The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1556: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (126)

   Chapter 1556 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (126)

   Realizing that she had revealed a flaw, Su Xier lowered her eyes guiltily, and her mood fluctuated for a while.

   She almost wanted to say that she and Li Zihao were friends, so it was normal to know that Yuelu was a bosom friend. After all, she didn't know about Li Zihao's learning of the guqin before, but in the common circle of friends, it was impossible for everyone to know.

   But when she thought that these police officers would not be allowed to use their mobile phones to look at the historical search records, she immediately came up with an answer that she thought was perfect.

   "I heard Li Zihao play the qin very well at the A-Da Literary Show. Later, I saw the guqin in the background, so I searched for it."

  Su Xier said, and even took the initiative to open her previous Baidu search records to the police officer.


  Su Xi'er has a sincere and innocent look on her face, I'm afraid that she will really deceive a lot of people.

   But the case handling is all about evidence, not something Su Xier can fool with a few words.

The police officer headed by    nodded lightly to Su Xier.

   "Then I'll ask Miss Su to come with us."

   "Do you have to go?"

  Su Xi'er bit the corner of her lip, tears welling up in her eyelashes, the look of tears that were about to fall made me feel pity.

   "Li Zihao and I are actually friends. Although we are now estranged because of my sister, he and I have known each other since childhood. You asked me to call Li Zihao. I believe he will not misunderstand me."

   Hearing what her daughter said, Liu Meiyu was also in a hurry.

   "Yes, my daughter has excelled in her studies since her childhood, and she is also a good friend with the second son of the Li family. How could she destroy the second young master Li's guqin?"

When she said this, Liu Meiyu was sincere and excited, but when she thought of how her daughter was upstairs, the so-called acquaintance Mo Ruomu, Liu Meiyu really knew Su Xier best, I was afraid that this matter would break off with Su Xier. It doesn't matter.

   Because of this, she was even more reluctant to let the police officers take Su Xier away.

  Once people leave with them, I'm afraid it will be even more unclear afterward.

   Unexpectedly, the police officer suddenly sneered.

   "I'm sorry, you said that you and Ershao Li are friends, but this suspect's arrest application was submitted by him personally."

   "If you are really wronged, go to the police station and talk about it."

  The matter has come to this point, the blood on Su Xier's face suddenly faded little by little, her face turned pale, and she almost forced a smile.

   "Yes, innocent people are innocent. Since Zihao doesn't trust me, I have to solve this misunderstanding myself."

After    reluctantly threw out such a sentence, Su Xier couldn't help but gave Liu Meiyu a look.

   "Mom, Dad is not in good health recently, you must take good care of him!"

  Blow the pillow wind!

  If she really can't wash it, then Yuelu's bosom friend has been destroyed by her like that. With 30 million working capital, wouldn't she still have to rely on Su's father?

   Now the Su Group is in a period of precariousness. Father Su was already struggling with cash flow, but now she has made such a mess again. When the time comes, Father Su will not care what she will do for the Su Group?

  The amount of 30 million is too large. Even if a rich person like Li Zihao collects enough money, it will be difficult to reconcile out of court.

  If you don’t have money, I’m afraid I’m really going to die.

  Su Xi'er thought that her life might be stained forever, even going to jail, she was so anxious that sweat dripped from her forehead.


  Liu Meiyu nodded when she saw Su Xier pretending to be calm, and when she saw her daughter disappearing from the eyes of the people from the police station, Liu Meiyu immediately pulled Su's father to speak earnestly.

"Chenggang, look at how filial Xi'er is, and she still cares about your body even in such a big event. You must rescue Xi'er, she is a little girl, how can she be in a place like the interrogation room. How long?"

   Father Su didn't realize the seriousness of the problem yet. When he saw Su Xier's pear blossom with rain, he subconsciously thought that Su Xier was really wronged.

   He shook his head indifferently.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Xi'er will definitely not cut other people's pianos so disproportionately. It must be someone at the police station who made a mistake. Since she is innocent, she will not be detained for long, so just let it go. Have a heart."

   "Alright alright, it's so late, hurry up and go to bed, there are a lot of things in the company waiting for me to deal with tomorrow!"


   Liu Meiyu saw that she couldn't understand Father Su, and there were many words she wanted to persuade Father Su to pay.

   She had to pretend to be complaining and pushed Father Su's arm.

   "Our daughters have all been taken to the police station. You are still in the mood to think about the company's affairs! Is the company's affairs more important now, or is our cherished child more important?"

   "And didn't you listen to Xi'er? This incident was obviously planned, and Xi'er was framed by Su Qinghuan's little bastard!"

"Su Qinghuan is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. She and Mu Hanting's divorced Xi'er will be humiliated together, but now she is still hanging out with a **** like Li Ershao, and she has wronged Xi'er for destroying cultural relics! You say What is this all about!"

   "It is said that Lu Zhiyin cost more than 30 million yuan that month. How much liquidity does our company have? Why don't you take out some cash first, in case Xi'er is really detained in the interrogation room by those people?"

   Liu Meiyu's meaning is actually to make Su's father bleed a little, so it's best to get Su Xier out now.

   But Father Su obviously didn't understand what Liu Meiyu meant by asking him to pay, the middle-aged man frowned and said angrily.

   "...If it's Su Qinghuan's fault that Xi'er is wronged, I will never forgive her!"

   "I'll call this rebellious girl now and ask her to explain to Li Zihao that Xi'er is innocent."


   Liu Meiyu choked up when she heard the words, and she anxiously grabbed Father Su's arm.

   "What if Su Qinghuan doesn't admit to framing Xi'er at all? She can do this kind of thing with Li Zihao, how could she let Xi'er go?!"

   "Chenggang, don't be impulsive, otherwise we'll have to think long-term and get some money out first..."

   "Why are you talking about money, money, money? Xi'er people are not afraid of the shadow, as long as the explanation is clear, where do you need to pay?!"


   Seeing Su's father's wishful belief in Su Xi'er's innocence, Liu Meiyu's rebuttal is not the same, nor is he following him.


   And over there, Father Su has already started calling the little fox frantically.

   When he heard the busy tone on the phone, a man like Father Su immediately realized that he had been blocked by the little fox!

   This inverse girl!

   Do you really want to rebel? !

   Before Su Qinghuan insisted on going his own way and divorced Mu Hanting, Father Su was already very angry, who would have thought that the situation could escalate!

   "I'm so **** off, I'm going to look for her at Su Qinghuan's school tomorrow!"

   (end of this chapter)

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