The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1898: Country fiancee being teased (41)

   Chapter 1898 Country fiancee who was teased (41)

   Even if Gu Tianye couldn't see the little fox's face at the moment, he could vaguely imagine the shy and timid look on the girl's face from the little fox's voice.

   The original scolding words were immediately stuck in his throat.

   The young man was in a trance for a while, as if remembering the last time he was in the Gu family's old house.

  —Because he held an umbrella for the little fox, the girl's eyes were full of admiration.


  From childhood to adulthood, there are as many people who have confessed to Gu Tianye as crucian carp crossing the river.

   But those girls often run away crying after being laughed at by Gu Tianye, or they will come back with a shy face in the future, obviously bowing to the Gu family's money bag.

   Even Gu Tianye heard a few girls laugh at him in the corner.

   "Who does that Gu Tianye think he is? If he is not the eldest young master of the Gu family, who would want to please him so eagerly?"

   "Shen Xiaocao is still the best. He is handsome and personable. He can simply fascinate people. Even if the Shen family has no money, I am willing to post it."

   "By the way, do you have any other rich second-generation WeChat? Add a few more groups to pull me, if I can't get to Gu Tianye, I have to find a home quickly."


   At that time, Gu Tianye was half a wall away, but his heart was already cold as ice.

   From a very young age, Gu Tianye realized that his face, as well as his family's money, could actually bring him many unexpected advantages.

   But everyone disliked him for being too domineering and arrogant. Even if he pretended to be like a grandson on the surface, wouldn't he still be cynical behind his back?

   But Shen Sinian is different.

  Gu Tianye will never forget the longing and admiration in the eyes of those girls who are extremely devoted to money discussing Shen Sinian.

  Gu Tianye of course also knows that those girls may not really like Sinian, maybe they just think that Shen Sinian can provide them with the fantasy of being a prince charming.

   But even so, Gu Tianye was still brooding.

   No man would like to be compared by a girl to others, and he is still the loser.

   Even if the object of comparison is Gu Tianye's good brother.


   From then on, Gu Tianye, whenever he encounters girls who have a little crush on him, Gu Tianye brings them to Shen Sinian, intentionally or not.

  I want to see if those girls will be fascinated by Shen Sinian.

   The answer is of course yes.

   Even though some girls don't admit it, their eyes are still subconsciously looking at Shen Sinian, and sometimes their faces are inexplicably red.

   The day-to-day verification made it even harder for Gu Tianye to have a good impression of girls.


   Of course, the little fox also knew about this, but the little fox only felt gloating in his heart.

  Nonsense, what girl would like a man who is mean and mean to her?

   Even if Gu Tianye has the label of Gao Fushuai, the point is that not only does Shen Sinian also have this label, but he even adds a warm and jade-like mask.

  Human nature cannot stand the test in the first place, and Gu Tianye also likes to compare his wickedness to Shen Sinian's gentleness.

   As long as Gu Tianye can respect this fact, he does not have to come up with such a tragic answer every time.

   If Gu Tianye was a girl himself, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so determined to fall in love with such a childish and poisonous man? !


  Gu Tianye is of course unwilling to admit that he has shortcomings. He has always treated himself leniently and disciplined others. .

   And the little fox heard the long silence on the other end of the phone, and the girl asked nervously.

   "What's wrong with you Amano? Why don't you speak? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to come to you or call you the hospital?"


   This woman can't hope for herself, okay?

   With a body as strong as an ox, how could he get sick at every turn?

  Gu Tianye sneered inwardly, but when he heard Su Qinghuan's anxious questioning voice, Gu Tianye couldn't help feeling that this hillbilly seemed to really care about him.

   There was a slight wave in the young man's heart, and even being so concerned by the girl, he had an almost awkward pleasure.

   Even the corners of Gu Tianye's mouth couldn't help turning up, but Gu Tianye didn't want to admit it, but instead scolded Su Qinghuan angrily.

   "You are sick, I am in good health."

   If it were another girl, Gu Tianye might choke to death in one sentence.

   But instead of being angry, the little fox said in surprise on the phone with a smile.

   "That's great, you didn't speak just now. I thought there was something wrong with you. I can rest assured knowing that you are all right."

   The **** the other end of the phone was filled with pure joy, as if she didn't care what Gu Tianye did to her.

   Because of the generosity and tolerance of the little fox, Gu Tianye realized that what he just said seemed a little too hurtful.

   It's just that men have never been a character who likes to apologize. He thought about it before saying arrogantly.

   "We agreed to go to the cruise party on the weekend, remember to come, I will let the driver pick you up at Su's house."

   "Okay, then I will definitely prepare it at home. By the way, will there be anyone else on the cruise besides the two of us?"

   "Isn't this nonsense? How could there be only the two of us on such a big yacht?"

   The little fox didn't seem to hear Gu Tianye's arrogant tone. The girl deliberately wanted to bury a thorn in Gu Tianye's heart, and suddenly said excitedly.

   "That's great, will Big Brother Shen and the others go too? Then I'll go home and check some information first, so as not to embarrass you and Big Brother Shen in time."


  Why does this woman always turn to Shen Sinian when she speaks?

  Although the plan for Shen Sinian to hook up with Su Qinghuan was proposed by Gu Tianye himself, but at this moment, when he heard the girl's ignorance and mentioned Shen Sinian's tone generously, Gu Tianye felt a little sour in his heart.

   "When did you become so familiar with Shen Sinian?"

   "Because Big Brother Shen is very nice, and he also promised to help me come up with ideas to pursue you, so I am very grateful to Big Brother Shen."


   Hearing the girl's shy tone when she said she wanted to pursue her, Gu Tianye suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

  Humph, that's about the same.


  Gu Tianye thought so arrogantly, and suddenly there was a somewhat embarrassed voice from the little fox on the other end of the phone.

   "By the way, Amano, since it's a cruise party, do you have to prepare a swimsuit? I don't have such clothes, do you have any recommendations?"



  Gu Tianye was startled when he heard the words.

  Inexplicably, he made up the appearance of the little fox showing off his figure in a bikini in front of him.

   The young man thought about it, and suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm under his nose.


   He actually got a nosebleed again!

   (end of this chapter)

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