The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1846: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (98)

   Chapter 1846 The female cannon fodder married to a wealthy family (98)

   Hearing the suggestion of the group of friends, Pei Tianyou was stunned.

   Of course, what the other party said was malicious and easy to imagine.

   Although Pei Tianyou had hooked up with many little girls before, but because he was tall, rich and handsome, no one rejected him at all.

   Before, Pei Tianyou didn't need to choose such a strong and malicious means.

  It's just now...

   Pei Tianyou recalled Su Qinghuan's body and appearance, especially the face that was as bright as a peach and plum but as cold as frost, which was obviously very attractive, but always had a look of refusal from thousands of miles away, which made people feel itchy and scratched.

   Pei Tianyou couldn't help swallowing, and said fiercely.

   "It's her who refuses first, so don't blame me for being unrighteous. Well, then you can give me more material and see how I deal with her!"

   Those fox friends heard that Pei Tianyou was moved, so they couldn't help but flatteringly suggested.

   "Young Master Pei, are you not ruthless enough to take revenge by yourself? Why don't you add some of your brothers to it when you get tired of it? How about it?"

  Although I only saw a few photos and interview reports, those friends were still a little confused.

   I don't know how many beautiful girls in this world, but those who can get the top score in the national college entrance examination will always have some god-like halo bonuses.

  Who wouldn't want to have such a record?


   Pei Tianyou didn't expect that these people were also attracted to Su Qinghuan. He originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought of Su Qinghuan's solitary appearance, Pei Tianyou felt unhappy in his heart.

   "Okay, let's talk about it when I'm tired, it depends on your performance."

   "Young Master Pei is the most generous, how dare we offend you."

   Everyone smiled tacitly, so it was a new round of cups and cups.


   And the little fox didn't know it yet, Pei Tianyou was so full that he even thought about planning this kind of conspiracy to deal with her.

   One month of dark wind and high night, Ji Hanchuan happened to be going on a business trip abroad. Although the little fox was a little reluctant, it was impossible to always tie Ji Hanchuan to her side.

   And Pei Tianyou has already investigated the situation long ago.

   After the last evening class, the little fox was ready to go home.

   She is also very simple to travel now, because the distance between the newly moved house and Imperial College is not too far, so the little fox is going to ride a shared bicycle directly.

   Just as Su Qinghuan was about to go to the carport to unlock a car, he suddenly felt a small sound of footsteps following behind him.

  Although there is no strong murderous aura, the strange feeling still makes the scalp numb.

  The five senses of the little fox are far better than those of ordinary people. She glanced calmly at the mirror of the shared motorcycle, and saw a few men in the back sneaking towards her.

   "Yo, Tonger, come to live."

   The corners of the little fox's lips curved slightly, pretending that he didn't see it at all, and continued to hold his mobile phone to unlock the motorcycle.

   "Dip, your car is unlocked."

   Just when the mechanical female sound suddenly appeared in the air, a big hand suddenly hit behind the little fox and wanted to put the sack over her head.

   System 233 subconsciously exclaimed when he saw this scene, not because he was worried about the little fox, but lit a candle for these bastards.

   "Dare to bully my host, it really sucks."

  While System 233 was muttering, the little fox twisted the opponent's head with extreme precision, as if he had eyes on his back, and the sack was stuffed into the opponent's face.

   The remaining gangsters didn't expect Su Qinghuan to be so agile at all, they widened their eyes, thinking it was just a coincidence.

   "Brothers, hurry up, Young Master Pei is still waiting, knock me out this bitch."

   "Master Pei?"

  The little fox opened her pupils, and she hooked the corners of her lips meaningfully.

   "You know Pei Shao is Pei Tianyou, right? I didn't think I'd only seen him twice, and I've already offended him to this point."

   "So what?"

   The big man with the blue dragon tattoo in the lead immediately gave Su Qinghuan a fierce look.

   "It's Pei Tianyou, the young son of the Pei Group. If you are a little acquainted, you should quickly admit defeat. Otherwise, don't blame the brothers for being rude."

   "I'd like to see who's welcome."

   The little fox sneered twice, because of the limited quality of this body, from being weak and lacking in nutrition, in terms of strength, she is definitely no match for these big men, but in terms of fighting skills, no one can be better than her.

   Before the street gangsters could react, the little fox instantly picked up his backpack and smashed it towards the big man in the lead.

  The weight of the backpack is not heavy, but this is just the appetizer.

   The little fox held a homemade pepper spray and sprayed it very calmly at those who rushed over.

   "Ah, my eyes, you stinky bitch—"

   "Don't let us catch you!"

  Those gangsters thought that Su Qinghuan would follow common sense and run away after being sprayed with pepper.

   Who would have thought that the little fox would come up with a lock after their eyes could not see clearly for a while, and kicked them on the shoulder.

   The little fox may not have the greatest strength, but he knows the acupuncture points of the human body very well. It seems that a few strokes, neither too light nor too heavy, are enough to make them feel heartbroken.

   "Ouch, my shoulder—"

   "It hurts, it hurts, auntie stop kicking, I beg for mercy!"

   "Ahhh, it hurts too much! Let me go, I admit defeat!"

   The little fox saw that the gangsters were all starting to hug their heads and roll around on the ground with no image at all. Then she smiled and clapped her hands, and said to them casually.

   "Now that I know begging for mercy, who just said that I want to know how powerful it is?"

   Fortunately, Pei Tianyou, who killed thousands of knives, did not hire some professional people.

   If he is the kind of trainer who really eats the knife and licks his blood, with the little fox's current physical fitness, the little fox may have to find a way to escape.

   "...Auntie I was wrong, we were wrong, please forgive us, we are just outspoken."

   The little fox sneered twice, and broke the opponent's ribs with one unceremonious kick.

   "Shouldn't be ashamed? I don't think so!"

  Because the little fox just made that move, the gangster with the blue dragon tattoo in the lead made a pig-slaughtering cry.

   "Ah, ah, it's going to kill you."

   "Don't worry, I won't ruin my future because of you bastards."

   "Come, tell me clearly, where do you want to take me? What plan does Pei Tianyou have for me?"

  The little fox paused meaningfully, and shook the pepper spray in front of them twice.

   "If I don't tell the truth, I have methods that are more tortured than this. I believe you don't want to try the pain of sprinkling pepper water on the wound, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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