The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1819: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (71)

   Chapter 1819 Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (71)

   Although the little fox didn't have much contact with Ji Yunhao, he still knew quite a bit about the boy's temperament.

   Don't look at Ji Yunhao's mouth shouting that he wants to marry Su Yurou, and even promised to have a child with Su Yurou to give her a guarantee.

   But in fact, Ji Yunhao never dared to take responsibility. He is a stern and inward-looking master. He only dares to be arrogant to the inside.

   Now all of Ji Yunhao's good life comes from Ji's family, and others respect him a little bit, just because Ji Yunhao is the second son of Ji's family, and others don't want to offend Ji's group.

   But Ji Hanchuan is completely different from Ji Yunhao. Even if Ji Hanchuan is separated from the eldest young master of the Ji family, the little fox believes that he can still make a breakthrough for himself.


  Thinking of this, the little fox felt a little sympathetic to Ji Hanchuan.

   "The person in charge of cleaning up Ji Yunhao's mess now is Ji Hanchuan, isn't he? Tsk tsk tsk, it's unlucky for him to meet such an incompetent younger brother."

  System 233 also has ties to hear the words.

   "Yeah, who made Ji's family on the cusp now, and you don't know that Ji Hanchuan's mother is very doting on Ji Yunhao's young son."

   The little fox taunted the corners of his lips.

   "What's the use of coddling again? Didn't you make Ji Yunhao such a waste?"

  Su Qinghuan said, a meaningful smile appeared in his eyes.

   "Tong'er, you said that if Ji Hanchuan was really ruthless, when Ji Yunhao was on the street, would Su Yurou still have a good life with him?"

   System 233 is also interested in this question, but System 233 thinks of a more practical possibility.

   "Host, I think Su Yurou must have come for Ji Yunhao's money. You wouldn't say that Su Yurou really loves Ji Yunhao, right?"

   "However, Su Yurou will definitely take a gamble at that time. After all, if he is pregnant with Ji Yunhao's child, Ji's parents and Ji's mother may soften their hearts and let her come in and be the second daughter-in-law of Ji's family?"

   "Pfft, then I want to see how long Su Yurou can stay low like this."

   The little fox raised his eyebrows mockingly.

   "After all, now Su Yaohua has offended the Ji family and the Pei family. The cooperation between the Ji family and them has long been terminated. The Pei family is also looking for trouble with Su Yaohua. I don't know how long the Su family can last."

  If the original owner, the scumbag, can close the door earlier, the little fox would be happy to buy two strings of firecrackers to celebrate.


   As the little fox expected, as soon as Ji Yunhao walked out of Ji's Chinese-style courtyard, he quickly called Su Yurou.

   "Yurou, I was kicked out of my house, can I live with you?"


  20 minutes later, Ji Yunhao came to Su Yurou's house.

   Ji Yunhao imagined that the warm hospitality of the Su family did not appear at all, only Su Yurou was waiting for him with red eyes.

  Because now the Pei family and Ji family have canceled their cooperation with the Su family, the Su family is in the throes of turmoil, and Su Yaohua is also angry everywhere outside, so there is no time to receive this kid.

   Ji Yunhao felt very distressed when he saw Su Yurou who was aggrieved.

   "Who bullied you, Yurou? Why are you crying again? Weren't you alright when we were in the hotel?"

  Su Yurou bit the corner of her lips, and immediately sent Ji Yunhao the news of the class group and various circles of friends.

   "Brother Yunhao, we both graduated from Shenghua High School, but you see people in the school actually say that about our love."

  Because the Ji family has a big business, everyone dared not name Su Yurou and Ji Yunhao by name, but this kind of gossip happened right after the college entrance examination, and everyone still had a hot discussion in private.

   Ji Yunhao was so angry that he blushed and had a thick neck when he saw the unsightly words on the screen.

   "Yurou, don't be afraid, we have graduated anyway, and we won't be attending the graduation ceremony. I will definitely protect you."

   "By the way, why aren't your parents at home?"

   Ji Yunhao had also been a guest at the Su family before. At that time, Su Yaohua and Wu Chunfang completely treated Ji Yunhao as an ancestor, and they were very attentive.

   At this moment, Su Yurou was crying and mournful here, she didn't even pour a cup of hot tea for Ji Yunhao, Ji Yunhao still had some subtle sense of gap in his heart.


  Su Yurou glanced at Ji Yunhao resentfully, but thinking of her current situation, there was nothing else she could do except bet on Ji Yunhao.

   "It's not because of the two of us that the Pei family is deliberately suppressing the Su Group. Many small companies that my father cooperates with also avoid our family's business."

   "Now the company's cash flow is broken, I am really afraid that our family's business can't continue."

   Ji Yunhao was filled with righteous indignation when he heard this.

   "Why is the Pei family so arrogant? Yurou, don't cry, I'll call the shots for you."

   Su Yurou's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she quickly grabbed Ji Minghao's arm with hope.

   "Yunhao, can you please ask your parents to resume our cooperation with Ji's Group. If Ji's family came forward to help, our family's current situation will definitely be much better."

   Ji Yunhao couldn't hang up on the spot, he was in a dilemma.

   "But I was just kicked out by my parents, and I don't think my parents will treat me well in a short time."

   Seeing Su Yurou's face turning pale, Ji Yunhao felt extremely distressed, he quickly held Su Yurou's face and kissed it gently.

   "Don't be sad, Yurou, maybe my parents' anger will subside in a few days, and things will turn around?"

   As he spoke, Ji Yunhao's stomach began to rumble.

   They hadn't eaten anything in the hotel before, so they were busy with indescribable darkness.

   "Yurou, do you have anything to eat?"

  Because the current situation of the Su family is embattled and the financial pressure is too great, even the nanny of Su Yaohua's family has been dismissed, so Su Yurou can only be embarrassed.

   "It's too late, it's not easy to order takeout, can I cook you some instant noodles?"

  Su Yurou really does not touch the spring water with her ten fingers. Her so-called bubble noodles are really just boiled water for a while.

   Ji Yunhao's eyes showed obvious disgust, but when he thought that this was made by his sweetheart, Ji Yunhao still pinched his nose and ate it.

   When it was time to wash and fall asleep, Ji Yunhao disliked that the toiletries at home were not high enough, and then all kinds of mattresses and sheets were not imported silk from Italy, and even disliked that the decoration of Su's house was too low.

  Su Yurou didn't expect Ji Yunhao to be so particular about her mother-in-law, but in order to take care of the overall situation, she pinched her nose and endured it.

   "Yunhao, I've wronged you, why don't we go to the home improvement market tomorrow to buy some new products?"

   (end of this chapter)

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