one after another. Not only the audience in the front row, but even the audience in the back row couldn't help but stretch out their hands, wanting to keep that petal of fragrance.

   It seems that if you keep the fragrance, you can keep that, like the beauty walking out of the picture.


   This is just the beginning, and the show continues.

  No one has the mind to look at their mobile phones, and they were all caught by the appearance of the Allure Group.

I thought that the moment when the little fox landed on the swing like a cloud and flowing water was the most amazing surprise in the world, but with the sound of Li Zihao's piano, the little fox's cloud sleeve suddenly threw up, dancing like a lotus flower in full bloom. Stunning.

  The cloud pattern on the skirt is even more with the movements of the little fox. Under the stage lights, it emits a fine light. When they are gathered together, they are no longer the light of fireflies, but are as bright as a galaxy.


  The piano sounded gracefully and danced gracefully, while the little fox smiled slightly, opened his lips slowly, and sang the song "Ghost of the Mountain" that has been passed down for thousands of years.

   "If someone came to the mountain, he was taken with a girl by Xue Lixi.

   is both contemplative and suitable for laughing, and Zi Muyu is good at being beautiful.

   Ride a red leopard and follow Wenli, and a Xinyi chariot forms a Guiqi flag.

   was taken by Shi Lanxi to Du Heng, and Fang Xinxi was left thinking.

  The rest of the place is secluded and the sky is never seen, and the road is dangerous and difficult to come.

   represents independence on the top of the mountain, and the clouds are on the bottom.

   It is dark and dark, and the day is dark, and the east wind is blowing the rain of gods.

   Staying in spiritual practice and forgetting to go home, when the year is old, what is Hua Yu?

   Pick Sanxiu in the mountains, Shi Leilei and Ge Manman.

   I complained that the son was melancholy and forgot to go home, and I had no time to spare when you thought about me.

  The people in the mountains look like Fang Du Ruo, drink the stone spring and look like the shade of pines and cypresses.

   Jun thinks I am suspicious. Thunder fills in the rain, and the monkey chirps and chirps in the night.

  The wind is rusty and the wood is Xiaoxiao; "


   No one would have thought that under such a complicated dance, the little fox sang without any confusion.

   One of her glances, one of her body twists, or her kicking the purple-gold crown backwards brought boundless amazement.

  The plain white dresses, with the little fox blooming in different postures and shapes, are all beautiful and all gorgeous.

   And the water sleeves in her hands are more like they have life because of her dancing, or they are light and fluttering, or stretched with tenacity, they can always reveal a fascinating fairy spirit.

   Then everyone understood, no wonder the ancient emperors liked to watch beautiful women singing and dancing.

   As them, they would be equally ecstatic, wishing they could rush to the stage and bow down directly under the pomegranate skirt of the little fox?


   What made them even more involved was that at the beginning of the dance, the dancing and singing of the little fox were more ethereal and sweet, but later, the feeling of disappointment of being let down by the sweetheart gradually revealed.

   The girl's beautiful face was a little melancholy, and her light dancing posture gradually revealed depression and sadness.


  The people in the audience could hardly bear to watch or listen, but they were subconsciously swept away by the little fox and resonated with her sorrow.

   Some girls with strong empathy ability even took out tissues and shed tears.

  Most of them have heard or learned the Chu Ci "Ghost of the Mountain", but they never thought that someone could really interpret it so poignantly.

   And Li Zihao's piano sound has also amazed countless people. The youth's piano sound has long been integrated with the dancing and singing of the little fox, and can no longer be separated.


   When the performance was over, everyone still couldn't return to God for a long time.

   When Li Zihao walked towards the little fox with Yuelu Zhiyin's guqin, and the two of them used the Chinese classical etiquette to call the curtain together, everyone woke up like a dream.

   For a moment, there was thunderous applause and the roar of countless people.

   "It's so beautiful! Allure is the best!"

   "Sister Su, I want to marry you! Ouch, I declare that Su Qinghuan is my goddess forever!"

   "Senior Li! You can marry me, or I can marry you!"

   Hearing those people's words, a girl even boldly shouted out the hearts of many people.

   "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (2019), Senior Li! I want to pack the two of you and take them home together? Can the three of us live together in a friendly way?!"

  The crowd shouted madly, but Li Moyao and Mu Hanting, who were sitting in the VIP auditorium, couldn't sit still any longer.

   The faces of the two were heavy, and they stood up almost at the same time.

   But there are people who are far faster than them. Although no one has supported the Allure Group before, but now they are rushing to fanatical fans from all directions, and they directly roll over the railing to lay flowers on the stage!

   (end of this chapter)

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