The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1568: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (138)

   Chapter 1568 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (138)

   The man's handsome face like a **** slowly pressed down, and the clear masculinity wrapped the little fox, making the surrounding temperature seem to have risen a bit.

   Just when Li Moyao couldn't control himself and wanted to kiss the little fox, a light and delicate finger touched the man's face.

   "Brother Li, are you drunk? If you don't smell of alcohol, will you be drunk too?"

   The little fox looked at Li Moyao with clear eyes. Compared to Li Moyao's uncontrollable expression, the little fox's face was very calm, and he couldn't see the half-fallen appearance at all.

  When the man saw his dizzy look from the little fox's pupils, his thin lips pursed in an instant, and he only felt very embarrassed.


   In front of outsiders, he was always polite and courteous, but at this moment, Li Moyao knew very well that if the little fox hadn't reminded him at the right time, he really had the urge to be abrupt and beautiful.

   A thin layer of guilt appeared in Li Moyao's eyes, and those black eyes were like the sea with the hazy moonlight, and the darkness became more and more intriguing.

   "Qing Huan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that just now, but luckily... you stopped me."

   "You weren't frightened by me, were you?"

  Li Moyao clenched his hands into fists, almost a little afraid to look directly at the little fox.

   He was afraid to read disgust on the side of his sweetheart.


   And the little fox had a bright face, she shook her head.

"No, maybe it's because the moonlight is too beautiful tonight, you can't help it, it's understandable. But if you really do that, even people who have a crush on you will be scared away. ."

   What's more, what about people with negative favorability?

   The little fox didn't say anything in the second half of the sentence. She looked up at the moon in the sky, because the Ferris wheel was still high, so it seemed to be very close to the sky. When the little fox stretched out her hand, she had the urge to pick stars.


  Li Moyao was stunned when he heard the words, obviously not expecting the little fox to say such a thing.

  The man looked up, and saw the girl looking up at the moon with her unpainted face up.

   The moonlight was as bright as a tulle, and a halo was plated on the girl's delicate cheeks like creamy white jade. This scene was so beautiful and beautiful that people subconsciously wanted to hold their breath, for fear of disturbing the beauty under the moonlight.

  Li Moyao's clenched fist gradually loosened, he looked at Su Qinghuan with some obsession, and unconsciously said the words in his heart.

   "Qing Huan, I really like you, can you give me a chance?"

   Maybe because of the anxiety, the man's voice is a little hoarse, but this does not affect the charm of the man himself, but it is more real.


   "Ding, Li Moyao's favorability has increased by 5 points, and the current favorability is 100. Congratulations to the host for completing the main story of attacking Li Moyao."

   When the excited voice of System 233 came from his mind, the little fox's lips curled slightly, and he finally turned his head.

  Li Moyao stared at the smile of his sweetheart, only to feel that his heartbeat started to speed up involuntarily.

   When he advised Li Zihao not to be serious with Su Qinghuan before, he thought that feelings such as feelings could be controlled and stopped in time.

   But when he saw the little fox smiling, the man realized that he was really wrong before.


"you like me?"

   The little fox saw the uncontrollable love and obsession in Li Moyao's usually calm and indifferent eyes, she raised her eyebrows and paused deliberately.

   "Yes, I like you."

   Sure enough, the girl saw Li Moyao swallowing her throat again, and the man's eyes almost seemed to eat her up.

  ——In the face of a loved one, a strong possessiveness can be possessed by anyone.

   After teasing Li Moyao, the little fox suddenly felt that the game was over, and it wasn't that interesting anymore. Her expression was very playful.

   "But unilaterally liking a person, this kind of thing is not enough at all. Only if the two love each other can be considered complete."

   "You like me, I don't like you, what should I do?"

   "I can chase you! Wait until the day you like me!"

   Li Moyao blurted out without thinking.

   And the little fox looked at Li Moyao with a teasing expression, and slowly said the other half of the legend of the Ferris wheel.

   "No one ever told you that if a pair of the opposite **** came to ride on the Ferris wheel and never kissed at the top, they were destined to break up and become strangers?"

   "But we are not even lovers now, those legends... can't be believed."

  Li Moyao shook his head anxiously, wanting to fight for a chance for himself.

   And the Ferris wheel has reached the bottom, and it stopped steadily.

  The little fox leisurely unbuckled his seat belt and jumped from the seat to the ground.

   "Brother Li, thank you for taking me to make a Ferris wheel today, which fulfilled a dream I had when I was young."

   "But many things have changed over time. You once told me that emotional matters cannot be wishful thinking. As early as when we broke off the marriage, many things were doomed."


   The little fox waved to Li Moyao slyly, while Li Moyao was still sitting on the seat of the Ferris wheel in a daze because of the little fox's refusal. Seeing the little fox leave, the man woke up like a dream.

   "Qing Huan, wait a minute!"

   For some reason, Li Moyao suddenly had a hunch that if he missed her this time, he might be really close in the future.

  Li Moyao was too eager, but the buckle of the seat belt could not be opened for a while.

   After the little fox disappeared behind the grass, Li Moyao frantically tore off the seat belt.

   He staggered and jumped off his seat, but he could no longer see the little fox.

   There is a vast expanse everywhere.

   Mingming is already at this point, the subway is also out of service, and it is difficult to get a taxi in the suburbs.

   How should she go back?


Li Moyao looked around anxiously, but saw the gifts on Cao Cong that had been opened by the little fox, all kinds of exquisite diamond necklaces, rare calligraphy and paintings, custom luxury bags are still there, but the person he wanted to give, But has left.

   There was a strong sense of powerlessness in the man's heart.

  Li Moyao's hands were shaking, and he immediately took out his mobile phone, trying to call Su Qinghuan, but it showed a busy signal.

   He had to settle for the next best thing and open the little fox's WeChat. As a result, when he sent a message, it was a red exclamation mark.

   She blocked him.


  Li Moyao lowered his head in a daze, and the phone in his hand slid to the ground.

  Because the man pulled the seat belt too hard when he got off the Ferris wheel earlier, the back of Li Moyao's hand was directly scratched, and a little bit of blood seeped out.

   The man looked at the bleeding wound on his hand and suddenly laughed.

   said it was laughing, but that smile was more desolate than crying.

  --she didn't want him outright.

  I don't know when it rained in the sky, the rain was fierce and fierce, as if weeping tears for the sad people in the world.

   (end of this chapter)

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