The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1555: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (125)

   Chapter 1555 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (125)

   When he heard Su Xier's name mentioned by the property on the phone, Su's father almost thought there was something wrong with his ears.

   "You said the police were looking for Xi'er? Are you sure you heard correctly? I have two daughters, so is it actually my eldest daughter?"

  Su Xi'er is so well-behaved, she's much more obedient than Su Qinghuan's rebellious girl, that is, she's been swiping her credit card a bit more recently, but after his strict prohibition, Su Xier didn't do anything out of the ordinary!

   How could the police come to you? !


   When the property owners heard Su's father protecting Su Xier like this, they immediately turned a black line. As a property in a high-end villa area, they heard a lot of gossip from the upper class.

   They had long heard that the chairman of the Su Group forced the first wife to die many years ago, married the third child, and treated the daughter of the third child better than the eldest daughter of the first wife.

  I thought this was too much. Who would have thought that at such a time, Father Su would even throw the black pot on the back of the eldest daughter!

   The caller of the property had to cough slightly awkwardly.

"Mr. Su, you heard right, the police officers are standing with me now, I can hear clearly that they are looking for Su Xi'er, your little daughter, you better open the door earlier, otherwise We're going to take tough measures."


   After hearing the seriousness of the situation, Father Su's face instantly turned ashen.

   "Okay, Xi'er is here, I'll come down and open the door right away."

Father Su hurriedly hung up the phone in his hand. Seeing Su Xi'er pretending to be nothing happened on the corridor on the second floor, he was so angry that he copied the feather duster beside him and hit Su Xi directly. on the child's arm.

   "Reverse girl! What the **** did you do in school?! Why did the police call for you?!"

   Father Su had never beaten Su Xier like this before, and the girl's delicate and weak face instantly burst into tears.

   She shook her head sobbingly.

"I really don't know! Woo woo woo, maybe they are looking for the wrong person, it's my sister! I will perform well at A University today, and I will come back after the performance, I really don't know what happened! "

  The matter has come to this point, as long as there is no substantive evidence, it is absolutely impossible for Su Xier to admit it.

   She had already seen the backstage situation at that time, and there was no internal monitoring at all, and she had already thrown away the scissors used to cut the strings.

  The flow of backstage staff was also complicated at that time. Why do you say that the guqin of Yuelu Zhiyin was destroyed by yourself? !

   The most important thing in handling cases in this world is evidence. What is the use of guessing?

   As long as the police don't have strong evidence, at most he will be called over for a few days, and nothing will happen!


  Su Xier gritted her teeth and refused to admit that she was wrong. Her eyes were red with tears, and her pea-sized tears were hanging on her eyelashes. She looked very pitiful, but it really made Father Su shake for a moment.

   After all, Father Su has loved his younger daughter even more for so many years, and he has been very kind in material matters. He doesn't think Su Xi'er will do anything outrageous.

   He hesitantly said to Su Xier.

   "You really didn't do it?"

  Su Xi'er bit the corner of her lips and shook her head at Father Su with tears in her eyes, as if she didn't know anything.

"God can learn, I don't even know what happened, Dad, you must believe that Xi'er is innocent. If the police take me away, you must save me. If you stay in the police station and get wronged , Xi'er might as well die!"


   Where can it get to such a serious level!

   Before Father Su could say anything, Liu Meiyu was already crying, making trouble, hanging herself, and half-kneeling, pulling on Father Su's trouser legs.

"Cheng Gang, you must not let Xi'er suffer that kind of crime. She is such a delicate little girl, how could she have committed such a big thing? If Xi'er was detained and interrogated as a prisoner, it would be best to clear the crime. , what will others think of her?"

   "We finally raised such an excellent and beautiful daughter. She will also help the Su Group marry in the future. You wouldn't just watch Xi'er die, would you?"


   Father Su glanced at Su Xi'er and her daughter tangled, only to feel that the scene in front of them was a little strange. No one from the police had said what was going on. Why did Su Xi'er and Liu Meiyu both think the situation was serious.

   His heart was in a mess, and he sighed immediately. .

   "Don't panic first, isn't this the backbone of the family? Maybe the police made a mistake, not necessarily, I'll go down and have a look first."

   "Dad, I..."

When Su Xier saw that Su's father was going to open the door, her heart skipped a beat, and she almost wanted to stop Su's father, but even if she didn't open the door now, the police would break into the door. Nodding at Father Su.

   "Dad, be careful. Otherwise, why don't I go with you."

   "Don't worry, nothing will happen."


   Father Su saw Su Xier hiding behind him, as cute and pitiful as a little rabbit with red eyes. He never thought that such a daughter would stab him out of the basket that made him troublesome.

   Father Su opened the door, and several police officers in uniform came over. They glanced at Su Xier coldly, and turned on their mobile phones to play a surveillance video of the entrance and exit in the background.

I saw Su Xier hurriedly ran out of the exit, looking extremely flustered, as if there was something hidden in her hand, she put it back hard, but because of the monitoring angle, she couldn't see clearly, and she could only vaguely judge. A piece of silver.

   "Is the woman in this video you? Please come with us."

   "What did I do, what reason do you have for arresting me?"

  Su Xier saw her guilty and anxious appearance in the surveillance video, she was scared to the point of being helpless, she forced herself to grit her teeth, and tears rushed out of her eyes, looking very weak and innocent.

   "The matter has not been thoroughly investigated, but based on the available evidence, we reasonably suspect that you are related to a case of damage to cultural relics."

   "...destroying artifacts?"

   Father Su heard it in a fog, but the uniformed operator over there gave him a faint glance.

"You don't know yet, the second son of the Li family, a guqin worth more than 30 million yuan was damaged. According to the surveillance and investigation records at that time, as well as the extraction of relevant empirical fingerprints, your daughter Su Xi'er is very suspicious. ."

  Su Xier jumped out first, her hands trembling with anger.

   "I've never touched that Moon Dew Friend! Li Zihao likes my sister, but my sister and I have never gotten along. It must be Li Zihao and the others who joined forces to frame me! You must believe me!"

  The police officer glanced at Su Xier indifferently and suddenly interrupted her.

   "How do you know the name of that guqin?"

   (end of this chapter)

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