The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1847: Marrying a wealthy female cannon fodder (99)

   Chapter 1847 The female cannon fodder married to a wealthy family (99)

   This kind of street gangster has really been infected with human life, not even murderous.

   At this moment, when they heard that the little fox was going to punish himself with such a TV torture, they were instantly scared.

   "Auntie, please spare our lives, we really didn't want to offend you, we are doing things with money."

   "Why don't you tell me how much money Pei Tianyou gave you?"

The gangster headed by    was frightened and trembling, looking at the clean and beautiful face of the little fox, it was so soft and weak, how could there be a goddess inside?

   "...Ten... One hundred thousand."

   Seeing them shaking like a sieve, and saying these words tremblingly, the corner of the little fox's lips suddenly let out a sneer.

   "You give him your life for such a small amount of money? It's only 10,000 to 20,000 yuan per person, right?"

   "Pei Tianyou can really fool you. Am I, Su Qinghuan, worth so much money?"

   said, the little fox kicked a gangster next to him unceremoniously.


  The gangsters dare not speak out, they have seen the tricks of the little fox before.

   I don't know how this girl did it. She was obviously not very strong, but when she was beaten, it was so painful that she wanted to cry.

  Especially when Su Qinghuan stepped on the rib of their head just now, his actions were merciless, and there was even a smile on his face.

  She looks slender and slender, but she strikes with shocking force. Such a sharp contrast makes them shudder.

   A few scoundrels realized that today's things couldn't be better, so they could only be flattering.

   "Yes yes yes, where can you buy a thousand dollars for your precious body."

   "Don't fool me, tell me where Pei Tianyou and the others have prepared, or don't blame me for being rude."

   The little fox said, a meaningful smile appeared on that cold and beautiful face.

   "I don't know if you have seen the top ten tortures in history in a costume drama? Huanzhugege should have seen it? It happens that I have a little research on these, do you want to try it?"

   If it was another girl who said this, these gangsters would definitely think that the other party was joking.

   But before they were treated so ruthlessly by Su Qinghuan, how could they dare to doubt the truth of what the other party said.

  Especially when the little fox beats people, the pain is terrible. At this moment, the gangsters even wonder if it is because she has studied too deeply, so she has also applied this principle in her life.

   The dignified champion of the national college entrance examination, who would have thought that he would be such a sick girl?

   If they had known earlier, they wouldn't have dared to mess with it.


   A few timid thugs even nearly urinated with fright.

   They were quick to call everything true.

   "Master Pei is waiting for you on the third floor of the Red Rose Private Club. He asked us to put a sack inside, and he seems to have prepared you the kind of wine bought in the black market, ready to get you drunk."

   "The club itself was opened by the Pei family's private investment. For this matter, they closed their business today. I'm afraid there should be three or five people waiting for you in the club."

   What the gangsters said was very clear, but they were afraid of offending Su Qinghuan, so they didn't dare to speak too directly.

   "Pfft, so there is such a great gift waiting for me."

   The little fox's eyes deepened, as if it was soaked in ice, and the coldness of the whole person increased even more.

   "There must be something wrong with that wine. You said that Pei Tianyou and his friends drank this wine and locked them in a room. What would happen?"


  The gangsters never thought that the little fox would come up with such a terrifying solution, they were so frightened that their hairs stood up.

  For straight men, this is simply unacceptable, if not worse than killing them.

   "Why are you looking at me with such terrifying eyes? Isn't what I'm talking about treating others in the same way?"

  The little fox blinked innocently, and the beautiful face was like a crescent moon in the sky, radiant and splendid, astonishingly breathtaking.

   The gangsters missed a beat in their heartbeats, but when they thought about what Su Qinghuan was talking about, they couldn't be surprised.

   And Pei Tianyou is the young son of the Pei Group after all. If something happened to him, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

The gangster with a swollen face like a pig's head, led by   , couldn't help but said.

   "Auntie, why don't you just forget about it. You can beat us now, so why are you still looking for Young Master Pei? If your goal is not achieved, isn't this self-defeating?"

   "Oh, are you caring about me? Or are you caring about Pei Tianyou?"

   The little fox lifted the other's collar with a smile.

   Seeing that incomparably beautiful face so close, the gangsters couldn't produce any joy at all, instead they felt that they were in hell.

   "...I...of course we care about you."

   "Then you don't have to. Don't worry, my aunt has nine lives. If you have this idle heart, you might as well worry about yourself."

   "I have recorded and videotaped all of your actions just now. If you don't want me to stab you and go to jail, then take me to see Pei Tianyou, and I will definitely stop bothering you."


   The little brothers were all obedient by the little fox, and soon took the little fox to the Red Rose private club.

   The thinnest and slender among them also took Su Qinghuan's stand-in and got into the sack.

   When I arrived at the Red Rose Club, which was called by these people, it had already been cleared, and it was quiet everywhere, not even the usual waiters.

   But it is also convenient for the little fox to do business.

   System 233 couldn't help laughing twice.

   "It's so funny, because they were afraid that you would be held accountable later, so the monitoring of the entire Red Rose was also shut down. Isn't this digging a hole for yourself?"

   "People don't think so."

   The little fox smiled slightly, her appearance was originally more beautiful and agile.

   It's just that the gangsters looked at her face and thought about her idea again, but they were completely frightened in their hearts.


   Little Fox winked at the gangster headed.

   "Go and knock on the door."

   The girl's voice was low, but enough for him to hear.

   The gangster gave a bitter face, and finally knocked on the door with a sack in his hand.

   "Young Master Pei, it's me, I brought people to you."

   "How come it's so slow?"

   Pei Tianyou muttered, and was even more dissatisfied in his heart.

   "We were delayed on the way for a while."

   The scoundrel explained tremblingly, because he is usually so cowardly in front of Pei Tianyou, so Pei Tianyou has not thought of any problems.

   The youth smirked smugly.

   "Su Qinghuan, you have been lying in front of me for so long, haven't you fallen into the hands of the young master now?"

   (end of this chapter)

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