The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1554: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (124)

   Chapter 1554 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (124)

   is already in the middle of the moon, and the surroundings should be quiet.

   Who would have thought that outside the villa area in the city center, a siren suddenly sounded.

  Su Xi'er was guilty of being a thief, but when she heard the siren, she subconsciously thought of her behavior in the backstage of the a big conference hall today.

   Shouldn't he really be here to catch her?

  The girl bit the corner of her lip, and a strong fear emerged in her heart, and the rose essential oil in her hand that was originally intended to be used for hair care also fell directly to the ground.

   Father Su and Liu Meiyu, who lived on the third floor, were both asleep. At this moment, when they heard Su Xier smashing things, Liu Meiyu subconsciously put on pajamas and hurried over.

   "Xi'er, what's wrong with you? Did something break? Didn't you hit yourself?"

  The rose essential oil was shattered into pieces on the ground, and the cracked pieces did not fall on Su Xier's skin, but the fragrant aroma of the essential oil spread quickly in the room.


   Originally, this rose essential oil was Su Xier's favorite, but when she smelled this scent, the irritability in Su Xier's heart was accumulating deeper and deeper.

   She frantically said to Liu Meiyu.

   "Nothing, I just dropped something, I'll clean it now."

  Su Xier lowered her head in a panic, and began to use a tissue to try to pick up the pieces.

  Because he was absent-minded, the sharp bottle fragments quickly scratched Su Xier's fingers.

   A dark red blood bead burst out from Su Xier's fingertips.


  The pain made Su Xier feel more restless.

   Just when Su Xier wanted to break the jar, she simply waited until tomorrow when the nanny came to take care of it, Liu Meiyu hurriedly walked down the spiral staircase.

   Liu Meiyu looked at Su Xier's scratched finger regretfully.

   "You're already such a big man, why can't you take care of yourself? You're a piano player. What if you don't look good in the future?"

   "Mom, it's just a small wound, there won't be any problems."

  Su Xier saw that Liu Meiyu mentioned about playing the piano, even though she knew that her mother was here to help her deal with these fragments, but the girl felt a trace of unreasonable complaints at the moment.

   "And I've worked so hard to learn the piano for so many years, but I haven't seen any real benefits. If I knew you had better let me learn the guqin, at least it wouldn't be so bad."

  Liu Meiyu never thought that she could only speak a few words today, and Su Xier exploded like a lit powder keg.

   "You didn't take the wrong medicine, right? Learning the piano is so elegant and noble. Where can you compare to a niche Guqin?"

   "And after so many years I let you learn the piano hard, others call you the piano goddess, saying that your temperament is far superior to your peers, how can you not take your mother's love?"


  Guqin is a minority now, but Li Zihao's Yuelu Zhiyin's guqin is so expensive that it can be called an antique!

   The more Su Xier thought about it, the more fearful she became, and when she was upset, she pushed Liu Meiyu out of anger.

   "Okay, let's not talk about that anymore. Mainly at the A University art show today, my piano performance is no different from the one when the school started. Ershao Li said that I don't know how to be flexible, so I was a little irritable."

   "Mom, just go upstairs to sleep and leave me alone."


  Liu Meiyu saw Su Xier's frowning look, their mother and daughter have always been good people, Liu Meiyu was sure that this matter was not as simple as Su Xier said.

   "What kind of taste can Li Zihao have as a playboy? Why should you care what he says, as long as others think it sounds good."

   "If only it were that simple."

  Su Xier gave a wry smile, she never imagined that one day, even Li Zihao would be able to crush herself with her musical appeal.

   In all these years, she has never heard anyone say that Li Zihao can play the guqin.

   But what made Su Xier even more jealous was that the little fox took advantage of Li Zihao's music to show off his dancing skills.

   She worked so hard and so humbly to find the most famous piano professor in A University for tutoring, but in the end she only made wedding dresses for others. How could Su Xier be reconciled?


   Su Xier's heart grew more and more angry, and the woman who was immersed in jealousy didn't even notice that the siren was getting closer.

   Just when Liu Meiyu felt that her daughter was still covering up something, suddenly, the doorbell on the first floor of the villa suddenly rang.

   At such a big night, who would come to visit the house?

  Su Xier's heart skipped a beat, only to feel that the whole figure had been splashed with a layer of ice water, freezing from the head to the feet.

   On the other hand, Liu Meiyu hurriedly pulled her slippers and glanced at Su Xier with a puzzled face.

   "Xi'er, why is your expression so ugly? Could it be that some of your shameless suitors came to you in the middle of the night?"


   Liu Meiyu thought too simply, if this time really came to her as a spare tire, Su Xier would not be afraid.

  The girl's pretty face lost its blood in an instant, and she tremblingly grabbed Liu Meiyu's hand.

   "Mom, don't open the door."

  When Su Xier spoke, she realized that her voice was so weak, as if she had lost strength from her throat.

   When Liu Meiyu saw her daughter's face as white as paper, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in her heart.

   "Tell your mother honestly, what happened? Isn't the art performance at school today not good enough? There's nothing to be embarrassed about."


   Liu Meiyu has always known that her daughter is a face-saving person, but she never imagined that Su Xier would cut someone else's guqin badly because of a momentary daze.

  If Yuelu Zhiyin's value is only 3 million, it is fortunate that Liu Meiyu can sell some jewelry casually and collect it.

   But who would have thought that Yuelu Zhiyin was so expensive?


  Because Liu Meiyu and the others never opened the door, the doorbell downstairs sounded more restless, and even Father Su, who was sleeping on the third floor, woke up immediately.

   Father Su was still a little angry, he hurriedly put on his coat, and angrily spoke to Liu Meiyu and Su Xier.

   "Who came to disturb the people in the middle of the night with such a blind eye? By the way, why don't you two go down?"

   "I...I'm afraid of being unsafe."

  Su Xier pursed her lips and made up a lie that she didn't believe.

   In fact, the villas in this area are expensive, and the property fee is not for nothing. The security system here is famous in the whole city a.

   Father Su glanced at Su Xier suspiciously. Just as Father Su was about to go to the first floor to see the figure on the monitor, his mobile phone received a call from the property.

   "Mr. Su, I'm sorry for disturbing you in the middle of the night, but the police asked us to cooperate, so we could only take the liberty to call you late at night."

   "Is your daughter Su Xier at home now?"

   (end of this chapter)

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