The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1897: Country fiancee being teased (40)

   Chapter 1897 The Country Fiancee Who Was Tricked (40)

   Seeing Gu Tianye's disrespectful appearance, Mr. Gu was even more angry.

   Obviously he wasn't such a **** when he was young, including Gu Tianye's father, he was still reluctantly obedient, how did he become so unruly in his grandson's generation?

   Mr. Gu is really getting angry the more he thinks about it, in fact, for a wealthy family like them, there are not as many marriage choices as everyone thinks.

   The first possibility is that some well-matched childhood sweethearts will have a commercial marriage to exchange resources.

   The second is to find a highly educated girl who is gentle and obedient and takes care of the overall situation as a good domestic helper.

   Third, if you can't do all of these, at least you need to know the bottom line, be sensible and filial, and won't be a disservice or transfer the man's family property, right?

   If you marry an unvirtuous wife, you will destroy three generations.

   Since ancient times, marrying wives and virtuous people, concubines and serenity.

   If it is really just to look good or have a hot body to find a woman for entertainment, then there are too many choices for the rich second generation, and you can change ten a week.


   From this aspect, Old Master Gu actually felt sorry for Su Qinghuan.

   After all, there are so many good girls in the world who claim to be kind, but Mr. Gu is the only one who likes Su Qinghuan.

   Mr. Gu had a hunch that if Gu Tianye could spend more time with the little fox, he would definitely not be so disgusted to find such a girl as his wife.

   And the little fox is not ugly originally. When Su Qinghuan dressed up last time, Mr. Gu thought the little girl was very bright. Why should he be so disgusted by his grandson?


   Old Master Gu thought so, he immediately took the dragon-headed cane and knocked on Gu Tianye's back again.

   "You don't have to promise me twice. Relationships are all built up over time. How long has it been since you saw Qinghuan? Hurry up and get in touch with me. The two of you can go out and have fun."


   Seeing that the old man Gu was so anxious to let himself go to please the little fox, Gu Tianye's heart for the little fox was instantly wiped out.

   In fact, Gu Tianye is a very proud and rebellious person. In Gu Tianye's opinion, Su Qinghuan should rush over to please him with his own conditions. Why is this situation reversed?

  The more Gu Tianye thought about it, the more angry he became. He grumbled to Mr. Gu.

   "Okay, I'll find her out to play, but if she herself is unhappy like last time and runs away temporarily, you can't blame me for not taking good care of her, right!?

   "The last time you brought a little girl to a place like the red rose bar, can Qinghuan be happy? Do you think grandpa doesn't know anything?"

   "Why don't you go to a bar? Grandpa, you are too old-fashioned. You can see that you have been with me in Sinian, and you have nothing to do."


   Seeing that Gu Tianye was going to gag and perfunctory facts here, Mr. Gu was about to explode when he heard it.

   Mr. Gu immediately patted Gu Tianye on the head, neither light nor heavy.

"You are still talking nonsense here. If Qing Huan is the kind of girl who can let go, you can take her to the bar to play. She grew up in the country and has a conservative personality. Why do you want to be like this? Woolen cloth?"

   If the little fox knew about this, he would die of laughter.

  Little fox prided herself on being less able to relate to the word conservative and pedantic in her life.

   But the little fox is indeed the same as the original owner, he doesn't like to go to places like bars, because the fish and dragons are mixed, the sound is too noisy, and often when the staff is more complicated, it is easier to encounter some bad things.


   Gu Tianye rolled his eyes when he saw Mr. Gu say this.

   "Xingxingxing, then I won't take her to the bar this time. Didn't you say that Su Qinghuan used to be in the countryside?"

   "Well, grandpa, I'll take her to meet the world, have a cruise party, and let her play and overlook the sea scenery, is that okay?"

   As soon as Mr. Gu saw Gu Tianye's eyes, he felt that he might be holding some bad water in his head.

   Mr. Gu suddenly snorted from his nose.

"Anyway, you have some respect for Qing Huanfang. Even if she decides to chase after you for the sake of grandpa's face this month, you should treat her well. At least after a month, if you really don't like her, then let's talk about it. The divorce thing."

   "If it's at sea, I don't know if Qing Huan is seasick or not. Prepare any seasickness medicine and antiemetic medicine. Don't let the little girl suffer."


   Hearing Old Man Gu's careful instructions, Gu Tianye's jealousy suddenly became irritated, and Gu Tianye gave Old Man Gu a sour look.

"Grandpa, I don't think you care so much about me. What kind of seasickness medicine do you need? When you asked me to go with the troops to camp for training when I was a child, I didn't see you, and you worried about whether I would be bitten by mosquitoes and whether I usually eat it or not. Can I have dinner?"

   "Of course it's different if you are a boy. They are female dolls, so they are naturally a little more delicate."

   Just a village girl, what's so delicate?

  Gu Tianye sneered in his heart.

   And seeing Old Master Gu's naturally biased attitude, Gu Tianye's jealousy towards Su Qinghuan couldn't help but deepen.

   In fact, Mr. Gu treats Gu Tianye very well, and he was completely trained as the male master who will be the master of the family in the future.

   It's just that Gu Tianye has a completely childish mentality, and even at this age, he is very indignant.


  After Mr. Gu left, Gu Tianye casually clicked on WeChat and called Su Qinghuan.

   "Hey, Grandpa asked me to take you out to play this weekend, do you want to go to the cruise party?"

   Little Fox is on his way back to Su's house.

   Hearing Gu Tianye's condescending tone on the phone at this moment, he probably guessed that Mr. Gu had beaten Gu Tianye so much that Gu Tianye's goodwill towards him was cleared again.

   But the little fox is not afraid at all. It is normal for a person like Gu Tianye to go back and forth in favorability, ups and downs.

   It's even possible that Gu Tianye can't tell what he really likes.

   He is so arrogant and self-willed that the center of the world seems to be only himself, with no one else in sight.


   The little fox waited for two seconds, and immediately tested the tunnel with a very happy voice.

   "Amano, are you inviting me out on a date?"


  Who wants to ask the village **** a date?

   Gu Tianye's scalp felt numb when he heard it. He originally wanted to scold Su Qinghuan, a country bumpkin, for not being allowed to call him so affectionately, but the little fox was already excited and shy.

   "Amano, as long as it's you, I'm always free..."

   The female voice on the other end of the phone was soft and timid, as if she had been waiting for Gu Tianye's invitation for a long, long time.

   (end of this chapter)

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