The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1569: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (139)

   Chapter 1569 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (139)

  The man stood blankly in the heavy rain, his hands clasped together tightly, and an indescribable helplessness and fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

   - Could it be that in Su Qinghuan's mind, they couldn't even start out as ordinary friends?

  Li Moyao staggered in the rain, and suddenly remembered the day when so many people looked for Xiaobai in Canglan Mountain.

   She hugged the cat and appeared in the night rain and mountains, which was once the redemption in Li Moyao's dream.

   But now, this redemption has completely abandoned him.


  Li Moyao stood in the rainstorm all night, and of course fell ill. The man was disheartened for a while, and he didn't even have the courage to find the little fox.

   But what Li Moyao didn't expect was that when he was lying in the ward, Li Zihao rushed over angrily and almost punched him.

   "What did you do to Qinghuan yesterday? Why didn't she come to school today?! Say it!"

   "...Didn't she go to A University?"

  Li Moyao's thin lips moved, and his pupils looked blankly at Li Zihao.

   He thought of the little fox at the suburban amusement park last night, and his heart suddenly tensed.

   "Did she go back to her mother's apartment yesterday? Are you all right?!"

  Li Moyao was trembling, and subconsciously he took out his mobile phone and asked his subordinates to find someone, but at this moment, Mu Hanting, who was wearing a black trench coat, suddenly came over.

  Mu Hanting just learned that Su Qinghuan didn't go to A University for a class. Thinking of the agreement between Su Qinghuan and Li Moyao to meet on the weekend last time, the man also looked for it at the first time, wanting to know the cause and effect.

   Unexpectedly, Li Moyao not only fell ill, but he didn't send Su Qinghuan back last night.

   "Li Moyao, I always thought you were very smart, but now it seems that you are no different from that reckless brother of your brother."


   Li Zihao was so angry that he almost wanted to throw a fist, but Li Moyao was the first to stop him.

   "Don't be impulsive, the top priority is to find Qinghuan first."

   Li Moyao, who was lying on the sick bed, tried his best to support himself to sit up, his eyes fixed on Mu Hanting.

   "Cousin, I remember that the apartment that Qing Huan lived in belonged to the Mu family, right? You go and check first, did she arrive home last night."

   Mu Hanting looked at the brothers Li Moyao and Li Zihao coldly. He had asked about it on the way here, and he had just received a reply from his subordinate, Old K.

  Mu Hanting's eyes wandered over the Li family twins, his voice seemed to be quenched by ice,

   "She went back to the apartment yesterday, which proves that she was okay last night, but she disappeared out of thin air today, and the surveillance did not capture her going out. She should have chosen to disappear on her own initiative."

   "...Qinghuan disappeared by herself? Why did she do this? Is it to hide from us?"

  Li Zihao lowered his head in a daze, the whole person was stunned.

   The peach-eyed youth pursed his lips tightly. He had planned to compete fairly and pursue the little fox well. Who would have expected that Su Qinghuan would not even be able to go to school today.

   "It's important to find someone first."

  Li Moyao felt a pain in his heart when he thought of the fact that he was blocked by Su Qinghuan, but no amount of pain could compare to the pain of Su Qinghuan disappearing.

   Soon, the three men who disliked each other reached an alliance to unite the forces of the Mu family and the Li family to find Su Qinghuan together.

   Now that information is so developed, and camera surveillance is everywhere, Su Qinghuan, a big living person, will never disappear out of thin air, right?


   On the other side, no one expected the little fox to appear in a base secretly built by high-level officials in country A.

   The little fox smiled and handed a letter of recommendation to the gray-haired old man in front of him.

   "This is my latest chemistry paper, I hope you can take me in, professor."

  The old man had already seen the results of Little Fox's thesis in the mailbox sent by Su Qinghuan. At that time, he was shocked by Su Qinghuan's research.

   However, according to the survey, although Su Qinghuan is a student of the highest institution in country A, he is a Chinese major.

   Who would have guessed that there would still be plans to abandon literature and follow rationale?

   can give such a king fried as soon as it comes.


  Professor Lin, as an academician standing at the top of the academic pyramid in country A, the more he looked down, the more shocking he became. The old man glanced at the little fox with admiration.

   "It is very difficult to do research in this area, and you will not be able to retreat for at least five or six years, without contact with the outside world. You are a young girl, can you bear it?"


  The little fox nodded decisively.

   "Okay, I will transfer your student status file in University A to seal it up in time. As long as you pass the test here, you can also get the diploma."

   "That's not what I care about."

   The little fox shook his head at the gray-haired old man.

"I only have one wish, as you should have seen, I submitted several reports today, involving the three major groups of the Mu, Li, and Su, and many people are involved. I hope you can use your own energy, and supervise everything to be done fairly.”

   "Even without my supervision, everything will be handled fairly."

  Professor Lin patted the little fox on the shoulder.

   "It's rare for you to have such a righteous heart to kill your relatives."

  The little fox shook his head modestly.

   "No, I have my own selfishness."


   While the little fox was talking to the old man, a young man in a lab coat came over.

"teacher LIN."

   The little fox raised his head subconsciously when he heard the cold voice like a flowing spring.

   The sight of the two collided in the air, Su Qinghuan's pupils shrank, and the whole person suddenly felt a sense of time and space disorder.

   is obviously a face that has never been seen before, but the feeling is so familiar.

The young man in the white lab coat was tall and tall, perhaps because he stayed with Professor Lin in this dark laboratory all the year round, his complexion was a little paler than that of ordinary women, but he didn't look feminine at all. There is only a breathtaking coldness.

  Youth is a single eyelid that is not popular with mainstream aesthetics nowadays. The eyes are long and narrow, and the pupils are extremely clear. The handsome jaw and the straight nose are combined to form a very distinctive heroic face.

   Even people who don't like single eyelids have to admit that the young man is extremely good-looking, and just a glance is enough to make those who have seen him unforgettable in this life.


   It seems that the little fox stared at the young man too directly, which made Professor Lin and the young man look at the little fox.

   The young man pursed his lips and frowned, seemingly unhappy, but Professor Lin laughed.

   "Ayan, this little girl of the same age as you is called Su Qinghuan, and she will be your junior sister from now on."

   "Hello, my name is Su Qinghuan, there is a Su in heaven and there is Su Hang in the bottom, and there is taste in the world is Qing Huan of Qing Huan."

  The little fox stretched out his hand to the young man with a candid smile.

  The young man is obsessed with cleanliness, and he doesn't like to have physical contact with others, but seeing Su Qinghuan's bright spring-like smile at this moment, the man took her hand back in a mysterious way—

   (end of this chapter)

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