The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1601: Fiance Bewitched by Goblin (22)

   Chapter 1601 The fiance who was bewitched by the goblin (22)

   Now Fu Yunhao has no way out except for tying Bai Xianxian.

When    was in front of Su's house, the little fox's repentance attitude was too straightforward, and he even asked the bodyguard to threaten him to make him pay more than 10 million yuan for the ancient painting, and it was impossible to get back together.

   Even if he doesn't need to pay for the ancient paintings, Fu Yunhao still has the final payment of 1.3 million from the diamond ring shop to settle!

   Even if he sells the few luxury items left in his family, he still has a shortfall of hundreds of thousands to fill.

  Fu Yunhao, he really wanted to run back and continue to coax Su Qinghuan, but he was not given this chance, what could he do? !


   Therefore, even if Fu Yunhao had a grudge against Bai Xianxian, he would be tied to her.

  Fu Yunhao looked at Bai Xianxian bewitchingly.

   "Xianxian, I was just joking when I said that to you at the Su family. Think about it, I was only with Su Qinghuan for the sake of the Su family's property. Otherwise, why would I take you to the Su family to absorb the spiritual energy?"

   "You don't know enough about the human world. You can't even change a piece of clothing that covers your body. Otherwise, how could you run back to my apartment? You cooperate with me, and I'll take you to the museum to absorb more antique aura."

   Bai Xianxian felt chills when she saw Fu Yunhao like that. She could see through Fu Yunhao's true face in her heart, but when Fu Yunhao mentioned the aura, Bai Xianxian couldn't help but be moved.

   She really lacks aura.

   And Fu Yunhao is the only person in the world who has seen her transform from her real body. If she finds a breeder to contact her, she will waste more time, and the other person may not be better than Fu Yunhao.

   Now cooperate with Fu Yunhao for a short time. As long as she has enough spiritual energy, what can she do?

   Naturally, he is not afraid of what Fu Yunhao will do.


   Seeing Bai Xianxian's hesitant appearance, Fu Yunhao continued to coax.

   "Xianxian, we are on the side, now you are reshaped, thank me! You don't want to be dissected as a monster, and lie on scientific instruments every day to be studied by others, right?"

  Fu Yunhao threatened while baiting.

"You may not know that my pets have always been monitored. I have kept the evidence that you changed from a ferret to a human. You were still naked at the time. Even if you leave now, you are not afraid of these things flying. all over the world?"

   "You threaten me?"

   Bai Xianxian's pupils widened, and his entire body was ups and downs with anger.

   She was already thinly dressed, and she was only wrapped in a set of Fu Yunhao's men's white T-shirts. She was trembling with her beauty at the moment, but Fu Yunhao looked down and saw a magnificent career line.

  Fu Yunhao had been sober for a long time in order to coax Su Qinghuan. At this moment, seeing such a bewildering beauty, he subconsciously swallowed again, and even suppressed his resentment towards Bai Xianxian.

  The man looked at Bai Xianxian covetously, and continued in a bewitching voice.

"Xianxian, how can this be considered a threat? It's just that the two of us are of different races after all, isn't it good for us to have a little handle on each other? Look, as long as you have aura, you must be much stronger than me, and I always have to protect myself. ?"

"When you have absorbed enough spiritual energy from the museum, you can pretend to be Su Qinghuan with me. By then, the huge property of the Su family will be in the hands of both of us, and you and I will live a life of superiority. ,Is it not good?"

"You may think that the Su family's money is nothing special, but for ancient paintings with aura like just now, the Su family has a lot of baskets, and you can continue to buy antiques with their money, it's not like we go to a museum Much safer?"


   Bai Xianxian actually had this idea originally, but some of Fu Yunhao's actions made Bai Xianxian deeply vigilant.

   "But we are guarding each other now, how do you want me to trust you?"

"It's not that simple? Don't people like you cultivating immortals, like what is written in the novel, can make blood alliances, or make some oaths of heaven or something? We have become a pair, and there is a contract tied, no one can Can't hurt anyone, isn't that bad?"

   "You want to be my Taoist companion?"

   Bai Xianxian was entangled when she heard the words, and being a Taoist companion was far more outrageous than devoting herself to Fu Yunhao.

   Bai Xianxian originally just planned to use her good skin from her transformation to use Fu Yunhao, anyway, even if it was indescribable, she would not suffer.

   There is no essential bond between the two.

   But if you become a Taoist partner recognized by the Tao of Heaven, it means that the two are dependent on each other for good and bad, and are implicated in life and death. Bai Xianxian is still extremely guarded.

   Fu Yunhao saw that Bai Xianxian was so vigilant, and immediately realized that Bai Xianxian really had a way to make the two of them become grasshoppers on a rope.

   Fu Yunhao said immediately.

   "Why, you don't want to? I've broken off with Su Qinghuan now. Isn't it justifiable for you to be with me? Do you want to find another man to help you? But there are not many people who are as receptive as me."

   "If others knew you were a ferret, how many would not be afraid?"


   What Fu Yunhao said also makes sense. The most important thing is that Bai Xianxian is also weak now, and she urgently needs aura to help herself.

   The previous trip to the Su family villa, if it wasn't for Su Qinghuan's obstruction, Bai Xianxian absorbed more than the aura of the ancient painting.

   Bai Xianxian gritted her teeth and finally nodded.

   "Okay, then we swear to each other, and we will share weal and woe from now on."

  Fu Yunhao didn't understand what to do, when he saw Bai Xianxian bit her hand, smeared her dripping blood on his lips, and then kissed Fu Yunhao again.

  To be honest, the taste of blood is a bit fishy.

  Fu Yunhao felt Bai Xianxian's sharp canine teeth even when Bai Xianxian opened his mouth.

  Fu Yunhao was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that he was a little different from before, the whole world seemed to be clearer, and there seemed to be an indescribable bond between him and Bai Xianxian.

   "That's it?"

   "It's done. The ceremony of mutual recognition of Taoist companions of our ferret family is not so troublesome for anyone."

"In addition, your physique has changed a little because of my bond with me. You should be able to feel it, and you can feel the spiritual energy in this world like me, but the spiritual energy in the air is too thin, ordinary People can't get it at all."

   Bai Xianxian felt some regrets when she became a Taoist companion with Fu Yunhao, but she had no better choice than Fu Yunhao right now.

  Fu Yunhao widened his eyes in surprise.

   "You mean, I can practice like you?"

  Who doesn't yearn for longevity!

   Compared with money, longevity is what countless emperors and generals dream of!

  Let Su Qinghuan regret it, he is about to become an immortal!

   Those who trampled on him by the Su family must be returned to him a thousandfold!

   (end of this chapter)

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