The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1577: I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (147)

   Chapter 1577 I am killing the Quartet in the rich and powerful (147)

The little fox was telling the truth. The winter when Mu Hanting lived on the street was so cold. He was not only tired and hungry, but also injured. If the original owner didn't feel sympathy and offered a helping hand in time, I'm afraid there is no way to stand now. Fierce fighting here.

   Mu Hanting staggered back two steps, the blood on the man's face faded away in an instant.

   He always felt guilt towards Su Qinghuan. If the little fox hadn't been his savior, maybe Mu Hanting could have punched Gu Yan.

   But it was precisely because he had revenge for the people he liked, no matter how crazy Mu Hanting was, the punch could only land heavily on the street light pole in the end.

   A blushing blood drop fell down Mu Hanting's arm.

The    bright colors made Mu Hanting feel that everything in this world was very ridiculous.


   Mu Hanting looked at the little fox with trembling eyelashes, a thousand words were stuck in his throat, and in the end he could only reluctantly say to the little fox.

   "I will always wait for you. If the so-called senior brother beside you fails you, I will definitely stand up for you."

   said, Mu Hanting ran back behind him like he was mad, as if he didn't dare to look at the little fox.

   He was afraid that if he turned back, he would lose all reason. Even if the little fox hated him, he would take her as his own.

   But what qualifications does he have?


   Even if Su Qinghuan was not the little angel who rescued him that snowy night, he was destined to hurt an innocent person.

   When repaying Su Xier's false kindness, he didn't even treat the little fox as a real person. He was tempted by her stubbornness and arrogance, but why would others like him like this?


   Mu Hanting ran away, and Li Moyao's eyes narrowed slightly, only to feel the sadness that something hurt him.

   The man sighed, but didn't say anything, just said lightly to the little fox.

   "Take care, City A is your home, and I will always welcome you back."

   "Brother, why did you leave too?"

  Li Zihao stared dumbfounded at Li Moyao and turned to leave, only to feel that everything was out of his imagination.

   And the little fox was still clasping his fingers with Gu Yan, no matter how jealous Li Zihao was, he had to admit that the little fox really liked Gu Yan.

  Su Qinghuan looked at Li Zihao with a smile.

"Your brother and cousin are gone, Zihao, you should go too, otherwise I'm afraid that they will do something irrational when they lose their minds. You should know better than me, the Li family group and the Mu family. The group, the two of them are indispensable now."


  Li Zihao looked at the little fox and Gu Yan's hand stubbornly and eccentrically. He was still unwilling, and this emotion almost completely swallowed Li Zihao.

   "Qing Huan, can you tell me why you chose this man beside you? I really want an answer."

  The little fox was silent for a moment. In fact, she had already answered this matter before. Compared with Li Moyao and Mu Hanting, she had no ill-feeling or favorable feelings towards Li Zihao, and her attitude was naturally better than the former two.

   The girl's eyes became solemn.

   "Zihao, this answer is actually very simple. When your brother and Mu Hanting said some specious things to slander me earlier, my senior brother never speculated on me, and was willing to wait for me to explain."

   "I can do it too!"

  Li Zihao interrupted the little fox anxiously, the young man's peach blossom eyes were so hurt, as if he could prove his sincerity by showing his sincerity, I'm afraid Li Zihao would also be willing to do so.

   But the little fox just laughed.

   "No, that's just you now. If it were a month and a half ago, even if I was innocent, when someone slandered me like this, would you give me a chance?"

"You won't, Mu Hanting won't, and your eldest brother won't. Even if you can guess that I'm innocent, you still ignore my feelings, and even because life is so boring, you're willing to take me for fun. Step on your feet with jokes."

   "But my brother is not such a person. No matter when I am, he will not let others easily slander me, and he will not believe in slander. Zihao, do you understand now?"

   "...I don't want to understand."

  Li Zihao lowered his head dully, there was an indescribable pain in the young man's heart, as if someone took a needle and poked him in the heart.

  The pain was very small at first, but as the wound expanded, it became unforgettable.

   How could he be willing to lose her?

  Li Zihao once thought that the little fox married his eldest brother, but he loved his sister-in-law but couldn't ask for it, which might be the biggest pain in his life.

   But now I understand that if the little fox really married into the Li family, he would at least be able to see her from time to time, but now?


  Li Zihao understands what the little fox is talking about, but the past is really irreversible, why didn't he want to give him a chance?

   He wanted to start over.

   The little fox looked at Li Zihao and sighed.

   "You say you don't want to understand, but it's useless to deceive yourself, Zihao, goodbye, I still treat you as an ordinary friend, stay a line, and see you in the future."


  Li Zihao was immediately laughed at by the little fox.

   "You've made such a big mess for the Li family and the Mu family. Why do you still think about seeing each other in the future?"

   After not seeing each other for such a long time, Li Zihao's cynical and handsome face seemed to bring out a bit of vicissitudes, which did not damage the beauty of the youth, but looked a little more calm and sophisticated.

   The little fox felt in a trance that Li Zihao and Li Moyao were becoming more and more alike. It was not about their appearance, but more about their temperament.

  Su Qing smiled and shook her head, she explained seriously.

   "No, I'm just asking you to be good people. Whether you are a human being or a businessman, you must abide by the bottom line. Zihao, do you think there is something wrong?"


   Seeing the little fox pressuring him with great truth, Li Zihao felt even more distressed in his heart, he understood that his relationship with the little fox was irreversible.

   may have been wrong from the start.

  This heartless woman, maybe she approached him for revenge at the beginning, and showed her kindness to him?

   But what position does he have to blame Su Qinghuan?

   Like those things he once did, he was guilty.

  Li Zihao sighed, finally reached out his hand, hugged the little fox gently, and gave Gu Yan next to the little fox a warning look.

   "I really hope you really treat me as a friend, even if it's an ordinary friend. Qing Huan, I'm back in City A. If you want to come back, feel free to welcome me."



   Watching the three dangerous people leave, the little fox felt relieved, but Gu Yan looked at her very seriously.

   "Qing Huan, so should you explain to me what happened to those people earlier?"

   The young man's eyes were dark, and it seemed that only the figure of a little fox could be reflected in his eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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