The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1570: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (140)

   Chapter 1570 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (140)

   The young man took the little fox's hand back, he looked at her seriously, inexplicably felt that the little fox was a little familiar, but he had never forgotten it, and he couldn't remember where he had seen this girl.

  ——After all, Su Qinghuan is very beautiful, if he really saw it, he would never forget it.

   "Hello, my name is Gu Yan."

  The young man hesitated for a few seconds, then hesitantly said.

   "We...haven't we met somewhere?"


   It was not the little fox who laughed, but Professor Lin with gray hair. Professor Lin patted Su Qinghuan and Gu Yan on the shoulders teasingly.

   "The two of you are really, it seems like you've met your eyes. If you become my students in the future, don't fall in love at public expense."

   "Of course, it's okay to fall in love, but you can't be distracted while doing academic work."


   Being teased by Professor Lin, the very white-skinned young man's ears turned red in an instant. He quickly let go of the little fox's hand and explained in a hurried voice.

   "Mr. Lin, you know that I'm not interested in dating, so don't make fun of me and my little sister."

   "It's so easy to call me your sister now, be careful when you encounter the true fragrance law in the future."

Although Professor Lin was in his sixtieth year, he was very slippery at surfing the Internet. He smiled and looked at Su Qinghuan, who had an open face, and then glanced at the slightly embarrassed appearance of his proud disciple Gu Yan. will hit the iron plate.

   Well, they are both so good, they are of the same age, and they even look so good together, it is really eye-catching to stand together.

   made him feel that the always cold laboratory has a spring atmosphere.

   "Okay, alright, I won't make fun of you anymore, take your little junior sister to find out what to do first."


   Gu Yan turned his face slightly embarrassed, but saw the little fox looking at him with a sweet smile, as if he didn't feel embarrassed at all. The young man who had never been with the opposite **** had no choice but to pretend to be calm.

   "Sister Su, come with me."


   The little fox followed behind the young man step by step. The more he looked at it, the more the little fox felt that he had really met the person she had been hiding in her heart.

   And Gu Yan was really serious in the laboratory. Originally, the young man was worried that the little fox had just taken over the work here, and he would definitely be a little bit handicapped.

   Who would have expected the little fox to complete it perfectly, and the rules can be memorized by me after asking them once.

   For a while, Gu Yan also appreciated the little fox a little more.

  The two stayed in the laboratory for a month, and their life should have seemed extremely boring, but because of each other's existence, it was a little more interesting.

  Su Qinghuan became more and more sure that Gu Yan was the man he was looking for.

   "Tonger, I suddenly found out now that God still favors me. I thought that after I fulfilled the original owner's wish, there would definitely be no one I like in this plane."

   "...this... should you say you're lucky?"

  System 233 was teasing the little fox, but Gu Yan, who was wearing a pure white lab coat, had already walked over, and the young man was carrying two breakfasts.

   After getting along for this period of time, the man is also accustomed to the existence of the little fox. From the polite alienation at the beginning, there is now an unconscious smile on the corner of his lips.

   "Sister, do you want to have breakfast? I brought an extra."

   "Okay, thank you Brother Gu."

   The little fox smiled at Gu Yan with burning eyes, looking at the beautiful face of the girl, the young man's heart skipped a beat.

   The man lowered his head subconsciously and began to eat breakfast silently.

   Wouldn't he really like the little fox like Mr. Lin said?

   What did the junior sister think?


   The little fox and Gu Yan get along so harmoniously and sweetly. The time when men and women have good feelings for each other but not exposed is the most beautiful time.

   Li Moyao and the others, who were thousands of miles away, were in a state of utter wreckage.

   After the little fox disappeared, Li Moyao and Mu Hanting activated all the forces in their hands to keep looking for the little fox.

   But the little fox seemed to have really evaporated from the world, and even her student registration information in University A was transferred out of thin air.

The fact that    can have such a handwriting can only mean that the little fox must still have an unknown backer standing behind the little fox.

   In the whole country a, the only one who can stand above the Li family and the Mu family is the official instigation.

  Li Moyao suddenly felt very frustrated. He used all his relationships to try to find a clue.

   But before Li Moyao could find out about the little fox, the Li family publicized bad news.

   Or not only the Li family, but also the Mu family and the Su family have received multiple reporting letters.

   And the whistleblower is a real-name system, and it is Su Qinghuan.

  The content of the report has actual evidence, the most critical is related to tax, and the second is the gray industrial chain involved in the three companies.


   When Father Su heard the news, he was so angry that he could barely breathe. He swallowed several quick-acting heart-rescue pills in a row before he could barely calm down.

   "This rebellious girl, I really underestimate her! Even her own father has to report, is she still human?"

  Su's group is now in a time of worsening. Previously, Su Xier destroyed the second young master of the Li family's guqin, and he went straight to prison without handing over more than 30 million yuan.

   Father Su has been taking Su Xier to many important occasions before, and Su Xier is also one of the faces of the Su Group.

   Father Su finally spent a few million to suppress the news of Su Xier's imprisonment, just because he didn't want the Su family's stock to plummet.

   Who would have expected the little fox to give him such a hidden "surprise".

   What made Father Su even more angry was that the little fox not only attacked his own family, but he also did not let go of the Mu Group and Li Group.

   For a while, public opinion was raging.

The attitude of    is very clear, and it is obvious that a thorough investigation is required.

   Not to mention Father Su, even the various connections between the Li family and the Mu family failed to keep them out of this muddy water.


   When the final investigation results came out, the Su family, who was already in a precarious situation, was severely damaged, and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

   Father Su heard this bad news one after another, and finally he couldn't hold it any longer and was taken into the hospital by his anger.

   And after Su Xier was imprisoned, Liu Meiyu disliked Su's father very well. She could see the man's extremely ruthless nature.

  ——In the beginning, Father Su was able to force Su Qinghuan's mother to death for himself and Xi'er. I'm afraid that the same thing could happen again and force them to death.

   Liu Meiyu made a decisive decision and collected all the valuable antique jewelry in the family. Su Xier was imprisoned and could not be saved. While Su's father was still lying in the hospital, she ran away with the money.

   When Father Su heard the news, he was dying of breath, he immediately vomited three liters of blood and was admitted to the intensive care unit!

   (end of this chapter)

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