The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1600: Fiance Bewitched by Goblin (21)

   Chapter 1600 The Fiance Bewitched by the Goblin (21)

Fu Yunhao didn't expect the little fox to turn his face so quickly. In the past, this fine lady had occasionally had a cold fight with him, and even threatened to break up, but when it came time to leave, Su Qinghuan would always hug him with tears in her eyes. beg him not to go.

   Now, why does it seem like Su Qinghuan is really coming! ?

  10 million ancient paintings may be considered precious to other families, but for a top-level giant like the Su family, it is really not much different from Drizzle.

   After all, the shopping guide in the mall once told him that Su Qinghuan had already spent more than ten million yuan after shopping for a few hours during the Chinese New Year!


   "Qing Huan, you open the door! Qing Huan! Don't ignore me, please!"

  Fu Yunhao gritted his teeth, but he was unwilling to leave directly, even if the place where he was bitten by Bai Xianxian was still aching, the man couldn't care so much.

   He has been fishing for big fish with Su Qinghuan's long line for so long, and now it's time to close the net, who can accept Su Qinghuan's decision to break off the marriage? !


  Unexpectedly, the little fox sneered from the door, and the girl's cold and ruthless voice clearly diffused outside the door through the microphone.

   "Fu Yunhao, I advise you to take it easy. The surveillance cameras in my house are all there. How did you destroy my paintings with your ferret, and the surveillance cameras are all clear!"

   "The number of 10 million is enough for you to go to jail for a lifetime. It's still light to break off the marriage. Do you really want to sue me in court?!"

"Qing Huan, why are you so heartless? Do you have something to hide? You clearly like me so much, is it because your parents don't want to marry me, I will make my uncle and aunt change their minds, you believe me, I love you so much what!"

"Leave this to someone else, I've seen you through today, and I won't change my decision easily. It's an established fact to break off the marriage. If you still make trouble in front of my house, I'll let the bodyguards drive you away. "

   "Oh, by the way, you were just bitten by the wild and untamable little thing you brought. I wonder if you should get vaccinated? If you don't go to the hospital in time, it will be too bad for you to die in front of my house."

   "...Qing Huan, how could you curse me to death?! You loved me so much before, did you lie to me?!"

  Fu Yunhao listened to what the little fox said with a look of disbelief. Although he couldn't see the little fox's expression at the moment, anyone could hear the little fox gloating.

   This silly Baitian clearly loved him so much before, how could he let him down so easily? !


No matter how unwilling Fu Yunhao was in his heart, the little fox was really not joking. Within two minutes, a dutiful bodyguard came over. Several people were dressed in black suits, and they were all 1.8 meters tall. Where is Fu Yunhao? Weak chickens can resist.

  Fu Yunhao finally couldn't take it anymore when those people held his shoulders, and he cursed bitterly.

   "Who among you dares to touch me? I'm Su Qinghuan's fiancé and Uncle Su's future husband-in-law. If you treat me like this now, are you not afraid that I will fire you in the future?"

   Several bodyguards glanced at him coldly.

"Fu Shao, our young lady has already said that you have broken up with you. The two of you have no legal relationship. If you continue to mess around like this, you will not compensate my young lady for the loss of 10 million yuan. The big deal will be seen in court. ."

   "You bastards—!"

   Fu Yunhao's eyes were red, and he almost stared at the group of people in front of him.

   But those bodyguards were already well-trained, and their physique was much stronger than Fu Yunhao. Seeing that verbal threats were useless, Fu Yunhao was finally defeated.

   He really didn't expect that this woman Su Qinghuan would change her face faster than flipping a book, and he was fooled into her palm some time ago, but he didn't expect that she could become so unfeeling in just a few days!

   Sure enough, the most poisonous woman's heart!

Fu Yunhao spat in his heart. He didn't dare to scold in front of so many bodyguards of the Su family. The wound on his hand that was bitten by Bai Xianxian is still there. Always go to the hospital for insurance.


  Fu Yunhao left with his tail tucked in despair. He has always valued himself the most, so he specially did a full set of examinations in the hospital.

   After the doctor assured him again and again that Fu Yunhao was fine, the man left with an unlucky look on the questionnaire.

   "It's really unfortunate. Today, I lost my wife and lost my army. This set will cost more than 3,000 yuan after inspection."


  Fu Yunhao swiped his credit card and suddenly remembered that he had been fooled by Su Qinghuan to buy a diamond ring for the eldest lady who made it for more than 1.3 million yuan at the counter store!

   And the diamond ring has not been paid a penny, but it is his list signed!

  If you break the contract and don’t move, not only will you not be able to get the diamond ring, but you will also have to compensate 80% of the total diamond ring!

   Now Fu Yunhao is really going to vomit blood.

   During the time he coaxed Su Qinghuan, he did get eight or nine million in benefits, but all those things were sold out, and he was squandering them.

   There are still two men's watches at home, which can be sold for more than 700,000 at a discount, which is not enough for the diamond ring shop to ruin the order!


   Just when the man was a little down and disappointed and returned to his apartment in a daze, he suddenly heard something rustling in the guest room!

  Fu Yunhao was extremely vigilant in his heart. After experiencing the incident of being bitten by Bai Xianxian, Fu Yunhao immediately picked up the vase at the door for self-defense.


  Fu Yunhao pushed open the door and went in, and as expected, he saw Bai Xianxian who was wrapped in his clothes.

  Bai Xianxian actually changed from a ferret to a human again. She probably finally had some basic sense of shame. She was wearing Fu Yunhao's white T-shirt loosely, covering her thighs.

Fu Yunhao was angry when he saw this woman, even if Bai Xianxian had a face like a fairy, but when he thought of Bai Xianxian biting him at Su's house and leaving without looking back, Fu Yunhao resented this woman.

   "Bai Xianxian, do you still have the face to come back?! Do you know that you will be arrested if you appear naked on the street as an adult?! You want to blame me for biting me?"

   Bai Xianxian was also disgusted when she saw Fu Yunhao's hideous appearance.

"What's wrong with me wearing two of your clothes? Fu Yunhao, you said in front of Su Qinghuan that you were going to kill me, but if I bite you, I think it's too cheap for you! !"

   "Did I mess with you? Ha! You sucked the aura of the ancient paintings of the Su family, and caused Su Qinghuan to break off the marriage with me. Now you want to leave me and run away?"

  Fu Yunhao grabbed Bai Xianxian's arm, and after realizing that Bai Xianxian's aura was still weak and could not break free, he looked even more mad.

   "Looks like you are not omnipotent! Don't you want to go to the museum? We are grasshoppers on a rope now. If you want to leave me and run away, there is no way!"

   (end of this chapter)

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