The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1542: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (112)

   Chapter 1542 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (112)

  This is destined to be an unforgettable night.

  All A college students will remember this performance of "Ghost in the Mountain" by Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao.

   If before this, there were still some people who were dissatisfied with the title of Little Fox's school beauties, thinking that her beauty was not enough to shock people, but today's classical dance has undoubtedly wiped out all doubts.


   System 233 are all in awe.

   "My God, host, just now, there are a lot of your supporters in the audience. Their admiration and favorability will be turned into mind power and become a bonus indicator for your completion of this plane mission!"

  System 233 said, and saw a lot of excited men and women rushing towards this side. Before the little fox and Li Zihao went down the stairs, they wanted to take the opportunity to present flowers to Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao.

   The obsessive admiration in the eyes of those people made Li Zihao instantly vigilant, because the little fox didn't wear shoes and could not walk well. Now that the crowd was crowded, he quickly took the little fox's hand.

   "Be careful, I'll take you to the backstage to change clothes, right?"


   The little fox smiled at Li Zihao, and the crimson flower between the girl's eyebrows seemed to glow because of this smile. Li Zihao looked at her dazzled, and subconsciously clenched the little fox's hand even tighter.

   He hopes that the road back to the locker room is endlessly long, and that he can always hold the hand of his sweetheart until he reaches the end of the world.

   "Ding, Li Zihao's favorability rating has increased by 10, and the current favorability rating is 100! Congratulations to the host for completing the task of attacking Li Zihao!"

  Although the little fox had long guessed that Li Zihao's favor would be full today, but at the corner of the stairs, seeing the man staring at her, she still had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

   She didn't break away from Li Zihao's hand, but she knew very well that she would never have such a warm moment with Li Zihao in the future.


But Li Zihao was still immersed in the joy of walking hand in hand with his sweetheart. A fanatical fan rushed over. There were men and women and women, all of them were holding bouquets and small gifts that they didn't know who they were supposed to give to them. Hand it to the little fox and Li Zihao.

   "Sister Su! I like your dance so much, please accept this bouquet of roses!"

   "Senior Li! I announce you!"

  The little fox was busy going to the backstage to remove her makeup, and there were too many bouquets for her to hold. The most important thing was that no one was supporting their Allure group, so these flowers must have been prepared for others.

   She doesn't want to receive gifts that should belong to others.

  The little fox smiled and declined.

   "We still have to go to the backstage to remove makeup. There are too many things, so I won't accept your flowers and gifts. Thank you for your love. Zihao and I are very happy if you can support this show."

   Li Zihao naturally didn't want to accept things from those people, so he nodded in agreement.

   Seeing that Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao refused, they couldn't force something to give them.

   Someone saw the little fox and Li Zihao's fingers intertwined, and they boldly asked the question they had always been curious about.

   "Sister Qing Huan, are you with the school grass? Are we going to have no chance in the future?"


   When Li Zihao heard this question, he immediately looked at the little fox subconsciously. If Su Qinghuan denied it with blushing cheeks, and there was a hint of temptation for him, he would be happy for a long time.

   But the little fox shook his head frankly as before.

   "No, Zihao and I are just friends, we are both single now, don't spread gossip."

   "He held me, just because I didn't wear shoes and the costumes on me were too complicated and I would fall."


   Such an understated explanation has rekindled hope in many people's hearts.

   But anyone with discernment can see that Li Zihao likes Su Qinghuan.

   It can be said that King Xiang was intentional, but the goddess was unintentional, which happened to be reversed with the situation of "Ghost in the Mountain" performed by Li Zihao and Su Qinghuan.

   In the story of "Ghost in the Mountain", the goddess did not wait for her sweetheart, but in reality, the goddess would not easily feel emotional for others.


   After Su Qinghuan finished explaining, he went out with Li Zihao and walked directly to the locker room.

   Su Xier, who was also preparing to change in the backstage, saw the two of them coming, and a trace of jealousy appeared on her face.

   She never thought that the little fox would look so good in classical clothes, and she never thought that when she danced, she magnified the word amazing tenfold.

   He had already managed to perform the piano music flawlessly, but when the little fox came, all the limelight was stolen!

Just now, Su Xier clicked on the school forum of University A, and the posts on the home page were all about Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao's "Ghost in the Mountain" program, and in the new school flower selection, the little fox also got votes within half an hour because of this dance. Explosive growth!

   At least six times more than the second place!

   The most terrifying thing is that the number of votes is still widening the gap at a terrifying speed, I am afraid that the little fox will use his own power to let the votes crush the sum of everyone else!

   This is a grand occasion that has never happened since the selection of the school flower by A University!


   The more she thought about it, the more jealous she became. She pulled out a false smile and looked at Su Qinghuan and Li Zihao with a slightly resentful expression.

   "Sister, why didn't you tell me that you can dance classical dance? Before you and Brother Zihao came on stage, I sweated for you. Who knows, you don't need to worry about others at all."


   "I'm afraid you want me and Zihao's show to be embarrassing, right?! It's a pity that our two performances were not ashamed, did you disappoint?"

   Being so sharply pointed out by the little fox to his truest thoughts, the smile on Su Xi'er's face suddenly became unbearable.

   She twitched the corners of her lips awkwardly.

   "Sister, that's why you're overthinking. We are sisters. Why would I want you to make a fool of yourself? If you do make a fool of yourself, you will lose the face of the Su family."

   "I am who I am, and it has nothing to do with the Su family."

   The little fox's expression was indifferent, and the eyes that were as clear as ice and snow made Su Xi'er feel cold in an instant.

  Especially the little fox hadn't removed his makeup yet, and his apricot eyes were depicted as majestic phoenix eyes, and Su Xier even felt like being stared at by the gods in the mountains.

   "Sister, how can you say something so hurtful? Blood kinship is always cut off. If your father hears these words, you will definitely be sad."

   The little fox sneered.

   "So what? Back when he was messing around with Liu Meiyu behind my mother's back, he wasn't worthy of being my father."

   Su Xier's heart trembled, and she wanted to argue a few words.

  Who knows, but behind him came the sound of steady and powerful footsteps.

   "Did we come by accident? Are you all here?"

   The little fox looked up and saw Mu Hanting and Li Moyao staring deeply at him.

   (end of this chapter)

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