The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1576: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (146)

   Chapter 1576 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (146)

   In the past, Li Moyao always felt that Mu Hanting's methods were too cruel and bloody, but now Li Moyao suddenly understands that sometimes, Lei Ting's methods may not be impossible.

  It is said that love means restraint and fulfillment, but Li Moyao would rather the little fox hate him than watch the little fox live and live with other men.


   Gu Yan originally looked at Li Moyaosi's handsome appearance, and thought that the other party would retain a bit of grace.

   Hearing Li Moyao's overt and covert threats and ridicule at this moment, the young man was instantly angry.

   "Who the **** are you? This is modern society. Even if the emperor breaks the law, he is still guilty of the common people. If my sister doesn't want to, you can't take her away anyway!"

   Mu Hanting looked at the thin and thin Gu Yan standing in front of the little fox to protect her, and his heart was both jealous and distorted.

   If it wasn't for the hurry to come out this time, and no one was brought, Mu Hanting really couldn't guarantee that he would do anything destructive on the spot.

   "Little brother, you are still very young at first sight. Who do you like is not good, do you have to like this woman in front of you?"

   "Do you think she will be with you if you pay a lot? Offend the Li family and the Mu family for this kind of girl, I'm afraid you won't even be able to find a decent job in the future."

   Hearing Mu Hanting's repressive words, the little fox suddenly laughed.

   "Tong'er, why do I think these people are crazy to criticize me today? In their eyes, I'm so crazy, why bother me?"

   "Uh, maybe what you can't get is the best?"

   The little fox suddenly glanced at Mu Hanting strangely when he heard System 233's words.

   On the other side, Mu Hanting saw the little fox finally looking at him, his heart jumped, he wanted to explain, he didn't want to belittle him, in fact he looked down on himself.

   He knew that Su Qinghuan didn't have himself in his heart at all, but he still posted it as if he was mean.

   He hated Su Qinghuan like this, and even more hated himself.

   But the moment the girl looked over, Mu Hanting suddenly and feebly realized that no matter what he said, he would not be able to provoke the little fox.

   Because in the girl's heart, he is simply an insignificant figure.


   Maybe he touched the truth that he didn't want to admit. Mu Hanting felt like he was bitten by thousands of poisonous insects, and there was an irresistible pain in his heart.

  Mu Hanting cheered up, even if the little fox doesn't care about his words, the man doesn't believe that there will be people in the world who don't care about his future.

   It's a pity that Mu Hanting not only overestimated his and Li Moyao's influence, but also underestimated Gu Yan's affection for the little fox.

  Gu Yan frowned when he saw Mu Hanting utter the threat so aggressively.

   "I didn't plan to work in a company at first. My junior sister and I both made plans to devote ourselves to academics for the rest of our lives."

  The little fox smiled and nodded.

   "I'd like to introduce to you, a senior around me who is about the same age as me. Looking young, he is actually an official assistant professor."

   "And my senior apprentice is under the tutelage of the most prestigious academician Lin Yi in the Department of Chemistry. I believe that others don't know the weight of this name, but Li Moyao, you must know it?"

  Su Qinghuan looked at Li Moyao with burning eyes, the maliciousness in her eyes was like a knife, and she wanted to cut Li Moyao in half.


  Li Moyao's heart throbbed.

   But Li Zihao didn't understand how serious this matter was, he snorted coldly.

   "What about the assistant professor? Brother, even if the little white face next to Qinghuan is a full professor, I won't be impressed."

  Li Zihao was almost brooding about the scene of Su Qinghuan holding Gu Yan's hand all the time.

   This is so annoying.

   Even when the little fox was the best of him, he never had such a natural intimacy.



  Li Moyao pursed the corners of his lips, and a wry smile overflowed from the corners of his lips.

   "Zihao, cousin, let them go."

   At this age, he can be rated as an assistant professor, which is almost unprecedented in country A, and the name mentioned by the little fox just now made Li Moyao suddenly remember why he thought Gu Yan's appearance was somewhat familiar.

  Li Moyao's former teacher at University A was also surnamed Gu.

   That Professor Gu must be Gu Yan's biological father.

   And Gu Yan's mother was also a well-known academician in country A.

   From a family like this, it may be far less wealthy than the Li family and the Mu family, but behind them, there is official support.

   It was only after the Mu's Group and Li's Group that they were closely watched by their superiors, they couldn't do something crazy to Gu Yan from the back.

  Otherwise, it is not a broken arm to survive.

  I am afraid that the entire group will be subverted.


  Li Moyao understood this truth in his heart, but this was not the reason for Li Moyao to give up completely, but the look in the eyes of the little fox just looking at him.

   As if watching a joke.

   - She would rather be with someone she'd only known for a few months, doing research in obscurity in this harsh desert environment, than living the best life with him.

  The man suddenly realized that he had lost completely.


   "Brother, why did you suddenly give up?! We finally found Qing Huan!"

   Li Zihao was immediately anxious, and subconsciously glared at Gu Yan, only to see that the young man with a gentle and handsome appearance was still frankly protecting the little fox in front of him, even knowing that they had the possibility of doing something, he was willing to fight three with one.

  Li Zihao felt even more resentful.

   But Li Moyao just shook his head stubbornly, and looked at the little fox with bitter eyes.

   "Qing Huan, I just want to ask you one thing, did you choose a strange man you've known for a while out of thin air to be angry with us?"


   There is no need to hide this.

   The little fox clasped Gu Yan's fingers tightly.

   "I fell in love with my senior brother at first sight. Believe it or not, I'm not angry, I like him, that's all."

  Gu Yan never expected to hear the little fox's confession at such a moment.

   The young man's heart trembled, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, but he saw the little fox holding his hand seriously.

   Even though he knew it was too hateful to say such words now, Gu Yan still clenched the little fox's palm without hesitation.

   "Junior sister, I like you too."

He didn't know if    fell in love at first sight, but the first time the little fox appeared, the man realized that she was a special existence.


   "Do you think I'm dead?!"

   Mu Hanting saw that Su Qinghuan actually wanted to show his love with Gu Yan, and the man punched the street lamp on the street!

   Mu Hanting's eyes were red, and the time in his eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

   Seeing that Mu Hanting wanted to punch Gu Yan, the little fox stood up immediately, and she stared at Mu Hanting coldly.

   "Mu Hanting, I don't care whether you live or die now, but if I hadn't rescued you many years ago, do you think you would have a chance to stand here and go crazy?"

   (end of this chapter)

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