The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1818: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (70)

   Chapter 1818 Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (70)

   Feeling the water gushing down from the top of his head, Ji Yunhao was stunned.

   He blankly touched the head that was drenched in soup, and glared at Ji Hanchuan after realizing it.

   "Brother, how dare you throw water on my face? You slapped me in the face in public when you were in City A's No. 5 Middle School. Have you ever thought that I also have self-respect!"

   "Self-esteem, do you really know how to write the word self-esteem?"

  The man's eyes were like substantial ice blades, as if he was about to split Ji Yunhao in half.

   "When you and Pei Tianyou's fiancee got together, why didn't you think about self-esteem?"


   Ji Yunhao felt a little wrong when he heard this. In fact, he turned off the phone before and guessed that there were already a lot of rumors outside.

   But even if he knew that he had done something wrong this time, Ji Yunhao still blushed with a hard mouth.

   "I just want to pursue my own love, is it wrong? I have liked Yurou for many years, and I met her earlier than Pei Tianyou."

   "And Yurou is a weak and weak girl, I can't let her marry that vegetative Pei Tianyou, right?!"

   Seeing Ji Yunhao's unrestrained appearance in the waves, Ji Hanchuan felt angry in his heart.

  If Ji Yunhao and he were not brothers with the same father and mother, how could Ji Hanchuan care about such a mess.

   He looked at Ji Yunhao coldly, and then passed by Ji's father and Ji's mother who were silent.

   "Okay, since you haven't admitted your fault yet, I don't think I need to worry about your life or death. If you offend the Pei family, you can solve it yourself."

   "...Isn't it just a Pei family, our family can't afford to offend him."

   Ji Yunhao pouted, not feeling anything in his heart.

   On the other hand, Father Ji got out of anger at once, so he picked up the feather duster and hit Ji Yunhao directly.

   "What nonsense are you talking about? Do you know how many cooperations we have with the Pei family? Now they are suddenly withdrawing, how much cash flow pressure is this!"

   Ji Yunhao was still a little cloudy when he got here, he said stupidly and sweetly.

   "Could it be that our family is still afraid that their family will fail, and if it is only a problem of the capital chain, our family will not have no money."

   Ji Hanchuan stood silently by the side, just sneered.

   Father Ji also felt embarrassed. In fact, the entire Ji Group is basically operated by Ji Hanchuan, but the company's capital account still has a purpose.

   "Yunhao, don't you know that our family has just cooperated with the government on a project worth 100 billion yuan?! Now our cash flow pressure is tight, and we could cooperate with the Pei family to buffer it, but now it's even worse."

   There is a little bit that Father Ji is too embarrassed to say.

   As far as Ji Yunhao's uneasy mouth is concerned, if he continues to promote the style of the high-ranking and wealthy children in the future, I am afraid that their Ji family will suffer backlash sooner or later.

   After thinking about it, Father Ji patted Ji Yunhao on the shoulder again.

   "Yunhao, do you know that disaster comes from your mouth? I heard about your brother beating you at the gate of No. 5 Middle School before. Your brother is saving you and our whole family!"

   Ji Yunhao was angry when he heard these words. In Ji Yunhao's eyes, just because his eldest brother was better than him, he was never the one who had no status and was not favored.

   Ji Yunhao pushed Ji's father away with his eyes splitting, and tears streamed out directly.

   "Dad, what do you mean by that? Could it be that my brother beat me and he did the right thing?!"

   Ji's mother felt very distressed when she saw Ji Yunhao's eyes with tears in her eyes.

   "Ouch, my good son, why are you crying so well?"

   Seeing the anxious look of Ji's mother, Ji Yunhao didn't feel much better, but he still had to move forward.

   "I know that you are all standing here waiting for me today because you want me to apologize to the Pei family. It's not that I can't do that, but I have one request. I want to marry Yurou."

   Ji's parents and Ji's mother were overjoyed when they heard the first half of Ji Yunhao's words, thinking that this little son was finally sensible.

   In the end, when he knew that Ji Yunhao was so rebellious, his blood pressure soared.

   "You want to marry Pei Tianyou's fiancee? Then you apologize to Mrs. Pei, how could others accept it?!"

   Even Ji's mother, who has always been distressed by Ji Yunhao, woke up.

   "Yun Hao, you can't marry that Su Yurou! Think about it, as soon as Pei Tianyou becomes a vegetative person, she will come to hook up with you. This kind of girl can only share wealth and wealth, and not share weal and woe!"

   "And even if you take 10,000 steps back and say that nothing happened to Pei Tianyou, then think about it, you can't be with such a married woman!"

   Seeing that Ji's father and Ji's mother were so opposed, Ji Yunhao was still dazed.

   "Mom and Dad, you don't know Yurou at all. If you really meet her, you will definitely like this girl."

   "And Yurou wanted to marry me, not because Pei Tianyou became a vegetative person and wanted to leave him, but because the engagement was initiated by his father."

   Seeing Ji Yunhao so confused, Ji Hanchuan scoffed on the spot, the man glanced at Ji Yunhao with a half-smile, his eyes full of ridicule.

   "People who don't know still think it's a feudal society now, why, is Su Yurou's father holding a knife around her neck and forcing her to marry Pei Tianyou?"


   Ji Yunhao was agitated for a while when he heard the words, but no one was willing to admit that he was just a spare tire, he blushed and argued with a thick neck.

   "Could it be that Yurou is too filial and needs to be pointed at me? I'm not convinced!"

   Ji Yunhao glared angrily at Ji Hanchuan and Ji's father and Ji's mother, and then suddenly turned and ran away angrily.

   Seeing Ji Yunhao's stance of running away from home, Ji's father and Ji's mother's eyes widened instantly.

   "This has to stop him!"

   On the contrary, Ji Hanchuan did not change his color.

   "Don't worry about it, who can stop him, can you stop his heart? Mom and Dad, just keep the household registration at home and don't let him get the certificate."

   "Of course, in a situation like Ji Yunhao's unreliable right now, even if he doesn't get a license to get married, maybe he will make a grandson for you."


   Mother Ji was so angry that she almost fainted.

   "God **** it, what is this all about!"

   The cool road of Ji Hanchuan.

   "It's not difficult to solve this matter. You have stopped all Ji Yunhao's cards. He will become a pauper and will come back obediently."

   Ji's mother clutched her chest. She didn't want to be so cruel to Ji Yunhao, but she was pressed by Ji's father, so she finally agreed.


  The little fox heard the Ji family's situation from the system 233.

   She didn't like Ji Yunhao in the first place. The original owner could have died indirectly because of him.

  The little fox gloated.

   "Tong'er, is Ji Yunhao living on the streets now? He should live with Su Yurou, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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